the theoretical max, if there is no terrain/scenery nearby would be 6. The rules allows for a maximum of 4 for 25mm and 6 for 40+mm.
Well, MA4 against low stat opponents gives you better chance to wound at the price of higher chance to be hit yourself. So there's that. Although we're talking about something like: 88 x 5 versus 85 x 4
This is a good one. Here is one dirty tactic for you. Out of LoS but in ZoC of several enemies you can declare to not use stealth to provoke ARO that can be only Change Facing/Reset, then use second move to get into melee (as models already used their AROs they cant turn you into swiss cheese). Some people might get angry and say its gaming the system - I imagine it as Ninja throwing an empty can of Space Soda to momentarily distract them and then pounce. Does not work against people with Sixth Sense, so link teams of 4+.
Did we mention the basics? Do not attempt to CC anything with a CC stat over 17, and especially not anything with MA or NBW. Shoot them instead.
I'm not sure I agree with this, cc can be a pretty good way to attempt to trade up massively just due to the single dice nature of it.
I don't think being a single dice is what's important (people vastly overestimate the odds of a low CC unit beating a high one, for example) -- it's that a 26 point Domaru can take out models that cost twice as much with at least even odds. It's the same reason I'll go CC an Achilles with an Oniwaban (the most extreme case, probably.) A 35% chance of killing a 75 point model versus a 40% chance of losing a 37 point model is pretty good odds.
There are cases. I once used Kum CC against a Locust. But as a general rule of thumb you want to use CC against guys that don't CC. As cool as kung fu fights sound that's not what it's for. I use a LOT of CC but where I'm from it mostly maxes out at 21 CC MA2. You really don't risk it against medium CC guys with that.
- use the zoc aro to engage models within a couple inches of a corner - if your opponent is delaying excessively, walk into their back arc first - MA3 is often your best choice. - when your enemy is dead/unc you may choose to remain engaged or not - don't remain engaged near sensor troops, or other decent cc fighters. - consider if shooting is actually better. - if they discover, shooting might actually be better. - consider cc as an attack of opportunity. Not something you aim to do. An oniwaban will still be shooting amidst half the time depending on gun profile. Be patient and wait to strike.
I think we might be arguing from the same side? I suggested that an opponent having a high cc value is not necessarily a reason to shoot rather than cc.
Beware the knife in cc. The silent trait still allows the target to react. The main effect of the knife is you won't provoke aros from any models in zoc. Target gets to hit back just fine. I think of CC as the sure thing you can win once you do the hard job of getting into position. Know your opponents statline and equipment because cc will go badly for you super quick if just 1 stat or weapon surprises you. Know camo rules super well if that's the way you expect to reach cc. Know the odds of spec throwing smoke and leave orders to replace bad rolls. A long series of orders will always leave you in a bad position if you are 1 or 2 orders short of the plan. Don't forget that you will be shot at. Even when engaged positioning the model with cover or better blocking terrain can be the difference between living and dying. When engaging an enemy and waiting, make sure the enemy has bad weapons or the engaged model is valuable. They will rifle your target dead then kill you in the open just to prevent you from continuing.
That's not out of LoS. Every model has line of sight to anything touching its base. Silent does mean they don't get to declare an ARO unless they survive the attack though.
Something to consider is Gsync in CC can really wreck good CC fighters in close combat. Be careful if you deploy Shinobu near Dog Warriors, Uberfalls or Symbiobeasts. Even Auxilia can make you make sub-optimal choices. If it's your opponents active turn and they engage you you'll find yourself getting beat in CC which can be devastating if you're not expecting it. Its CHA Warband specific, but most of the tips and tricks in here will be applicable to all CC troops
Because they have Los to everything touching their base, they cancel silent. Delaying the aro only happens if the target has no lof. From the wiki, both effects require the target having no lof: Silent. If you use this weapon or piece of Equipment to make an Attack while outside the target's LoF, that target cannot react by Changing Facing or apply the Warning! rule unless he survives the Attack(that is, isn't in a Null state after the Attackis resolved). Additionally, enemies without LoF in whose Zone of Control the Attack took place or was declared cannot declare AROs or apply the Warning! rule unless the target survives the Attack. This means that these enemies must delay their ARO declaration until after the Attack is resolved. Engaging them gives lof, therefore they will always get an aro.
You should revisit the stealth rules, which comes paired with camo and martial arts..... Specifically the 2nd bullet point. STEALTH AUTOMATIC SKILL CC Special Skill, Optional. REQUIREMENTS The user of this Special Skill must be in his Active Turn. EFFECTS Allows the user to make Cautious Movements inside the Zone of Control of an enemy. A trooper with Stealth that declares a Short Movement Skill or Cautious Movement within the Zone of Control of one or more enemies but outside their LoF does not grant AROs to those enemies, even if he reaches base contact with them. However, if the second Short Skill of the Order is any non-Movement Skill, then those enemies can react normally in ARO. If the Movement of the trooper with Stealth ends in base to base contact with an enemy and declares any non-Movement Short Skill, then the enemy can only declare CC Attack, Dodge, Reset, or those Skills that can be used in Engaged state.
I've quoted the third bullet point of what you posted. When are you ever going to walk into someone and then do nothing for your second short skill?
Has the perfectly legal but absolutely ridicules "stick them to a wall with your second movement if they engage" trick been pointed out?