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Yu Jing in N4

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by psychoticstorm, Aug 6, 2019.

  1. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I was thinking that too. Anyone know the time between the Wildfire sets and the Action packs for O-12 and Shasvastii?
  2. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Wildfire only existed for an exceptionally short time, from August 2019 until Q2 2020. I seem to remember it was split fairly soon after Kaldstrøm to provide more Code One branded products to help launch the range.

    Kaldstrøm has not yet gone "last chance to buy" by means it won't go away for another month or two at least. We don't know much of the release schedule outside of the Nomad and Ariadna C1 releases but I don't imagine we'll see the PanO and Yu Jing Action Packs before September, possibly it also depends on existing stock of Kaldstrøm boxes.

    We'll get a look into the next few month's release schedule with the Seminar in the 22nd.
  3. Daireann

    Daireann Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2020
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    PanO have some options. Knights pack could be counted as action pack in some way, I guess.
    Anyway, I hope situation would be better in future. You are all right. Let’s wait.
  4. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Military Orders is indeed an action pack, but also very new and was replacing the oldest starter box in the game at that point. Both ISS and IA starters are much newer (and frankly far better in terms of sculpting) than the old MO box.

    2 player boxes like Kaldstrøm are the best selling products and often the biggest gateway for new players, putting Yu Jing in the flagship N4/C1 box actually shows CB is happy to have them front and centre in the game. Player numbers for a faction always get a big increase when they're in a 2 player box compared to a starter or Action Pack.
  5. Daireann

    Daireann Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2020
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    In theory is it possible to play Yu Jing without big models? Only S2 miniatures.
    And do it effectively. Any ideas?
    I want to try something like that. May be in Imperial service. But any option is good.
  6. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    Well, outside of Su Jian, the standard array of remotes, and the new biker bounty hunter, ISS doesn't really even have non-S2 models.

    That said, the Su Jian is going to be a pretty big deal for ISS. I'd argue that if you don't want to use the Su Jian at all, you probably shouldn't be playing ISS. You can exclude him some of the time, but he's a very important tool to have in your pocket. The biker alleviates the need for the battle kitty in some cases (and will support it in others), but that's also another large silhouette trooper.

    Vanilla YJ in general is very easy to build around S2 troopers, so long as you're willing to make room for the remotes at least. If you're not, it's still doable, but it comes with some limitations. Thanks to Kuang Shi, YJ is less reliant on order bots for cheap order generation, and outside of the Su Jian, most of the faction's best solo fire pieces (Hac Tao, Daofei, Shang Ji, Hsien, Liu Xing) will be S2. Be prepared to use a lot of camo. Missing out on Long Ya will hurt, but it's not the end of the world.
    SpectralOwl and Daireann like this.
  7. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    To come back to this profile, for IA it's actually kinda important.

    The full buff Dakini boat has actually made a bit of a comeback in my meta and it's actually more problematic for IA specifically to handle than either the Grenzer or Bolt core snipers. It beats both Shang Ji and Haidao during its reactive turn, in fact it utterly crushes the Shang Ji. Dakini MSR firing on 19s while applying Mimetism royally fucks the Shang Ji over.

    The natural counter is smoke, which poses an issue for IA.

    The Hac Tao is basically the only option to deal with it, both the MSR and HMG come in at a bit over 40% to wound the Dakini the big difference being the MR if it scoots up under the 16" manages to drop the the risk chance from 27% to 20% in comparison.

    The only other unit that can put good numbers on this target is the FTO Hulang but only if it's core linked and somehow firing under the 16" band, which seems like a sketchy proposition to me without smoke and no forward deployment. If it has a reliable way to make both of these things happen it crushes the Dakini defense MSR, but tough to make it happen reliably.
    #867 Triumph, Aug 17, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2021
  8. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You've got a few more options, mainly Zhencha, but also potentially Hulang or a well placed Liu Xing. You've got 6 targets to hunt; any member of the core or the supportware bot.
    Bringing an LGL Zhanshi can be a good idea as well, mainly to reduce or remove the risk of losing a critical unit.

