I don't think it's supposed to be Section 9 in it's entirety. Just a reference in name and mini design. It's not like the SMG profile is really the Major in the rules (not an Lhost, not a hacker etc). Tbh if you want to play Section 9 in the rules, you want ALEPH.
Depends on what configuration of troops you're doing. Vanilla YJ can do it too, and I've already ranted about how JSA cannot make a decent "Public Security Section 9" list.
Yeah, CB definitely went with an homage to Section-9... Not a re-creation of them as an org. I like having the look of Kusanagi among the Ryuken-9, one of my favorite units, but I definitely don't need CB to go crazy mirroring Ghost in the Shell.
Personally if I was to add to them? I'd have an ODD and Advanced Deployment L2 profile with a Boarding Shotgun and Assault Hacking Device. Feels like a profile that'd suit. Although with Minelayer, it'd be very strong, need to be 1 SWC
I'd rather give one a G:servant with MK12 or Nanopulser and a multi-rifle+LNimbusGL to serve as a support/backup Ryuken. Gives you a long range attacker, a midfield skirmisher, and a backfield support and deployment zone defender. I think they didn't give the unit a specialist profile for a reason.
Well, if we're going to continue the GitS expy, Boma falls in as an SMG/ODD option, because that profile has D-charges. Really wish that a supposed 'special ops team' had specialist profiles. Honestly, the closest counterpart to a modern specops team is the Wildcats.
I like Bagh-Mari for this reason too. They may be in the "jungle fighter" Sectorial, but with that Boarding Shotgun/d-charge profile, as well as a huge number of Terrain proficiencies, I get the sense they see a lot of diverse action. For Ryuken-9, the lack of Specialist is thematically weird, but I understand CB not wanting to overwrite the Ninja. If it helps at all, the Ryuken-9 is a very good candidate for Datatracker, something that's very valuable in this season, so at least thematically they're still performing a valuable tactical role.
I would love to see a AD Ryuken, could come with a boarding shotgun or maybe even a Combi + flamethrower. It would be cool to see a Ryuken with smoke grenades to give JSA more smoke options JSA has no AD at the moment but would be an interesting feel.