N4: Questions Answered

Discussion in '[Archived]: N4 Rules' started by Mahtamori, Apr 14, 2021.

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  1. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    If you have a question that is not on the list, it may be waiting for an answer. You can find unanswered questions here:

    More important sources of rules and rules related content:
    The latest FAQ is found here: https://downloads.corvusbelli.com/infinity/faq/n4-faq-en-v1-1-1.pdf
    The latest provisional answers can be found here: https://forum.corvusbelli.com/forums/solved-rule-questions.149/
    The latest official answers by CB staff can be found on this forum and you can find them linked in this thread.
    The rulebook is found here: https://downloads.corvusbelli.com/infinity/rules/infinity-rules-en.pdf
    The fireteam rules are found here: https://assets.infinitythegame.net/downloads/annexn4/en/v1.1/annexn4.pdf
    The sectorial fireteam lists are found here: https://assets.infinitythegame.net/downloads/secotrialsn4/all/v1.1/secotrialsn4.zip

    Important information
    These are answers that I want to highlight because they highlight gameplay effects of the rules that are important to the system but not necessarily intuitive, particularly if you've learned N3.

    Important regarding FAQ 1.1.1
    Due to the complicated nature of the Order Expenditure Sequence, please be aware that there is a bit of a bumpy ride with several skills behaving somewhat strangely unless you and your opponent can come to an agreement.

    Important regarding FAQ 1.1

    Due to the changes in how ZoC is measured and in how this is now a known variable for AROs, several answers given by staff are now obsolete. Be aware that answers involving Zone of Control pre-dating 2021-06-15 will be defunct.

    Rules version 2.0 Newly answered

    [Smoke, ARO, mines, drop bears, LOF]
    Question: With the changes to the Order Sequence, can smoke grenades, Drop Bears, and Pitchers be used without LOF to the active trooper, using an ARO from Zone of Control?
    Answer: Place Deployable has LOF as requirement during an ARO. Targetless adds LOF to the active trooper during an ARO.

    [Strategos, Lieutenant order, conversion]
    Question: Can you use Strategos on f.ex. Hector to convert only one of their two LT orders?
    <Please feel free to make a thread for discussion>
    Answer: Yes. Convert any LT orders is what it now says.

    Answers solved by FAQ or rules updates
    This section is temporary. The FAQ is a document maintained by CB themselves and should be the primary source for settling rules disputes. I will attempt to add amendments that are not in the FAQ document in this section.

    [MODs, Bonuses, +1B]
    Question: Can you choose not to use a MOD on a skill (ex: BS Attack (Shock)) or a weapon (ex: Panzerfaust(+1B)) when it is beneficial for you?
    Answer: FAQ: Any MOD that is not explicitly optional are considered to be mandatory and must be used if the situation allows.

    [MODs, Enhanced Reaction, Fireteam, Burst]
    Question: Does Enhanced Reaction (sets ARO burst to 2) stack with Fireteam +1 burst bonus?
    Answer: FAQ: Yes, they stack.

    [Holoprojector, Decoy, Holoecho, Coherency, Deployment, Minelayer]
    Question: Does other skills such as Holoprojector and Decoy work the same way as Minelayer, forcing you to partially reveal their nature by forcing a ZoC measure?
    Answer: FAQ You must measure Coherency, but this measurement is done when opponent is not looking.

    [ARO, Negative MODs, Face to Face, FTF]
    Question: Does negative MODs attached to special skills (e.g. Barid's Trinity(-3)) apply to all of the opponent's rolls or just face to face rolls against the user?
    Answer: FAQ: Negative MODs apply only to face to face unless the rule itself specify otherwise.

    [Frenzy, memory, suppressed skill]
    Question: Does Frenzy activate for a unit that leaves a Fireteam and caused a wound while in said Fireteam?
    Answer: FAQ: No, the Frenzy rule only "remembers" harm caused when not in a Fireteam.

    [Combat Groups, Command Tokens, moving troopers]
    Question: Does unconscious troopers prevent you from using Command Tokens to move units into a "full" combat group?
    Answer: FAQ: Unconscious troopers still occupy a spot in the Combat Group.
    Sepsitored Troopers are not part of any Combat Group.

    [Hidden deployment, conflicting positions]
    Question: How does Hidden Deployment interact with when an enemy moves over the unit's position? Specifically, what about All At Once rule and if the Hidden Deployment's position is occupied, where and how can they reveal?
    Answer: Place the hidden trooper the minimum distance possible and not in base contact with the opponent.

    [Camouflaged, tactical awareness, hidden deployment, combat jump]
    Question: can you use a unit's Tactical Awareness order when it starts the turn in Hidden Deployment or Combat Jump?
    Answer: FAQ. No, since the Trooper is not on the table the order can not be generated and placed next to the trooper.