    62 points is the Hac Tao Hacker, btw, and that one definitely isn't going to wreck any Dakini sniper. At least not compared to the cheaper Zhencha.
  9. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yeah that's the profile I'm talking about. It has the best odds. Like I said the HMG and the MR have the same odds roughly to kill the target but the MR is less likely to take a hit in return because it fights in the +0 band for the Dakini.

    Hac Tao multi rifle vs Dakini MSR is 41% vs 20%

    HMG comes in at 41% vs 27% which is totally acceptable too, but the MR hacker does edge it out. It's likely the HMG is more order efficient between NCO and being able to engage at a longer range without needing to work its way into a closer position, but it does come at a higher risk of critical failure. So pros and cons there as to which one I'd prefer to take.

    I mentioned the Hulang, it has good odds but its issue is getting into the right range band. Hac Tao can reliably get where it needs to go because of the marker state. Fighting at 8-16" is the key to overpowering core linked uber snipers.

    Now the Zencha is actually shit at this. The Zencha is -2 BS, -3 Mimetism, and has to fight either in its +0 band, or it moves into the Dakini's +3 pistol band. The reason the Hac Tao (and Hulang) are good at this is because of the extra Mimetism and they fight in that key 8-16" range band which brings the Dakini's BS down to 10 instead of 13.

    Zencha SMG vs Dakini pistol at 0-8" is 17% vs 25%

    Attempting to fight in the 8-16" gives catastrophically worse odds. I would under no circumstances recommend using a Zencha to take a fight against this kind of enemy target.

    The other issue with the Zencha is we're also overlooking the fact that pushing that close with HI to get the +3 rangebands on SMGs is a problem given it starts moving into areas that are often covered by Aleph's defensive repeater network and they have some very nasty, very cheap hackers.

    The Liu Xing could well drop into the key range band and take a fight, but again the issue comes down to it's just not good enough in a gun fight to take this kind of opponent.

    Liu Xing MR 19% vs 53% The Liu Xing gets crushed hard and I can attest to this from learning the hard way against Winter Force links too often. Core linked mimetic shooters are a weight division too high for the Liu Xing to reliably tackle head on, let alone ones that pack marksmanship. I wouldn't recommend trying it at all, even if the Liu Xing was to attack the unbuffed combi Dakinis in the link it sucks coming at 24% vs 26% in the Dakini's favour. Don't attack core linked mimetic targets with him, find other targets.

    Range bands are shit, even if you can fire at +0 it's 19% vs 41% to dodge. It's only viable if your opponent helps you by making sure you can splash 3-4 models at once.
    #869 Triumph, Aug 18, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2021
  10. Willen

    Willen Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Totally anecdotal, but the one in person game I played with IA I was surprised by the FD Hulang with Koalas in its ability to close in vs enemy snipers AND then overpower them up close with the 4 dice SMG and the threat of an explosive Koala.

    Moving up to a corner to then dodge 4in into the next cover (while the enemy is shooting at -9 before other mods) was more effective than I though, and once within the 16in bubble he gunned down the Sniper (who chose to dodge instead of tanking a Koala). Afterwards he guarded the position in Suppresive Fire, which was very strong in protecting any other core member peeking out of the building they were in.

    Which I know was not something I could´ve done if the sniper had a visor.
  11. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I mean... if you're able to get a Marker that close from your DZ then the table is wide open for other units to take care of it.

    The key with the Zhencha isn't to attack the Dakini sniper directly. Drop a mine or shoot something that's not got the buff. Preferably without giving them cover.
  12. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    The Zhencha Shotgun Hacker is also a real hazard to Dakini links, especially on boards with catwalks since you can C+ along the side of railings. Getting under the Sniper's view and using Hacking can render it helpless, and OSS' starting Repeater coverage is bad enough that you can even fight their Hackers, if you need to, with a piece as maeuverable as a Zhencha.
    Mahtamori likes this.
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