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Yu Jing Fluff - Perception, Reality, Desire

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Devrailis, Mar 28, 2018.

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  1. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Secession, I don't care (oh boy, my Oniwaban and Raidan can't be used in my YJ force anymore). Uprising fluff, don't have a thought on it since I haven't read it. YJ characterization at large, now here we have a problem. As of currently YJ is just a bad mustache-twirling punching bag. It's basically Cobra Commander. It's been a punching bag since Flamestrike. I haven't seen YJ boot stomp anyone in the fluff (Nomads and Haqq are off limits as you can't pick on the scrappy underdogs). For the second seat in the sphere they really get beat up a whole lot without doing a lot of beating themselves.

    It's all rather boring and not all that fun (like being a Browns fan if anyone follows American football). There is definitely a brighter future ahead for YJ but the scars have already been left and sometime the pain never fades away from them. So we'll see if CB can amend some of the thoughts on YJ in the future but right now YJ is a soggy cardboard cutout villain.
    #621 Solodice, Apr 9, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2018
  2. Leviathan

    Leviathan Hungry Caliban

    Feb 6, 2018
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    I guarantee Gutier always wanted the uprising to happen, the narrative was written that way in core fluff materials after all, and the BoW campaigns had nothing to do with it - they were just an excuse to set it off (meaning there was always going to be an excuse at some point).
    Benkei, Borlois, xagroth and 3 others like this.
  3. Fyeya

    Fyeya Yakitori over a light flamethrower

    Mar 24, 2018
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    The level of frothing hatred displayed by certain YJ posters is making me less inclined to be loyal to the faction, I'll be honest.

    I've been torn between JSA and YJ, but the behavior here from some posters doesn't make for an appealing team to be a part of.

    Some of you are reasonable and civil, but the others are doing more to harm our faction than help it, at this point.
    Section9, Pen-dragon, Borlois and 2 others like this.
  4. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Meh, those that yell are always going to be heard. Doesn't mean they have anything smart to say.
    #624 Solodice, Apr 9, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2018
  5. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Ironically, a Yu Jing win might still make Yu JIng look like a villain. If you look at it from a moral high ground perspective.

    I'll put it this way:

    Pano likes to hold the moral high ground but we all know they are hypocrites with Hexa, Locust, and other black ops agents doing the dirty work out of sight.

    The ironic part is that being more honest makes Yu Jing look like the villain. They are willing to be open about how harsh they can be. And yet they don't really act any different then Pano. Their methods may differ but both Pano and Yu Jing are willing to do a lot of dirty work in their rivalry. Yet somehow Yu Jing are the bad guys while Pano are good.

    Yu Jing might have treated JSA as meatshields in war but thats hardly the complete picture. Japanese businesses were quite successful under Yu Jing, thats hardly a symptom of an oppressed minority. In truth, it seems like the high society of Japan were more than willing to let themselves get rich within Yu Jing while also stoking the divide between Yu Jing and Japanese society. Whether justly or not, Yu Jing high command made the decision to sacrifice Japanese soldiers and the seccessionist elements made sure that blew up into a full rebellion.
    #625 Death, Apr 9, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2018
  6. Dude

    Dude Master in training

    Nov 7, 2017
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    Don't give them that power over you. Enjoy the game the way you want to.

    SKOZZOKONZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2018
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    Calling for removal of a mod when he's done nothing but have an opinion. Usually abuse of power is required for that and since I've joined the forum the only mod actions I've seen have been moving shit around.
  8. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Here's one thing I don't quite get. If PanO are attacking Yu Jing on Yu Jingese territory, why doesn't Yu Jing shoot back a significant response?
    A PanO attack on home territory is exactly the kind of distraction that might cause Yu Jing to abandon counter-invasion plans and cut territorial losses in order to engage a larger and more dangerous foe.
    Seems like an opportunity to allow a faction to save face by having it take on PanO and forcing O12 to step in to prevent a war, essentially allowing Kuge to win by manipulating PanO into striking Yu Jing and forcing O12 to save PanO from counter-offensive due to YJ unexpectedly cutting losses and making a very hard 180 (because bla bla bla, larger Yu Jingese forces on constant mobilization etcetc)

    Bam! Everyone (among the player base that is) wins. JSA breaks free, PanO had an opportunity to stick it to the man and gets massive debts from JSA, Yu Jing lost JSA but was allowed to deal some significant losses to PanO (we weren't beaten by tiny JSA, we were beaten by PanO and they payed for it big time).
    themadcelt, Benkei, Borlois and 4 others like this.
  9. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @Mahtamori That wouldn't have made Yu Jing look evil enough, and wouldn't have made them fail as hard, which I believe was one of the goals of the fiction presented in Uprising.
  10. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I 100% agree.

