Do you mean Clipper? Cutters can't be in any fireteam thank goodness! But since she counts as an ORC and has the Duo skill herself, and Clipper is a Wildcard, I would say yes they could Duo in Varuna. In Vanilla she could Duo with the one other ORC that has Duo with an EVO Repeater running TeamPro. Not sure why you would do it except maybe as a little bit of movement efficiency.
She can Duo with a Squalo. But the Duo skill is only needed once. So I was wondering if she can Duo witha Cutter as well.
You need the skill and permission from the Sectorial Army List. The Armoured Cavalry (Squalo) can form a Duo, as noted here: Patsy can be part of that Duo as she is a Wildcard. Cutters cannot form or join any Fireteams, so there is nothing for Patsy to be part of.
Patsy doesn't count as an Orc in vanilla, so she can't join a Fireteam through TeamPro there. The only character (that I'm aware of) able to do this is Krit Kokram who not only counts as a Zuyong in vanilla but can also form a Duo with Guijia in vanilla. Being special and unique unfortunately doesn't mean worth the investment, however. Keep in mind that Squalos can't join a Patsy Duo nor an Orc Duo because they are neither a Patsy nor an Orc. Patsy can thus only join a Squalos Varuna Division, whom has the Duo skill.
No mixed unit Duos in vanilla factions, even with TeamPro. There is not Sectorial list providing options for them so you are restricted to same type duos. No Achilles and Patroclus for example I have been corrected.
Go check Krit in generic YuJing in the Army, then check Tai Sheng and or Patsy in Vanilla and their respective sectorials. You'll notice Krit in vanilla YuJing comes with his "sectorial list" for link options unlike the other two. That fact added to the rumour that Hellois/Koni have acknowledged it is something intended are the reasons for the current doubt.
Just to further clarify @ijw : The Guijia CANNOT be in a duo with a Shang Ji as Shang Ji duos cannot have Guijia, and as soon as you replace Krit with a Shang Ji, it becomes a Shang Ji duo, correct?
Correct. Guijia can't join any type of Duo other than a Krit Duo. (Though whether that Duo is actually a Zuyong Duo is left unspoken)
I'm still learning the game, and excuse me if I missed it somewhere, but can Haris and Duo's be used in Vanilla (nonsectorial) lists as long as they meet all composition requirements?
No. The only way to utilize fireteams in Vanilla is via the TeamPro hacking program, and even then it is only Duos.
Hi guys sorry for bothering but I have a couple of questions about fireteam Can a wildcard join special fireteam like crusade fireteam or 4 linekazak+frontoviks? I thinks yes but I am not sure
Yes, as long as at least one member of the original Fireteam is present. So a 112, three Vet Kazaks, and Voronin would be a legal Fireteam as you have one member (the 112) of the "base" team.
I can't find any viable post about what happens when a pilot from a Fireteam: Duo Dismounts. For example, when a Gecko pilot dismounts from his TAG, which is in a Fireteam with another Gecko, will it be.. #1. Fireteam breaks. #2. Fireteam doesn't break up, but another Gecko won't get to activate, and only the Pilot does. #3. Both the Pilot and another Gecko activates. Since the pilot doesn't have a Fireteam: Duo skill, #3 doesn't seem to be viable, and I think #2 would be the case. How are your thoughts?
My bet is that, basically as long as the TAG is in non-null, its Pilot is effectively the TAG while dismounted. I.e. option 3. This seems to be the trend of how they've answered pilot-related questions so far. As a side note: Duo isn't required for the Fireteam to be maintained, only to create it.
I dont know if this is the correct thread for this question, but maybe you can tell me anyways: The crusade FT was only Joan+exactly 4 others, right? And broke once it dropped to 4 members - it still says in army 7: "joan+4 knights". The Document on N4 sectorial Fireteams on the other hand sais now: "joan+up to 4 Knights", meaning, as far as i understand this, it can also be assembled out of 2-4 members. Is there any official Intel on this?