Very nice minis this month, have to say. Raicho getting FAL1 or 2 seems highly likely. Can't wait to see the CSU mini too, that concept art is awesome.
Haven't seen the video yet but saw the Raicho on facebook. Nothing at all like what I expected, but I'm a fan, and its a huge improvement over the old one.
That intro! I must admit CB have done their homework very well with the recent memes and discussions.
No, it's not told in the video. My guess is a mine that will do something on hackable troops only (or mayber a jammer mine)
I bet deployable Jammer or something that fries Hackers without LOF. But dammit CB!!! I absolutely didnt want to buy the Haqq Support Pack and now I almost have to, because I love the models so much. Damn, even the Doc is great, even with that hated Medikit of mine, because for once a model is not aiming with it. Also, that Chasseur...the pose seems a bit awkward, but the model itself is really good.
I wonder, because they're only on the hacker, if Cybermines are one shot hacking programs you deploy on the table? Like, you deploy the mine, set the program, and then if a viable target goes within the Cybermine's ZoC it "sets off" the program at full Burst in ARO. It'd be better and worse than a deployable repeater; better because full burst and doesn't allow the enemy access to your network, worse because it's a one shot and obviously your other hackers can't ARO.
jammer mine already exist, they are E/Mauler and they used to be able to explode through walls in N2 (giving a cover bonus), but back then E/M wasn't as powerful as now.
I hate to be negative, but my first thought is if these are mine equivalents, that fire without LoF with a B1 Trinity or Skullbuster ammo type, it just further edges out aggressive AHDs and HD+s, because its yet another thing that can instantkill those expensive profiles if they try to do the job you bring them to the table for. Though a normal roll Reset defending against them would mitigate it a lot. Worst-case, they share the deploying player's total hacking area and can fire through repeaters. In which case, RIP hackers as specialists. We ALREADY have untargetable anti-hacker defensive tech; they are called KHDs (untargetable under cybermask). We didn't really need another one.
Well you could kill such things with a pitcher and the Blackout program quite effectively, depends if they are deployed camo'd They do seem more expensive than regular mines, which is interesting.