The checking requirements step isn't checking requirements it's "check validity". You have a very narrow reading or what's required to check while checking validity.
Ah, you are thinking about step 5 which checks whether the trooper that declared an ARO has been in a situation where they can declare an ARO, I'm talking about step 6 which checks skills, special skills and equipment requirements are correct. I think I can see what we'll spend countless posts explaining to people throughout this edition on, even if CB comes up with a robust answer...
Since folks kept wondering, I dug up the post after all: But I agree, my point was that @ijw 's ruling in that post is no longer certain given subsequent events. It might still be correct - the later formal interim ruling doesn't contradict it but also doesn't confirm it.
By implication, though, you have to be in S2S with what you're actually attacking. Otherwise you could CC attack something on the other side of the board.