    That's part of why I REALLY hoped that Invincible Army was coming soon.

    Alas, that is not to be.

    Hopefully there'll be something soon.


    If nothing else, the RPG supplement for Yu Jing should come out later this year.

    I know I'm looking forward to that.
    Mc_Clane, Benkei, Borlois and 2 others like this.
  11. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    @Mahtamori If I understood it correctly, the secessionist war started and Kuge made an request for independence, after some period (i think its a month, but I am not sure) PanO was internally politically pressured by the populace to support the Japanese independence making the claim of independence valid and maybe making Japan territories a now grey area? the iron wall is definitely under the guise of humanitarian aid and supported by O-12 on the other hand (from what I remember) outside Dawn, were PanO used as an excuse mining contracts to its corporations, thus defending their interests, in the area they did not deploy foots on the ground.
    A Mão Esquerda and xagroth like this.
  12. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    It is a valid concern, I am hoping player participation will be addressed, I do believe in Bostria saying that the Invincible army is a great sectorial and when it finally arrive it will be a great boon for Yu Jing.

    Please do not allow the postings of a few members to lessen your enjoyment of your chosen faction, Yu Jing are a great faction with a nice and complicated background that plays quite good on the table.
  13. Koni

    Koni BanHammer
    CB Staff

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Good morning everyone.


    If you're not capable to take part of a debate and not be aggressive in your posts, you'll be warned and the thread locked.

    Also, I'm keeping an eye because some of the posters are near a temporarily ban. Be careful, please.

    Thank you so much for your collaboration, and please, remember: this is a game and we're here for the fun. This is the most important. Don't take it personally.
  14. Kallas

    Kallas Vincible

    Mar 8, 2018
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    I have to wonder if IA would be better received before JSA split. I know that I, for one, have a very bitter taste in my mouth from this whole affair and while I want IA no less than I did before, my reasons have shifted significantly.

    I'm not as eager to see what HI we get, because we just lost a heap (they were almost certainly unusable in IA, sure). We just lost 90% of our good CC units; is IA going to have CC units? If so, is that because they are actually thought out new units, or because CB now gets to fill a hole in the faction with player money?

    That's just an example, but the whole uprising has a huge knock on effect.
    Section9, Hecaton, Benkei and 3 others like this.
  15. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Oh, hey! We will blow the Nomad cargo ship docked at our rock and BLOW THE ROCK!!! AND ROLL WITH IIIIIIIT!!!!
    Or... "we charge the CA assault ship. PanO wins there, defends all of its assets in the blockade and we... lost everything".

    Let's sum it up with "YJ achieved no objective at all during Wotan, according to the timeline" even when it fulfilled a secondary or two. But I'd point that at the campaign using a suboptimal approach, and I would suggest for CB to involve themselves more when it comes to assign victories, letting the players instead to play games, provide background and feedback, and give a more ongoing and constant narrative instead of recaps at certain points.

    Warning: Campaign ideas off topic:

    For example, instead of the players assigning their points wherever they want, CB distributing those following a more logical approach (kinda like "victory points, tournament points and Objective points -all normalized to take into account that some factions are played more than others- are three kind of resources, and the faction's "general" -a CB nominated leader- assigns those to certain objectives") so the players can stop having to herd cats, and CB gets valuable data and all that.
    Heck, it can be even done with internal polls, in which only those who have contributed a certain amount of games can vote, to assign those three resources of the previous week, while the current one performs related but not dependent operations, and the next week will be defined by the spending voted.
    For example, Victory Points reflect into what you can do: the less you have, the less troops the faction has to reinforce and defend, or to send onto attacks; "Tournament Points" define grades of success on the tactical theater, opening new avenues of advancement and new targets, while Objective Points can be broken down into categories: how many "data scan" have been made, for example, how many "sabotage", how many Datatrackers managed to secure their targets, etc... This allows direct translation into how much intelligence have been achieved, how many targets controlled, etc...

