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Yu Jing White Banner Army

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Zerooness, May 6, 2019.

  1. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Zhencha isn't meant to inhabit a space between Guilang or Daofei, they're meant to inhabit a space in an army without other infiltrators whose schtick is to have no infiltrators.
  2. ObviousGray

    ObviousGray Frenzied Mushroom

    Nov 27, 2017
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    But their emblem is white like Daofei and Guilang. Perhaps?
  3. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You mean their emblem is that of the Reconnaissance Regiment? They are all recon units.
  4. ObviousGray

    ObviousGray Frenzied Mushroom

    Nov 27, 2017
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    IS units and IA units got similar Emblem layouts. IS being black, IA being red and more rigid.

    Two cents from me Zhenchas into WB.
  5. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You have made those two cents very clear before, I still find this a boring sectorial design, crowding the limited design space for a sectorial and causing unnecessary overlap.

    Plus, you know, the Banners logos are red laurels on white background (Zhanshi and REMs). I find it more likely that Banners to be more of an all-comer and with Recon already having strong representation in Daofei and Guilang, hoping for the Zhencha as well is a bit much. Haidao is the only known Navy, so that's probably more likely, unless they further expand Navy. Special Operations presence is also slightly under-represented unless they go nuts on monks.
  6. ObviousGray

    ObviousGray Frenzied Mushroom

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I do have doubts Zhencha causing overlaps with our old two camos (Guilangs for terrain control and secondary attack piece, Daofei being a nuisance primary attacker, Zhencha being mobile button runner and occasional fire support IMO), but cannot deny your approach is more plausible when it comes to new blood for Yu Jing and WB. You made your points.
    That side is where YJ needs the most. I read through the fluffs in RPG book, 3rd offensive and even CBL comments about blizzard force. I cannot deny the feeling WB would be our 'Shasvastii-like' sectorial, not quite focusing on Links rather than focusing on tricks and frauds. That will make WB unique in taste.
  7. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Just to make it clear: I think Zhencha, Guilang AND Daofei in the same sectorial would be crowded when you take price and competency into account. I can see a new skirmisher being possible that aims at a similar space as Zhencha, but without the attached cost of a Heavy Armour, without also crowding the "space" in a vanilla setting.

    Vanilla and sectorial makes for very different beasts when it comes to what is overlap and what is not.
  8. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    A lot can just be handled with AVA. Guilang AVA4, Zhencha AVA1, Daofei AVA2. They can have it, but only one. Daofei I hope for at least 2. Same thing with Hac Tao, AVA1. I see nothing wrong with that. Whenever they make White Banner they are going to need to take from existing YJ. Otherwise make a lot of new profiles and figures for those. And do you really want to wait several years before those are done? Right now with the way some hate on the Shang Ji or Hulang, I’ll be surprised if we see any figures this year for them.
    barakiel likes this.
  9. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well, those low AVA profiles also takes up space ;)

    In either case, Zhanshi, Guijia, Hac Tao and Shang-Ji are the only profiles I expect to be shared between White Banner and Invincible Army, and that's already plenty enough.
  10. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Space in what way? Just because it's there doesn't mean you must take it. And again, they need to be in there or else they are going to need to make a lot of new troops! Which I'd love but don't see them doing at all.

    I expect nothing. They make changes up to the point it's released. Carlos was telling me at Adepticon they added the Zhencha to Dahshat at the last moment and the Haqqislam video was made 4 times! Other than Zhanshi, Guilang, Tiger Soldiers, and Daofei, i'm not sure of anything else.
  11. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Just had a thought that it would be cool if the Hulang could be in a fireteam of Shaolin! It could be a team that must be made up of 1 Hulang and 4 Shaolin.
  12. Zerooness

    Zerooness Member

    Apr 7, 2019
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    The Zencha is nothing near a Overlap. Right now you have the Choice between a squishy specialist for 25-30 points or you DOUBLE these points for a Tanky roadblock, with only AHD as a specialist profil he is very voulnerable to hacking. So while you dont want to go do objectives against for example Nomads with your daofei or dont want to do objectives with your guilang because 1 ARO is potentially enought tó get him killed you need a mobile and slightly tougher specialist who can run up in the enemy halve of the table without dying so fast. it isnt a overlap it is a perfect crossing between Heavy and light specialists. and he may wouldve been MI in other factions but in yujing everything is HI :P P.S. sryy for my grammatic
    barakiel likes this.
  13. Mc_Clane