    [Engineer, repair, remove state]
    Question: What constitutes a "repair" when it comes to Engineer skill and how does removing Unconscious state work?
    Answer: You can repair either 1 STR (or sufficient to remove the UNC state) -or- you can repair states.

    [MOD, Discover, Targeted]
    Question: Does a trooper get +3 MOD to Discover against a re-camouflaged unit in Targeted state?
    Answer: Yes. All MODs for BS Attacks apply to Discover.

    [LOF, Unconscious, Camouflaged, Impersonation]
    Question: Does the LOF of Unconscious (and Shasvasti Embryo) prevent enemy troopers from re-entering Camouflaged or Impersonation states?
    Answer: No. Neither Unconscious nor Disconnected troopers prevent e.g. re-camo

    [BS Attack, template, DTW, order sequence]
    Question: As part of a BS Attack declaration, can you place a teardrop template down before choosing where your shooting from and before picking the target you're shooting at?
    Answer: All Templates have to be placed when you declare the attack, but for Direct Templates you don't need any of the Main Targets to be touching the template on declaration. Main Targets are any Active Trooper. Templates that do not touch Main Targets will be cancelled before applying their effects.

    [ARO, distance estimation]
    Question: Can I declare an ARO regardless of distance so that my hidden deployment lieutenant can reveal?
    Answer: FAQ No. In order to declare an ARO you have to verifiably have an ARO to declare, such as having the opponent's active trooper in your LOF. The rules have been restructured so you don't have to guess if you have an ARO or not (for the vast majority of situations).

    Question: The rules tell us to "measure all zones of control"; can we measure any Zone of Control at that point and can we measure distances not relevant for the order?
    Answer: FAQ The ZoC of the active trooper(s) and any and all of their Repeaters, whether they are hackers or not, can be measured prior to the reactive player declaring their ARO step.

    Question: Does an ability that directly targets an enemy also need to be able to cause a lasting effect on the target for it to be able to cause a face to face roll? E.g. Flash Pulse vs Total Immunity trooper.
    Answer: FAQ Total Immunity only works after the face to face has been resolved.

    Question: Does Panzerfaust (+1B) consume 2 charges of Disposable trait or 1? Ditto Trench Hammer in melee with gang up bonus?
    Answer: FAQ Consumes 1 ammo per 1 burst.

    [Coup de grace, protheion, power-up, monofilament, direct to dead]
    Question: Can you gain Power-Up from Coup De Grace or Monofilament?
    Answer: FAQ Yes, the Protheion user will gain one single Power-Up.

    [States, Equipment, Forward Observer, Unconscious]
    Question: Can Equipment be affected by states? What happens when they're Unconscious?
    Provisional Answer: Equipment can be affected by states and enter states, though the effects of states can still discriminate between whether it affects them or Troopers only.
    FAQ: Deployable equipment are removed from the game when they reach 0 STR and will thus not have an unconscious state.

    [Lieutenant order, LT, NCO, hidden vs private information, lieutenant obfuscation]
    Question: Is the use of the Lieutenant Order as if it is a Regular Order due to NCO private information when it is a Camouflage Marker that uses it?
    FAQ: Any skill that affects trooper activation, whether the activated trooper or a reactive trooper, needs to be declared.


    Answers by official CB staff
    This is the bulk reason for the answers to even be part of the thread. This is here to make it easier to find answers made on the forums. Please see the interim and provisional answers sub-forum for hard-rulings by CB staff for the most correct wording: https://forum.corvusbelli.com/forums/solved-rule-questions.149/

    [Impetuous, unable to declare, skill declaration, Idle]
    Question: There's a few cases when the game breaks. There are no valid skill combinations allowed for any trooper that is Immobilized. There are no valid skill combinations allowed for an Impetuous trooper that is Engaged. Primarily this is due to Immobilized and Impetuous preventing the use of Idle for many/all combinations. Are troopers able to decline declaring a skill during an activation?
    Answer: A Trooper unable to declare a skill will perform Idle.

    [Guard, CC Attack, Multiple participants]
    Question: Can Guard benefit from the "CC with multiple participants" rule?
    Answer: Yes. Multiple combatants do not require the attacker to be Engaged / base contact, only the helping units.

    [ARO, killer hacker, loss of ARO, missed ARO, hacking, hackable target]
    Question: Does a non-hacker grant an ARO to a Killer Hacker? What happens if the non-Hacker is a Holomasked Hacker?
    Provisional Answer: Yes. A Hacker gains an ARO even if they are a Killer Hacker, AROs are any applicable Hacking Program and Reset. Hacking programs get validated after all AROs have been declared.

