Seems like well have a large invincible contingent, i like that. Previous campaigns have always deteriorated into trench warfare with almost everybody digging in their home territories. Hopefully things will be a little more dynamic this time around. I´ll probably go full ofensive although i dont think ill be able to get as many games in as previous years. Its up to you guys to pick up the slack . I wonder if theres gonna be another CA failed offensive or if they´ll use another overlooming threat this time around. Maybee even the recently declared offensive Haqquislam
Speculating a bit, but Shasvasti has turned into a powerhouse and also propped vanilla Combined up significantly. I don't think the numbers game will disfavour Combined this time around.
Off course I'm playing IA! Literally the reason I am playing YJ (and Infinity actually, very little else jumped out at me when browsing the factions when I started) is because Heavies were their big fluff selling point :)
All can be Justified by fluff but historically i think iss has had the largest presence in the region of all Yu jing branches.
Hi guys, I bring this topic up because I have a question: I have a small community around that I want to regroup around this year campaign. I already planned a couple of weekends and days dedicated to it in our club and I plan to get our players motivated and engaged. I can also invite people at my home to play out of club/LGS. That's cool and neat. Still, I would like to make bigger things than those tactical operations and would like to get involved in strategic, roleplay topics. At a bigger scale somehow. How should I proceed? Should I seize the opportunity to prove my valor during this campaign to hope being noticed by big guys for next year? Is there any chances that I can be more than a "lambda player" for Asteroid Blues? Is my help/workpower even needed out of some battle reports etc... I mean I truly want to get involved deeper than making a couple of games and I really wonder how to do so. Any advices / directions pls? I am really motivated since I joined (late) Kurage campaign, and I would like to use all this motivation in the most useful way for AB campaign.
Something I like to do during the campaigns is find players who will allow spec ops. We had a ton of ways for then to get xp so they end up becoming quite good. Anyway I then like to write my batreps from the point of view of that character. I'm not anywhere near a good writer but I have alot of fun with it. You could get a good group of players and make a really cool overarching story that ties your characters together.
From a Gameplay and tactical POV you can also do a lot of roleplay in our forum during the campaign, it also allows our faction to stay coordinated and accomplish things as a whole. Of course feel free to add to your own experience as you see fit for you and your community. And yes, every single player matters for us, specially in narrow and decisive moments!
@Stuffist If I recall correctly @Mc_Clane was in Yu-jing's high command last year, you should send him a message. Anyway, there will be elections and stuff when the campaign actually begins, but if you want to have a chance to be elected you'll either need a good record from the previous campaigns, or show a lot of motivation for this one starting... right now? The sub forums are open, you can start writing propaganda and roleplay material to rally our troops!
Thanks, you're all right: it starts now and I need more than a post in this thread to prove my point. Roleplay and heavy duty are the keys. Let's start then.
Talking about subforum, I think we should move this thread to the OOC asteroid blues subforum with the other faction threads. What do you think @psychoticstorm ?
Where will I see the campaign announcement? I check the main Infinity website and beats of war every day.
I will probably be running imperial service. I feel like I can wrap my head around the lists more, plus it leaves me more room for hard characterization for the narrative part.
@Sedral you are correct, I will perform another check to see if there are any more threads like this.
Getting recognition in your faction does take a bit of time and work. From my perspective, I joined Haqqislam for Wotan. I heavily engaged both IC and OOC with the forums in Wotan, and began engaging with the CB forums here as well. I made quality Battle Reports and created a story for my unit. When I commented on Battle Reports, I actually commented, or engaged the author. During Wotan I made sure to engage the known quantities in the Haqqislam communities: Danger Rose, Terrordactyl, MGWright, etc. Following Wotan, I continued to engage. I wrote articles on the CB forum, and posted fun things (like the Bourak Cookbook) to keep recognition, and grow it. I dedicated myself heavily to the Haqq community. In Kurage, I came in with that recognition and was one of the nominees for High Command. Since I was having the birth of my daughter over that time period I declined the opportunity, but the option was opened to me. In Kurage I continued my narratives, and I coordinated the nomination, and voting of Haqqislam High Command. I engaged our community, and pushed the Haqqislam ideals IC and OOC again. There will be a lot of people who want to be high command of your faction, and if it involved nominations and voting, it all begins with how many people know you, and enjoy your content and personality. While voting is not usually a popularity contest, in these cases, usually it is as its all people have to go by. You could try campaigning, I have not seen that before, but there's always a first time for everything! I know in HHC nominations there's always a few brand new people nominated. High Command prefers to bring in one of the nominated new people so we can have 2 veterans, and 1 fresh view point, but that has gotten harder to administer. We may do two voting pools this time now that I think about it...
Hi fellow commanders, As @Sendral said I was democratically voted as the head of the yujing forces stationed during the kurage crisis campaign. But in practice I was just another involved player of Yujing. That's Why I became a member of the organization known as yujing high command or as Yujing Kurage Crisis Operation Committee. The only requirements to enter this select groups of players is to be heavily involved in the campaign (playing, organizing or making quality stuff), and having the will to be part if it. Members that outstand among the players with enthusiasm and good work will be asked to join. Every kind of input to the cause may be wordy. Writing propaganda, Making motivational videos, making recruitment posters, playing hard, making good reports,... In a sumary Making the campaign more fun and intense for the rest of the Yujing community. So, heads up, we are already vigilant and working on the upcoming campaign Last campaign objective for Yujing KCOC was all about giving the base player a voice on where do they want to head on as a faction via democratic means. This campaign we will try to improve other things. Stay tuned for upcoming messages.
Allow me to brag about this; cause I don't think I will ever achieve this again! Salutations, fellow YJ commanders. It was wonderful experience at least. The Campaign was a blast!