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Future Ryuken Profiles

Discussion in 'Japanese Secessionist Army' started by SKOZZOKONZ, Apr 19, 2018.

  1. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Tomcats? Well, unless they light your ninja on fire, you're still at -6 to -9, and your ninja should be using a pistol at 14s.
  2. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    No, two Intruder HMGs. They kill Ninjas gooood and Ninjas are bad at handling marker state.
  3. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Yeah, Intruder HMGs will put paid to just about anything, not just Ninjas. I wouldn't even want to send a TAG against an Intruder HMG.
    Abrilete likes this.
  4. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    For me sadly the BS11 kills the ninja sniper. Sure it's tough to kill with all it's mods, but in the end I want to be the one doing the killing with a sniper, not the one surviving the killing of the other guy...and with hitting on 11s (since your target will most likely be in cover) or even worse if your target has any mods on his side, simply doesn't cut it...I fail every time it's important I feel like, and for that it's just too damn expensive. At 25 points or so I might consider it, but at it's current price, just no, unless I REALLY want to go with a defensive theme for some reason.
  5. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yup, they're devils. However, they're double-devils to Ninjas since they negate nearly all the advantages the Ninja has and claims extra advantages that the Ninja is poorly equipped to deal with. A TAG is better equipped to both Discover-Shoot the Intruder, Intuitive Attack it, manoeuvre around it or just soak the ARO.

    @Yasashii Fuyu for me it's the price tag. Unlike Dasyu, they don't get extra survival, they just get dual-roles, and due to how Engage (doesn't) work, melee is so close ranged that it can usually not be used defensively - unlike a Boarding Shotgun which is less expensive than the price tag on a Ninja's martial abilities.
    In my dreaded dual-Ninja sniper game vs Nomads, I was really feeling the 15-20 points discrepancy to similar sniper units I lost out on.
  6. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    I actually like the ninja with a sniper every so often. Nobody expects it. NOBODY. you're also still a monster in CC which is something worth considering. I agree that he's best used relegated to a flank as to really try and hit things without cover
  7. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    I would not expect anything beyond maybe a resculpt or two before the next book, (and even then, I would urge one to managing expectations).

    As far as new Ryuken-9 profiles, I hope they keep them interesting. The two existing profiles are unique, and I feel like just making a sniper rifle profile would break that.
    Maybe an Assault Hacker with Impersonation?
  8. Abrilete

    Abrilete Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Assault Hacker Device + Upgrade Cybermask
    Probably expensive points-wise, but better than the Ninja Assault Hacker because it would be focused in the hacking area (no CC "baggage"). It would be an interesting but difficult to use profile, because if you don't have first turn it would be a very vulnerable troop.
    Section9 likes this.
  9. barakiel

    barakiel Echo Bravo Master Sergeant

    May 5, 2017
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    The BS11 isn't a huge problem for the Ninja sniper. Your best use of it will come when the enemy doesn't know it's there, so you'll reveal to target your opponent as they're out of cover. Most units that fill this category are BS12, so the ninja's only 5% difference there.

    The problem in my mind is the cost. That guy is pricey, and the Sniper vs the CC capability really conflict with one another.

    You can do some cool things with midfield deployment thanks to infiltration, getting enfilading lateral opportunities or even revealing to shoot aggressive enemies in the back once they've advanced into your table half. But in these situations, where your enemy is more likely to be at +3 against you, the low BS starts to feel more apparent. Something like the Posthuman Mk2 Sniper is great at this, thanks to truly superior stats and No Wound Incap to survive that luck hostile Combi hit. The Ninja should be very good here, since it also gives you a chance to apply Close Combat, but it requires exposing a 1 Wound model to a lot of sources of harm.
  10. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I see the CC skills as making an 8" bubble of stay-the-hell-away around what is otherwise a very squishy trooper.

    Like @barakiel said, it's not like a Croc man or Spektr Sniper is much better, he's only BS12. Even a Daysu is only BS12. I hesitate to include the Posthuman in here, as that's basically a character, but every other SK-class troop in the game is BS11 or 12, whatever their faction base stat is.

    You need to get into MI to get better than BS12 and visors.

    Also, no offense, but why are you wasting a sniper shot on someone with mods on them? Pick a different target that you're more likely to hit, shoot someone in the back. Snipers aren't honorable types, watch Quigley Down Under sometime. Shoots a man that has no clue he's even there. Several of them, in fact.
  11. Xeurian

    Xeurian Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Unlike monks, I have some difficulty imagining where they would base their ideas on what kind of combat a shrine maiden would engage in beyond the standard ofuda tossing fantasy tropes. Then again we do have warrior nuns... I'm sure they could whip something up.
  12. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Infinity's current warrior nuns are quite fond of whipping something (or more usually someone) up.
  13. Fyeya

    Fyeya Yakitori over a light flamethrower

    Mar 24, 2018
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    Well, you take the ofuda fantasy tropes and make them hackers/support warband. Imagine what fun a regular hacking device on an irregular troop with glue grenades, for instance, or maybe madtraps styled off little foxes or something. "Sealing" seems a thematic angle.