    [Vaulting, measurements, movement]
    Question: What counts as an obstacle for "moving over obstacles" and how do we tell when such movement ends? Can we chain any number of these movements over obstacles?
    Answer: Moving over an obstacle starts when the unit's base is no longer supported and stops when it is supported again and you check the entire part of that movement for the altitude shifts. If you're using smaller-than-base-size terrain as "stepping stones", it is strongly recommended to discuss treating these as formal stairs with your opponent before you start playing.

    [Movement, terrain, prone, difficult terrain, penalties]
    Question: How does Prone and Difficult Terrain penalties work?
    Answer: Multiplications before additions/subtractions;
    Trooper with 6-2 is 3-1 while prone and 2-0 while prone in terrain
    Trooper with 4-4 is 2-2 while prone and 1-1 while prone in terrain.
    Trooper with 4-4 and Terrain (Multi) is 2-2 while prone and 2,5-2 while prone in terrain

    [Cover, ladder, stairs, ARO, movement]
    Question: Do I get cover while climbing on a ladder? Can I use BS Attack while on a ladder?
    Answer: Yes, using the same logic as if it was horizontal ground.

    [Movement, stationary troopers, 0-0 MOV, Guts rolls]
    Question: Are troopers with MOV 0-0 actually meant to be able to move using failed Guts Rolls?
    Answer: Yes they can, this is either intentional or such low priority that it doesn't matter.

    [Cover, Guts rolls, improve cover, movement]
    Question: When a trooper attempts to improve its cover through Guts movement, is cover measured from the attacker's whole movement path, only the attacker's shooting position, or only the attacker's final position?
    Answer: Guts rolls are part of the Order sequence and as such it is the attacker(s)' LOF through the order that you need to get out of, not just the spot they end their movement in.

    [Stealth, movement, LOF, ARO, CC Attack, Requirements]
    Question: Does Move+Move using Stealth into base contact but outside LOF allow ARO due to opponent getting LOF when Engaged?
    Answer: Yes, there are no provisions for reducing the Engaged trooper's ability to respond in Stealth

    [Cover, Shoot into melee, Engaged, BS Attack]
    Question: If a trooper misses when subject to BS Attack Into A Close Combat rule does the accidental victim get cover and is cover determined by the intended or the accidental victim's position?
    Answer: Yes, cover and ammo type applies.
    Note that which LOF you use to determine cover is an open question.

    [TAG, pilot, dismounting, possession]
    Question: Possessed TAG, but what about the pilot and dismounting?
    Answer: Pilots are supposed to be immune to Possessed state. Neither player should be allowed to dismount the pilot.

    [Impersonation, Discover, IMP-2]
    Question: Can you discover an IMP-2 Marker if you failed against the same trooper's IMP-1 Marker? What about the same trooper's IMP-1 Marker if they re-enter IMP-1?
    Answer: Yes, you can. You are only barred from discovering the very same marker.

    [LOF, close combat, berserk, dodge]
    Question: Can you gain LOF to an enemy you're in silhouette contact with if either or both units are in a zero visibility zone?
    Answer: No. Being in close combat does not grant permission to ignore LOF requirements.

    [Silhouette contact, NWI, Doctor, Engineer, self-healing]
    Question: Are troopers able to use silhouette-to-silhouette (or base to base) contact skills on themselves?
    Answer: Yes, troopers are in contact with their own silhouette.

    [Movement, Move, Super-Jump, Climbing Plus, Climb+, MOV values]
    Question: Both Super-Jump and Move skills tell the player to use the first MOV value. Should the value be depending on whether it is the first or the second movement skill as per the basic rules?
    Answer: (Answer by Koni) Movement skills that uses the unit's MOV values always uses the first MOV value if it is the first such skill declared and always the second value if it is the second skill declared that uses MOV value. E.g. if a Guijia (MOV 6-4, Super-Jump) declare Move and then Jump, it will Move up to 6" and Jump up to 4".


    Answers derived from the rules
    Generally speaking these are the weakest answers and should be considered a guidance to find rules rather than being definitive. Hopefully this should be a small section

    Question: When is Perimeter's obligatory ZOC activation measured? What happens if the target is out of range? What if target is out of range but there's a valid target in range?
    Answer: Generally speaking, the Active Trooper's Zone of Control will be measured at each ARO step. For when the Perimeter belongs to the active player it is adviced to use your best effort to replicate this, even if you're not allowed to measure the Perimeter's Zone of Control until the Resolution steps.

    Chain of Command is optional, if my current LT is already in a state that would've triggered Chain of Command and a new such state, do I get another chance to activate Chain of Command? E.g. LT is isolated, CoC is opted not to be used, LT enters Dead state, CoC is opted to be used.
    Answer: Strictly speaking, yes Chain of Command opportunities can trigger twice in the same turn from the same Lieutenant.

