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Poll Results: Which sectorials will be released at Gencon!
Members who voted for 'Tartary Army Korps (Kazaks/Russians) - Ariadna'
- AdmiralJCJF
- Icchan
- tdc
- Stiopa
- gamma ray
- asperon
- k_d_v
- PauloCavalcanti
- Keyrott
- Aldo
- Cothel
- Guardian
- Audun54
- xagroth
- chaos11
- ArTrodes
- berynius
- Madmac37
- Valmiir
- colbrook
- choponet
- Kreslack
- boquepasha
- elvedril
- Melchior
- Chargerse67
- Abrilete
- Arkhos94
- Manfred_VR
- Shingen
- yojamesbo
- Jumara
- itsuncertainwho
- zapp
- copinanaki
- ZlaKhon
- PreacherSaul
- cazboab
- Guadaja
- wayton
- Vakarian
- Gunmage
- Solar
- themadcelt
- Graves
- Ojakoo667
- Del S
- bladerunner_35
- Contaminator
- Bobblehead
- Xeurian
- kinginyellow
- Poncho
- Shiwen
- CrisisProject
- Aemaru
- Rizzy
- Elfspeaker
- TanakoSkyler22
- Fathoym
- Furiat
- jmmelo
- fatherboxx
- Splod
- Brawler
- inane.imp
- FreezeZ
- bloodw4ke
- FishKing
- Meidjur
- RomeoWhiskey
- holycannoli
- Santathematic
- nehemiah
- Daek13
- entropolous
77 total votes.