I like to see profiles for the box too. At least, Jeong should get a DEP, Engineer (+3) and be available in IA (wich makes Krit a though piece to fix). Joining a fireteam would be the cherry on top. For Adil I also can see his HI Version in ISS, surly he will count as Crane. I not see him in IA because in the story he was only a guest.
Based on his performance in the comic, I wouldn't mind seeing Adil's profile being downgraded from NWI to Dogged (I also just think Dogged is a cooler and better designed skill), but the skill getting carried across both versions. Thematically, the dude managed to close the distance between himself and that Morat wreck pretty quick. Maybe give the Crane suit profile Assault? I really do wish we got to see more of the armour set in action. Cranes are some of the coolest looking troops in the entire range. Most of what we know about Adil's skillset is that he really does not give a shit about taking a hit, and that he's willing to go up against a Speculo in a close combat without any gear and still come out on top. Dude should be a right close combat monster if he bothers to dress for the occasion. Hopefully we see more of Adil, and maybe see him work his way back to Crane rank proper so that he and Nourikas can really throw down in climactic fashion. Adil could have used more development in Betrayal for sure, but everything we got about him I really liked. With Nourikas not killing him for... Some reason, I'm okay with handwaving it as 'muh honaru, ' if it means we get our fateful and beautifully illustrated showdown one day. Main thing here being we have to actually get it. CB's done nothing with Nourikas but set him up as some kind of asshole Dragon, and Adil's gotten nothing but screwed up until this point that they both deserve some payoff. I'm calling it here, next Infinity comic had better be called 'Redemption,' and Adil better be the one earning it. Ko Dali can come too. She was fun.