    [guided, mods, specific, ecm]
    Question: When using a template weapon we are told that MODs are derived from the Main Target only by the template rules, how does this interface with troopers who are not the Main Target but have special skills that apply a MOD to their enemy; f.ex. CC Attack (-3) or Guided (-6)?
    Answer: Strictly speaking, the rules for template attacks do specify that you use MODs for the main target only.

    [Dodge, movement, difficult terrain, terrain, guts]
    Question: How does Dodge and Guts movement work with Difficult Terrain?
    Answer: The movement distances are unchanged. The movements can still be cut short by entering the zone and fully prevented if the Trooper entered contact with the zone during the order.

    [Possession, TAG, Total Control]
    Question: Are TAGs that start without Pilots such as Stigmata immune to Total Control?
    <Please feel free to make a thread for discussion>
    Answer: Yes. The caveat for the pilot to be inside only applies if the pilot is available.
    #1 Mahtamori, Apr 14, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2023
    Chaserabinov, Jumara, Knauf and 11 others like this.
  2. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    As with the questions thread: if you spot that I've made an error or if my answer summary appears incorrect - let me know and I'll fix it.
    That also applies to any bias, I don't want this or the other thread coloured by my own bias, so let me know if you find something that may be guided by bias.

    Also, like the other thread, this is not a place to ask questions about rules, please go to the threads linked and post them there. Keep questions about the list itself, please.
  3. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Added SymbioMate answer. Also bumping this because I'll no longer maintain a double in the unanswered thread

    Edit: Bumped it back as official status of that ruling officially denied
    #3 Mahtamori, May 10, 2021
    Last edited: May 10, 2021
    inane.imp likes this.
  4. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The list grows!

    Let me know if you spot outdated answers! I'm still kind of editing, but don't let that hinder you
  5. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The following interim rulings should still be correct:


    The following interim rulings are FAQ entries since FAQ 1.0

    @psychoticstorm please correct me if I'm wrong, and you guys might already be working on it, but the following interim rulings should be obsolete?


    Updated for FAQ 1.1.1, this entry is now obsolete

    @ijw or @HellLois
    The following needs to be updated:
    - Has several different rulings.
    - Do we still need to have Base to Base at moment of declaring CC Attack?

    - FAQ has removed Unconscious State as applying to Deployables.
    - Does for example Isolated still apply?
    #5 Mahtamori, Jun 15, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2021
    Willen, Robock and QueensGambit like this.
  6. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Ill check to see what needs to be removed thanks.
    Mahtamori likes this.
  7. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Rather than delete the threads could you edit them to clarify the information is outdated? Having a history of changes is useful for when we need to explain rules to another player who may not be up to date.

    For example rather than trying to break down complicated timing steps to order expenditure and AROs it's easier to just link an interim rules thread that's been listed as superseded and point out it was changed.
  8. Red Harvest

    Red Harvest Day in, Day out. Day in, Day out. Day in, DAY OUT

    Nov 23, 2017
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    What Triumph said. And I'll add that In lieu of deletion, lock the threads and add [Answered in FAQ x.x] to the title. This is the usual way of doing things in many parts of the 'net.
  9. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I will see if an "archive" subforum can be created.
    Alfy, Dragonstriker, xagroth and 2 others like this.
  10. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I have added a few recent official answers to the list and done a small effort in keeping it up to date. If you spot anything that's clearly out of date please let me know.
    Tanan, Kumatake81 and burlesford like this.
  11. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Thread has been updated and should now be concurrent with FAQ 1.2, IJW's clarifications and IJW's follow-up clarifications as of, to the best of my ability, what I can find on 2022-02-15.
    Let me know if you spot mistakes or bias!
    Alfy likes this.
  12. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Updated to 1.3.

    Note that I have not quite parsed the old answers and that there are one or two FAQ entries that are not compatible with each other that CB needs to solve. I recommend that you try and apply the most recent answer over older answers if there is a conflict. Let me know if there is something that I missed or some old answers that's been answered by old FAQs that I should remove.

    Note: This is not a change log, this is about tracking stuff that's been asked often or loudly by the community and letting them come to a closure.
    Qwerinaga, Knauf and Nuada Airgetlam like this.
  13. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Thank you for doing this work!
    Mahtamori likes this.
  14. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Update work for v2 rules in progress.
    Note that this may not be completed in several days as it would include revisiting old done and dusted answers!
    burlesford likes this.
  15. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Thanks for your hard work.
  16. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    This should be fairly reliable now. I have removed a few answers that I consider to be old enough that they are no longer needed. This list is not meant to be an FAQ on its own, after all, it is primarily meant to highlight important FAQ entries and to keep track of official forum answers. I feel like I have a bit too many FAQ entries as it is - happy to take input on if the list is useful, crowded or sparse!
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