    End of off topic

    It is, indeed, possible to keep pummeling down the faction while insisting those are just meaningless losses. The problem is that no victories have been provided, so the perception is that either YJ always fails, or that its successes are so secret or so meaningless they are not known.

    Also, the JSA should have managed a Pyrrhic Victory in a lot of places, but for what has been written here they clearly won, and there is nowhere to go and see the consequences of their "success" aside from the "the Kuge are now those in charge, for the Emperor and the rest of the Japanese population everything is the same" (which is kinda "welcome to North Korea", or I would dare, if @Aldo does not take it as an attack but a take on current perceptions, a situation with lots of parallelisms with Catalonia's situation...).

    More kinda like an Arbiter, one who has those who watch Aleph inside their structure and "control" about 80-90% of interstellar traffic (Circulars are part of O-12's assets, and the big factions have their own "jump drives" -called Minotaur Drives- but those are so expensive they are used only on military vessels).

    I believe it's more of a "how will you notice if you are warned to stop speaking like that" for example, and avoid getting a, for you, non-warned ban, while everyone else has seen the moderator giving you ample warnings yet you ignored those.
    Mind you, I prefer "autocensors", when it comes to the "wait and see" baits... -.-U

    Problem is that making more threads that separate stuff tend to have a mix of both anyway... And sometimes that is justified, you can't start with a partisan book when all previous ones were fairly neutral, either because they were in the writing, or because they had several (or all) faction's versions.

    It has been said that Uprising lacks any of the consequences and aftereffects of the secession, which is kinda another reason for it to be a product aimed almost exclusively to JSA players (frankly, it they had broken the book into 2, with one being Uprising, and the other the Mercenaries and Dire Foes, it would have been better, with some of use buying one part, or looking for a JSA player to buy the pack with).

    I mean, it's like giving you the WW2's facts and not talk about how it defined the Cold War... Sure, it helps for study reason, but aside from atrocities and occult stuff, it was "business as usual" in a lot of details, with the real changes from previous ones being the tactics (changed since WW1 because of automatic weapons). Yes, oversimplification, but it's hard to make a comparison without using models.

    On that we all agree, but the execution... And doing it at the expense of how players see the supposedly second greatest human faction... (specially that, promoting a part of your catalogue at the expense of another is something that generates a lot of nervous reactions).

    I would correct that marked part to "avoid a civil war inside the Human sphere that would allow the Combined Army to push harder now that they face less enemies, and the human command is forced to place PanO and YJ troops on different operation zones to avoid attempts at setting up the other for heavy losses". But yeah, that would have been more believable and make YJ a credible threat. Also, it would allow Sun Tze's voice to be heard, which kinda makes the rulers of YJ to not look like stupid tyrants who don't listen their counselors.

    Now the question is if the JSA fluff was taken from YJ's sourcebook and into the NA factions, or it's there... Either way, it will be a fail: you need that data to play before the Uprising, and you need the NAF to play after... Unless they add an Uprising book to the production (so screwing everybody, since it was not in the KS, so technically nobody gets it "free") to update the situation...
    Shiwen and Kallas like this.
  16. the huanglong

    the huanglong Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Yeah I am sure more than a third of the "Yu Jing" RPG book will be JSA themed but you know, wait and see, amirite?
  17. Dragonstriker

    Dragonstriker That wizard came from the moon.

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Yeah, whatever.
    @xagroth, @Hecaton, @Section9 pack it up boys. Dissent with the shills will get you banned since it’s personal attacks. As is disagreement with a moderator.
    Interestingly when receiving a ban threat, one cannot reply to the person sending the threat. Seems fair.
    #637 Dragonstriker, Apr 9, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2018
  18. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    That's not what has been said, then again I have refrained several times from posting what could be considered personal attacks to a person (opinions about a person's skills on certain fields, I doubt are bannable, though). And it would reflect poorly in the game if they were to ban people for showing dissent, since that would push that people to other, non-CB controlled forums where the ban would be presented as a proof of the, in this case book, being a "Destiny 2".
  19. Dragonstriker

    Dragonstriker That wizard came from the moon.

    Dec 3, 2017
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    It would reflect poorly, wouldn’t it.
  20. Dragonstriker

    Dragonstriker That wizard came from the moon.

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Of course, leaving community engagement up to 3 white knight posters and a moderator with scant pretence of objectivity doesn’t look so hot either.
    the huanglong likes this.
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