add minelayer to your spec ops, add him to your list and then click on the weapons list – you should have Antipersonel mines
I think it was a bad decision by CB to give all NA2 armies the same spec-ops tables. JSA should have Yu Jing tables and Spiral should have the Tohaa tables.
Still seems odd that YJ can get MA4 (and for 2XP!). Though you can still give JSA the evil combo of MA3 and NBW (both 2XP).
For the campaign fluff wise it takes place before the Uprising and as such JSA should actually be sectorial of Yu Jing and take from their list of stuff.
Yes, the Paradiso campaign is before the Uprising, but it makes sense that the general SpecOps rules would have the post-Uprising options. If I was running a Paradiso campaign I'd allow JSA to use the YJ options, but if the campaign was not explicitly pre-Uprising I'd use the NA2 options.
Tried a sniper with bs12 and in a 5 man fireteam did a number on my Tohaa opponent. Linked with 3 keisotsu and a Kempei MSVC2 shock rifle, got nice coverage of ranges. Limit firelanes to start with then stay back if possible whilst bringing the kempei forward (up to 16" forward potentially). Having enjoyed sniper rifle in Ikari I can put this spec-ops to good use.
Yeah, I'm a bit annoyed by some of the changes in Uprising. I had just gotten my conversions done for my Zanshi and Keisotsu snipers (built off of the Celestial Guard sniper) when a K Sniper was no longer legal... May use that as a SpecOps instead.