Marc Barbier has published a review of his next and future infinity novels with Winged Hussar Publishing. Post:
There's a new podcast with John Leibee, who wrote the latest novel. Episode 8: John Leibee Interview Part 1
Podcast by arachne. Episode 30: Downfall: An Infinity Novel Review The boys (Dr.D and Ernesto) talk about the very first novel that came out for the Infinity universe. They talk about what they think about it before spoilers and then really lay in it afterwards with spoilers. We recommend if you are interested in this book you give it a read before you listen to this full episode.
Recap news from last weeks : Episode 32: Mark Barber Interview News about the next infinitythegame novel by Mark Barber. Post:
Some news for next infinitythegame novels. Post:
Some news for next infinitythegame novels. Post:
Release of the new Infinity novel, Chronicles of the Human Sphere: By Fire and Sword by Mark Barber.
There are two reviews of the new novel: Chronicles of the Human Sphere: By Fire and Sword by Mark Barber: First in reddit and a lot dense : And on the dark net by Upir Lihi:
Here's the info for Novels Winged Hussard in 2025: Article CB Infinity novels - There are no plans to distribute the novels outside English language, but you can read the pdf in Edge and ask the browser to translate text selections. - The novel franchise continues, with another novel about Haqqislam expected: Chronicles of the Human Sphere: Unintended Consequences by Jeremy Breckbill. More info below: - Team Zed author Craig Gallant is tinkering with ideas for a possible sequel. Nothing confirmed yet. There are at least three other novels in various stages of development. Factions potentially covered soon include Steel Phalanx, Yu Jing and Haqqislam. Total potential novels that could be released by Winged Hussar between 2024 and 2025: 5, including one for panoceania, nomads, yu jing, haqqislam and aleph.