Whether Lei Gong's included or not, upping YJ's albedo game would really be a interesting way to deal with visors. I really like the availability of holo in some factions, it's a good tool to use to backfoot normal visor troops. Combining that on skirmishers (or even a toe-to-toe shooter like MO just got) with other troops packing albedo would give some really unique options.
Can be sales reason, but yes Lei Gong seems quite lazy stick to play with. Jing Qo on the other hand, fits well by theme but god she's awful.
She's not bad. She just an expensive character in an expensive faction with little support. If she could be in a core she could be great. Good gunfighter, good CC, mimetisim, etc. but she's a vanilla character in a sectorial.
The bottom line problem is both WF and WB, along with N4, seem like rushed and lazy jobs released way too soon, probably because CB needed money
I see you had a productive weekend, well illustrating why contemporary politics should not have a place in this forum, I think this will go to the permanent forum rules.