Bit of a tip with Tanko and to a lesser effect, Domaru. Always end your turn thinking they are going to make an impetuous move. Its a solid link team but when it breaks Tanko's will start running off by themselves and will lose the ability to use cover, as will Domaru's when they start killing. Tankos and Domaru are nearly half the price of other HI. Its feasible to fit in a spare body to re-form the link team. If you have a spare Tanko it can follow behind using its impetuous order, then re-form when you start to take casualties. The Domaru/Tanko team can be really powerful, but its more delicate than you think. Some filthy tactics include: Using B2 E/M grenades speculative to nuke hacking equipment and tokens. Using a spare order to put a link leader in a safe place but leaving the Missile Launcher or Contender to ARO B2 (if either die it wont break the team) Taking the link team without the Spitfire.... but with the O-Yori and Myamoto Musashi (or spare Tanko) for GLORIOUS 7 SAMURAI LIST! Seriously its so much fun. Die with honour friend.
That's brilliant! I mean... it seems kinda obvious when pointed out, but I just tunneled vision so hard for that +3 MOD that I may have forgone certain other advantages of having a smaller team. I'll try this out as well. I'm so glad I opened this thread, got 2 awesome lists to try out and a new perspective on list building...How about that?! LOL, this is why you never crit...
The tactical use of a Command Token to reform the link has no particular timing, so you can reform the link before you count the orders, thus keeping them regular. At least that's what I think... But Tankos have only AVA 3, so you need to start with 3 Domarus and 2 Tankos in the link to have one impetuous Tanko available as backup.
Pretty much everything @Abrilete said. A full team of five heavy infantry is very nice, but very expensive, regardless of which faction they come from, and given the absurd cost of the only specialist profile the Domaru have, it's pretty safe to say that their only job is killing things, and even if I lose out on the four and five member fireteam bonus, a three member heavy infantry team is still pretty good at killing things, and it leaves enough points for the Karakuri + Domaru haris, and enough Keisotsu and Kempai to assemble a full 5 strong core link when the Domaru + Tanko team inevitably dies, plus a chain of command guy, so you can play the entire list super aggressively in any situation. Ok, every situation that doesn't require a TAG for mission scoring, so, like 94.3% of all situations.
Just means you need to find a way to stuff a Daiyokai into the list (which scores like a TAG in ITS11)