    Mc_Clane Zhànzhēng bùzhǎng

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Precisely due to the similarity with daofei I see it's entrance inside WB dificult. The tiger soldier was supposed to be inside invincible, but the presence of the liuxing was probably overshadowed by a cheaper MI with mimetism and Flamenthrower. The daofei suffered similarily due tu zencha and mowang. And I think it was also an obstacle in the middle of the plans of CB to make a HI sectorial. It would lean to Light infantry lists with this guys as spearheads instead of a sectorial based on zuyongs.

    presumable 3-4 guilangs and 2 daofeis would be enough midfield for White Banner

    Colors in the emblems are related to the group they belong to. In this case, Reconnaissance Unit.

    In ISS the main troops belong to Police-Judicial troops, Not military

    Yisheng and Gongcheng have white border because they're support and technical units

    Zhanshi, wuming, hactao, shaolin... the ones with the red border, belong to the bulk of the state-emepire military

    Invincibles have their own border due to being the branch of the yujing military that enforces the defense of Humanity against EC in paradiso and the blockades

    And so on...

    I think the colors of the laurels and typography of the border are also some meaning, like if they're conscripted troops elite or whatever

    Logo colors are not directly related to sectorials

    Hmmm... sounds interesting, but I think a third sectorial with it it would be like cheapening it an making it like a random merc. like saito.
    Solodice and Mahtamori like this.
  14. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I don't think so since he would have a different role to play. No FD option would do it too.
    Zerooness likes this.
  15. Zerooness

    Zerooness Member

    Apr 7, 2019
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    Aint dificult to put him into.
    Daofei : Roadblock / Semi Rambo. If enemy guessed wrong it aint a guilang but a big bad HI
    Guilang: Minelayer / Defensive Aro pice. Creating defensiv line with repeator or mines
    Zencha: Mobile "light skirmisher". Specialist to do Objectives.
  16. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well, if you'd read my next post you'd see that it was in context of a sectorial. Things are different in vanilla.

    Your assessment is a bit off. Above all else, nothing says you need the Zhencha. You might want the Zhencha to be a Specialist that can get around parts that are hard to access for a Guilang and Daofei, but that's, quite frankly, a reason the Zhencha will not be in White Banner, because you have to give up something and if you don't want to give that up then go play Invincibles or Dahshat.

    Or play vanilla.
    Ariwch likes this.
  17. Mc_Clane

    Mc_Clane Zhànzhēng bùzhǎng

    Aug 25, 2017
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    To push buttons you already have the Guilang, cheaper and better prepared. Just increase the AVA and done.
    Ariwch, Section9 and Mahtamori like this.
  18. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Am I seriously the only person who liked the Daofei hacker?!?

    While I know the AHD in general has issues facing KHDs, and there are lots of KHDs in the middle of the table, but the Daofei AHD does pack Stealth as a side effect of Camo.

    We may still see more Marksman profiles showing up in WB.

    There may be issues with Shaolin being Irregular.

    Yeah, that kinda is the problem. The Daofei is the better beatstick, the Guilang is the better button-pusher.
  19. Maksimas

    Maksimas Heavy Infantry Addict Maxim

    May 23, 2018
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    Don't get me wrong, I do like the AHD Daofei quite a bit. Dude can bash a button in with his rifle stock rather reliably and an infiltrating BS13 Camo MULTI-Rifle is nothing to scoff at shooting wise.

    I just generally prefer the Spitfire for it's Turn 1 First Order TR bot removal capability.
  20. Ariwch

    Ariwch Tournament benthotic lurker

    Mar 5, 2018
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    I would prefer something like S4/S6 Tag with Mechanical Transmutation... Wolf form and Wolf Rider form or so :) Maybe also CQB/midrange shooter depending on the current form.
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