I'm not sure if this is a known issue, but when I was uploading pictures to my report it would sometimes display the wrong picture; namely a picture that wasn't even my own. This seems to only occur when the pictures I was uploading had (what I assume were) common names: Table.jpg or First_Blood.jpg. After changing the names locally, they would upload correctly.
I have heard it has to do when another photo has the same name. Try changing the default names of your photos before uploading.
If I'm right about what's causing it, then it should be simple, but probably needs longer to test than the time left... Basically all the photos are going into the same directory with no changes to the filename, and no overwrite permission. The second part is absolutely necessary, the first is a tiny oversight with widespread and frustrating consequences. The solution is to add a process during the upload that adds a unique identifier to each image, filename, eg the first 3 leters of the username and date and time in utc to the second, so table.jpg saves in the blob storage as caz1307115254.jpg etc...
Okay @warzan I'm going to mail the head of whichever Muppet at Sony decided their phones should rename the images back to default to the BoW studios. Present it as a warning to whoever decided that using one directory for everyone's pictures was a good idea...
While the on site image directory is obviously a good option for ease of use, have you considered using links to image handling sites, we were already having to use them in the briefing rooms and this very forum and it may speed alleviate some of the load on the site, which has been a problem when uploading in the past?