It's a little heavily armored visually, but it works OK as a Spitfire Kempeitai. I mean, Yuriko also has those shoulder pads and is only ARM1. [ edit ] And while the Raiden doesn't have the Kempeitai hoodie, it does have a mask, so the trooper's identity is still concealed. [ /edit ] Though for what it's worth, I had converted a Kempeitai into the Spitfire Raiden (swapped arms with an Aragoto) way back in the day, before we saw even the dossier for the Raiden. I just painted the hoodie in camo for that model. So once I repaint that little pain in my ass, I will actually have a real Kempeitai Spitfire. Not that I see a reason to use one.
I wouldn't see anything wrong with having that guy be a hospitaller proxy. I think historically knights had to procure their own armor so that particular knight could have a set that looked like that. I think the main thing is do you like the look of the model. I like starco alot. I love that I can run knauf and Emily and uhahu from outrage. I dont particularly care for the way nomads look so I use pano units in place of them for starco ane I also make sure to use the rest of the outrage guys as well.
Yes, sure, but it wouldn't make any bit more or less good Hospitaller than an Asawira or Morat Vanguard would. It would still be a proxy because it's a model that's fully been discontinued with no natural translation (unlike the Domaru HRL)