    Plenty of thematic ways to make a 'peaceful' support warband that would still be relatively unique and niche.
    Xeurian and Section9 like this.
  14. Cartographer

    Cartographer Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Shrine Maidens with Tactical Bow and Nullifier spring right to mind.
    Section9 likes this.
  15. Daemonforge

    Daemonforge New Member

    Mar 25, 2018
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    Irregular for sure. Maybe even Extreme Impetuous, though that's not really necessary and may be out of flavor. Probably little in the way of special skills to keep them cheap, besides the obligatory V:Courage seen on all JSA profies, and maybe MA1, to give them some CC capabilities. Tactcal Bow (and obligatory Knife and Pistol) would probably be the only lethal weapon on the profile, but likely on all of them. I'd probably see a breakdown of:

    -Tactical Bow, Adhesive Launcher, Pistol, Knife, Stun CCW
    -Tacical Bow, Jammer, Pistol, Knife, Stun CCW

    Could also look into E/Mitter or E/Marat, or Deactivators as possible equipment choices, instead of or in addition to the ones above. Deactivators would honedtly be pretty nice for JSA, who have little to deal with mines thmselves other than throwing dudes into them to blow up, or just walking around them...neither of which are efficient choices.
    Section9 and Abrilete like this.
  16. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Yeah, some mineclearing gear would be good.

    As long as we're in serious wishlisting/dreamland, I'd like a unit that is like the Hunzakut in Haqq: Irregular, but so useful a profile that you're going to spend an order or two on it every turn regardless.

    So, a JSA Ghazi Mutt? maybe not X-IMP, anyway.

    Putting all these ideas together, let's see here:

    4-4MOV, CC14, BS11, PH12, WIP13, ARM0, BTS0, 1W, S2, AVA2-4
    Irregular, V:Dogged, Religious
    TacBow, ADHL, Deactivator, Nullifier, Smoke Grenades, Pistol, Knife on all profiles for ~10pts

    E/Marat and Jammer? (relatively cheap, ~+0|0!)
    White Hacking Device (Upgrade: Cybermask) +4|0.5
    Assault Hacking Device (Upgrade: Cybermask) +6|0.5
    Hacking Device (Upgrade: Cybermask) +8|0.5
    MadTraps +2|0

    • ADHL represents the 'shadow trap' or 'barrier trap' skill, as do MadTraps. MadTraps should be sculpted like little foxes (additional tails optional).
    • Deactivator represents purifying the area of evil influences (like mines)
    • Nullifier represents creating a sealed, purified area
    • E/Marat is a directional purifying technique that 'removes the animating spirit' from REMs, HI, TAGs
    • Jammer is a confusion technique
    • the Cybermask upgrade program should be on all hackers in this unit (regardless of hacking device!), it represents an invisibility charm/technique
    • For grins, the hacker visor should look like a fox mask.
    • Killer HD (+3|0) doesn't really fit, Shrine Maidens (miko) aren't supposed to be causing fatal harm to people, causes a loss of purity.
    • Assault HD (+6|0.5) is OK, as HI/REM/TAGs are 'monsters' (and the AHD doesn't have a lethal attack)
    • standard HD (+8|0.5) is probably the best fit, even though it does have a lethal attack that could be "reversing the curse onto the caster"
    • HD+ (+8|0.5) might be a better fit, but I don't think JSA has the tech/support for it.
    • WHD (+4|0.5) is an OK fit for a cheaper hacker option.
    • There is no reason to ever take a DHD.
    10pts is probably too cheap for the unit, so tacking on a hacking device and probably MadTraps to all profiles would help that. I'm aiming for something about the cost of a Hunzakut, ~18pts. Might want to give a SWC discount to the WHD, since JSA are hurting for SWC now.
    themadcelt, Xeurian and Abrilete like this.
  17. Abrilete

    Abrilete Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Wow, very interesting ideas, great relation between fluff and equipment.
    I'd love to see something like that, although I think the Sectorial will receive new troops until, at least, a couple of years.
  18. Daemonforge

    Daemonforge New Member

    Mar 25, 2018
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    I very much like those ideas, though I think having all that equipment on one profile is a bit excessive. I know Mutts do, but it's generally not the norm. And even Mutts don't have more than 3 pieces of equipment. I'd probably drop the Nulifier on any hacking profile. I'd also probably drop the Assauly Hacker option, as JSA already has access to two good ones. The White Hacking Device and Hacking Device would do enough. Or drop the regular Hacking Device. But one of those three should go, simply to not overload the unit with options. Also, probably no Madtraps, especially if they are already carrying an ADHL. And probably no E/Marat and Jammer either. As much as those were my ideas, it's just excessive to put it on every profile. Maybe as it's own profile, however... I also removed the smoke grenades, as that seems more wish-listy, and as previously said, there's likely balance reasons as to why JSA doesn't have sub-20 point smoke.

    I'd probably aim for 3-4 profiles and AVA4

    Miko (Nulifier): TacBow, ADHL, Deactivator, Pistol, Knife (10/0)
    Miko (Jammer): TacBow, ADHL, E/Marat, Pistol, Knife (10/0)
    Miko (White Hacking Device UPRGRADE: Cybermask): TacBow, ADHL, Deactivator, Nulifier, Pistol, Knife (14/0.5)
    Miko (Hacking Device UPRGRADE: Cybermask): TacBow, ADHL, Deactivator, Nulifier, Pistol, Knife (18/0.5)
    #78 Daemonforge, Apr 26, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
  19. Fyeya

    Fyeya Yakitori over a light flamethrower

    Mar 24, 2018
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    Gosh, I hope CB is reading this thread and stealing these ideas.

    I think instead of ADHL, I'd go for mad traps to up the point cost and provide a reason to sculpt little foxtraps. That or an EM version would be terrifying.

    Either way, I think that would be an awesome and really unique warband for JSA.
  20. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    I can't see JSA getting a Warband anytime soon. Haramaki were supposed to be that - but now JSA is much more reserved and is big on self control and self governance,

    A shrine maiden unit would be really cool imo though
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