The cold of Svalarheima cannot overcome the blazing sun of prosperity that shines in the hearts of all the StateEmpire's citizens.
Frankly, I hope it doesn’t lay out like this. A) I don’t want the white banner release tied to the next pano sectoral release, and B) I want the red veil starter to be usable as the white banner starter. Hsien “political officers” aren’t unreasonable for the army.
First and foremost, I wish people would stop wishing for ISS troops as "political officers" in other sectorials - that's what you play vanilla for! Second off, Hsien aren't political officers anywhere, they are the personal soldiers of the Emperor and about as inappropriate for anything State Army as it gets without being Pan-O or Combined. And I'm not sure about Combined being less reasonable. Third and most importantly, those starter boxes typically saves money, even if two units are duds and only good for testing paint schemes. Yu Jing having been crippled for sectorials for so long now is not exactly overly abundant on starter boxes, so I would expect a Huang Di starter containing 3x Monks as "line troopers" similar to that HB starter that contains 3x irregular troops.
To be fair, I was really hoping for something like Acon Regulars, a unit that has different profiles and sculpts and replaces the Zanshi in White Banner (and a similar unit replacing Fusiliers in the Sval list). But if we could convince CB into sectorial specific head-swap options for the basic line infantry, I'm all for that!
I think neither of this will happen. They already get rid of the third line (light) troopers in YJ and we already have Celestial Guards. Okay a small hope: Pan O has three line guys at the moment, but the acons are oop. Head sweap with helmet heads (no one runs around bare headed in svarla) would be nice, but even if they did (and they will not), you have to paint them twice and that is boring.
For what it's worth, I'd probably not stop trying to avoid using Zhanshi wherever possible anyway, so it all means very little to me.
I'm fairly sure it's quilted jacket + ushanka. Isn't it Adjective Noun? :P But anyway, I'm not sure how we've gotten here from YJ in IP.
Acon is already on hiatus (all the Acon models still in production are in other sectorials or stuck in a box with a model from another sectorial). My money is actually on Neoterra.