Added the set of question regarding blast focus/smoke going downward :
I think you can add the following question : Q : Do MediKits, Forward Observer, Discover, Deactivators and Minesweepers get the Burst Support Bonus granted by a Fireteam? Can they be used with Triangulated Fire? Answer: 1) Yes, because a previous FAQ said No and the FAQ 1.7 stroke out the question/answer. 2) Unknown, because the FAQ 1.7 retracted their answer and now it is an unresolved question. I'd link the thread, but the debate thread that originated after the initial FAQ was closed and I'm not sure if we had a thread in this forum debating the question before it appear in the FAQ.
Question: Does a Designated Target has an unconscious state and can the model be healed by a friendly trooper (since it is a neutral HVT for this purpose)?
The Designated Target has unconscious state but can't be healed since it is a neutral trooper and you can heal only friendly troopers.
true. i guess they worded like it to mean Can you do a Triangulated Fire using a FO/Discover/etc rather than the usual Triangulated Fire with a Combi Riffle ?
I don't see why you couldn't. Surprise triangulated fire is a thing after all. But since Discover doesn't have the BS attack label, you can cross out this one of the list.
From what I remember this was asked and answered in the ITS FAQ thread @Robock : can you open a new thread for your question ?
here it is. it will avoid me and ayadan discussing it in your list thread :)
Unfortunately, it has not been answered till today. The only statement considering this is this one:
Added 3 new questions : - Hidden deployement : can they use their Tactical Awareness order - TO downgrading as camo : do you get a -3 or -6 modifier to shoot them - Riotstopper vs camouflage : does it break the marker state (I missed @toadchild pigging me on this, sorry) Did I miss any unsolved topic ? I haven't had much time to follow everything recently
Thread: Old questions regarding Holoprojector L3 (and L2 for the second question). The Holoechoes copy the Silhouette, Movement characteristic, ARO, Markers (Prone, Unloaded), Hackable trait of the actual Trooper. Q1: Do the Holoechoes replicate the CH Special skill or ODD Equipement of the Trooper ? Answer : 1) Yes. 2) No. 3) Yes, but only until the Resolution Phase (ex : you tell your opponent that the Holoecho has -6 modifier ; but if he declares Discover or BS Attack, you tell him there’s no modifier). Q2: Do the Holoechoes replicate the Stealth Special skill of the Trooper ? Answer: 1) Yes, if the actual Trooper uses it. 2) No, even if the actual Trooper uses it.
Sorry, your suggested answers do not match what would happen. For both questions: Your opponent will only know what you are projecting. However, you can not use any abilities that your projecting trooper do not have. If you have a non-Stealth Holo trooper pretending to be a Martial Arts trooper, you can say you are not using Stealth when moving (it is optional) and your opponent will be none the wiser. If your projecting trooper is a hacker and enters (or gets entered into) hacking area with one of the echoes, your opponent will find out that echo is hackable (but not that it is a an Echo or the hacker itself) So. Kanren KHD pretending to be a Le Muet will tell your opponent they have ODD, but will not get the MOD from it if shot at. If that Kanren enters into the Repeater of a Pathfinder and your opponent have any revealed Hackers you must inform them that it is a unit with a Hacking Device of some sort. Even though Le Muet doesn't have Stealth, Kanren can still use it because Kanren have Stealth, making your opponent very suspicious. If the same Kanren is pretending to be a bunch of Celestial Guards with Combi Rifles and your opponent's Gangbuster KHD enters ZoC with one of them, you tell that Gangbuster that this Celestial Guard actually has a Hacking Device that they can't see, but you don't have to tell him it is a fake Echo, just decline to ARO and watch him waste skill declarations.
I think on the contrary that these questions still didn't have a clear answer. Here I do not talk about, let's say, Patroclus in Achilles disguise. I talk about Patroclus ODD and his two Holoechos. Q1: 1) The Holoechoes replicate everything, including ODD: -6 to shoot a them. 2) The Holoechoes do not replicate ODD: OK, but why do they replicate some things and not the others... 3) The Holoechoes replicate ODD until they are the target of Discover or BS Attack: then you have to tell your opponent that it isn't the case (no -6 modifier). Q2: 1) Patroclus and/or his Holoechoes move into ZoC and out of LoF, and you say he is using Stealth: no ARO; 2) Patroclus and his Holoechoes move into ZoC and out of LoF, and you say he is using Stealth: Patroclus do not grant ARO, but the Holoechoes do. You could then force the enemy to ARO to the Holoecho on the first Short Skill, then do something else with Patroclus (freely move in LoF, go in BtB contact,...). I hope this is clearer. ;-)
Ah, I see. I think I can still answer these ones, but the specific case of Holo3 does deserve official clarification since my answers below are going to be complicated and require additional analysis. Q1 - 2, does not replicate owning trooper's equipment. Holoechoes are not troopers and they do not carry any equipment and have no skills. This is not explicit in the rules, but you need to keep in mind that for something to have a skill the rules must say they do - it does not need to exclude what it doesn't have. If my memory serves, the presence or lack of ODD will not be known until the echo is actually hit. A clear miss won't reveal the lack of ODD MODs. I'm not certain about this one, though! Q2 - 1, echoes will use stealth. Holoechoes might not have Stealth because they are equipment, but they will declare and execute exactly the skills that Patroclus declares. This is not so much clear in the rules, but a mechanical necessity for Holoechoes to function at all.