I got fingers crossed for TAK. I'd like to think that the upcoming HMG vet kazak is a sign that a potential army box will have the T2/AP rifle variant. Much like the scots mormaer have their HMG as a single pack and the T2 as the army box model. I'd like to see the high tech low tech contrast of Vedic vs Kazaks. And that enough time has passed for aleph to star in a duo box with another faction. Also if the big summer campaign is going to be on Dawn I'd like to think they'll get a major release. Would kinda seem like a hugely missed opportunity not to release them around that time.
there s THREE more sectoral this year!! :) 2 of which will be in a two player box 2 are already named as Vedic and Varuna now try and fit in RTF ;)
Was this confirmed at the seminar or is this wish listing? Also my comment about the 300pt box stands!
Vedic varuna and 5 sectoral (releases) (along with tunguska) were confirmed at Cancon. 2 player box at gencon was heavily hinted at cancon too. given that pan O are already part of a two player box (and clearly there won't be a re release of icestorm with tunguska and varuna) that places varuna in Q4. The only other factions that could be in a 2player box are then combined (confirmed not till 2019), tohaa (confirmed not this year) and ariadna. ergo, really doubt we'll see RTF (or Imperial /invincible Army) this year. Varuna could be a 300 point box including resculpt TAG. but that said, starters aren't meant to be in 300 point boxes, so they might just get a release like tunguska
I agree that RTF won't be in the two player box but I think taking it for granted Varuna is this year is unwise. CB confirmed Varuna in the next book and as the next pano sectorial That's not locking it into this year. There's definitely going to be a new 300 box this year right? The 300 boxes are almost always consisting of existing stuff. Maybe 1 new sculpt? That fits the bill for RTF, IA and maybe the other factions (which I pay less attention to). Varuna doesn't have enough exclusive models or now to fit that bill IMO. Fusilier link in the box is pretty unlikely which immediately rules it out. The links in the boxes so far have usually been special to the sectorial more or less (dunno enough about CA though ). But even with a fusilier link, you'd struggle to make 300 pts with the current releases unless you include the cutter and bring in rems and stuff. So yeah unless the Varuna box is the first we'll see of a kamau fireteam, I rule it out. Happy to be wrong however as anything that benefits my primary faction is a bonus for me XD
Varuna is already confirmed for this year ;) (stated at Cancon - and in the first line of the post you quoted ;) )
TAK will be coming out this year. The other two are likely Veruna,and Vedic. I have heard Shasvastii will start getting a few new models by the end of the year, but not a full redo this year. IA is supposed to get closed battle lists, but the full sectorial is not likely this year.
Voting for Vedic! gI'm pretty sure they will be a Gencon release this year. I'm interested in Varuna get their sectorial and looking forward to see the new miniatures as I like their color scheme.
There are 3 release dates but 4 released sectorial (so likely 2 sectorial released at once in the 2 player box). I agree with TAK, Varuna and Vedic but don't forget Tunguska. With their starter going out in June, they are likely to have their list release.
Tunguska are being released in june - with the list and all... And this poll was regarding the June release (which was revealed at adepticon) :)
Same problem here. I event went to the old forum to look for a June thread name to re-use it but couldn't find one [June] Tunhuska summer is in the air ?