I would find interesting to know which units are being perceived as not good in SVF to further study the sectorial on my own. I do agree that Karhu, and more specifically the Feuberbach Karhu, is a powerhouse of a unit.
I am expecting forum members to attack the argument, not other forum members, attacks against other forum members and posts relating to them have been removed.
Boyg, Vargar, Locust, most of the named characters, the link composition isn't bad, but you aren't competing with pure cores. At least that's my take. It's really propped up by Karhu, and if they didn't exist it would just be a dead sectorial.
An SWF w/o Karhu would likely lean into Nisse more. As it stands that’s what keeps Nisse from seeing more table time. At standard 300pts/15 troopers games the added utility of Karhu overshadows the extra toughness of the Nisse.
If you flat out removed karhu I think you would see an uptick in nisse just by virtue of being the other major gunfighter in sectorial. But you would not see it taken in the volume or ways that the karhu is taken. The karhu simply runs circles around so much of the faction its sad.
The main issue I have with the Nisse link is the most crucial model, the plain Combirifle + Light Shotgun is missing.
I still have no idea why CB is so resistant to making dual configuration kits. SWC boxes are great, unless you want some models with the unit's basic weapon. Just adding that little bit of extra effort and putting in extra arms with the rifles/shotguns/whatever would go a long way in improving quality of life for this game.
Its a nice model, but I do not have spares for my gaming collection, I will wait for a Nisses Combi to be eventually released..
Ok! here it is, y'all. My Pan-0 hacking list and a plan. written by a very filthy nomad player. (note if someone can tell me how I can do the cool thing with inputting the list into the thread with symbols and details I'll edit that in) Faction: Vanilla Pan-0 List name: Co-Intel Pro 6 SWC, 299 pts. Group 1 Bulleteer spitfire KOJ hacker (linked with bulleteer) Rem racer hacker (+1 BS on bulleteer) Hexa regular hacker Bolt KHD Clipper Guarda De Assaulto spitfire Fugazi X2 beast hunter minelayer Group 2 Crock man FO 2x fusilier (Lt and decoy) Mulebot evo Warcore 360 The plan: deploy with Croc as the reserve to position for a repeater run, or as 2nd player, hidden in the path of where you think a hackable threat will go. Alternatively, You also may want to use the command token to start in suppressive fire with the X visor and min-6. The souped-up bulleteer and the guarda are for knocking out AROs. Remember the guarda smokes different than anything else in the game. Yes its on BS 10, but you get to throw it on top of every BS attack. 1 order and the ARO piece is maybe dead, maybe blinded. both work to get the job done. Once you can move up repeaters the fun really begins. For active turn spotlights coordinate the bulleteer as spearhead and the 3 regular hackers, forcing a bad choice scenario. If they reset, bulleteer spearhead can shoot unopposed, if they shoot they take 3 spotlights unopposed. The Hexa in marker state, as a part of a coordinated hack means the reset has 2 different target numbers, meaning you have a chance to hack them even if they crit the reset. Against hackers, get them under the repeater first and coordinate with all the hackers, with the bolt as spearhead. The bolt KHD is an important companion to the KOJ hacker, as it makes a hacker under a repeater not want to go for the most dangerous hack to the KOJ (Oblivion) since the bolt is immune to isolated. The dirty tricks are mainly as an answer to null deploy or targets that can match your high BS and minmitism or have high armor values. once they're off the table you should be able to clean up with classic pan-o shooting, leveraging hacks mostly as disruption in ARO. Happy info wars! And if you try this, don't tell any nomad players who snitched OK!!
Cool list! But... aside from your missile bot your strongest gun is a spitfire, and you can't contest long range at all. No real templates or warbands for point defence except that beasthunter. No MSV, so smoke will really mess with you. And finally, up against an anny or a jazz you might have a hard time, so you'll be wanting to run this list into hi tech factions with poor infowar defence ... so Pano basically :D I think the main gimmick of the list is great (bulleteer coordinated order hack/shoot fork), but it needs a rework to give you other vectors. Probably a cheap tag? Just a thought.
Your opponent is playing camo spam+Bear You lose the game because they literally do not give 2 shits about your hackers, and you have absolutely no meaningful way to stop the Bear and camo markers running into your DZ and murdering everything they see fit to attack because your ARO options pretty much began and ended with 1 shitty mine and a couple of Fugazi. Good talk.
If I was dead set on trying this, I'd probably go for something like this... - The only visible hackers both have bts6, so killer hackers won't find killing them too trivial, but this is really about that hexa. - Karhu is a beast as a solo gun. - gives you 2 depreps, bulleteer and crocman as repeater options - Monstrucker to unscrew various elements! :D - 2 auxilia and 2 diggers for point defence / cheap pushes into midfield to kill - Zulu Cobra KHD is a great way to zap opposing hackers through your network - way better than the bolt (can wait for the right opportunity with camo, gets surprise attack and wip13) and a capable gunfighter in a pinch. - The other way to go would be a second croc hacker, with no visible hackers, which might be wiser.
PanO can into hacking alpha, but thats not very effective use of orders. I would create difficult AROs for opponent with Mendoza and WildParrot Locust. Perhaps some bikers or MSV-Armand thrown in the mix. For (bear) defence I would use Jammer-Zulu or Aida. You would get rekt byt dedicated GML list, but hey everyone except very few factions that have access to impersonators and Total immune troopers are. EDIT - Sarko vs Locust... The power creep is real.
Try and get as much Hacking done in your reactive turn as you can- this goes for any faction, but weirdly most of all for PanO and Nomads. Neither of them have good ways of generating extra orders for the rather swingy programs, especially into harder targets, so putting down Repeaters near things your opponents need to move will bog them down untying your net instead of attacking your precious troopers, giving you more time to actually do the mission. Definitely don't risk the Croc on a suicide run before it's pressed its nearest button in an objective-focused mission, and consider taking the prior advice and switching the Bolt for a Zulu Cobra to get yourself a second forward-deployed Marker Specialist unless this is for killing scenarios. Pay special attention to your Hidden Deployment troops during deployment; even with a Combi Rifle they can do a lot of damage in ARO if you position them to get safe shots on Warbands that have invested half an order pool into running up the table, or even better a dedicated assassin piece. Above all, have a plan for units dying on you. PanO tends to be bad at recovering due to expensive, focused units and lack of Orders or mobility options, so know what you'll do if something eats a crit or you play into something you can't properly counter like Impersonators. The lack of templates also renders you really vulnerable to quality shooting units rampaging in your DZ, so watch those board edges like a hawk and hope your EVO makes the Hellcats miss.
I enjoy the addition of the monstrucker and some msv. The karhu is hard to keep away from with being both so efficient on top of a really dope sculpt. I'd swap one of the auxilia for an EVO bot, especially in this season. Admittedly I'm set on forcing the KOJ and Guarda which doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room. Yes, I'll have some trouble with high armor lists but those lists also tend to be conveniently hackable first off.. are you okay? You seem kinda mad.. it's good to take a break from a game when it starts to feel too serious. Second off, fair point. Some msv in there would be useful. Maybe even the FO bot, especially in this season with the tac aware. I get but against bears with suppressive fire in nomad hacking lists, in the list I posted unaltered I'd definitely leverage the crock in suppressive. It doesn't kill it reliably but it forces the bear to sink orders into smoke.
I'm going to be honest. Nothing about that list scares me. It's going to have to run face first into a lot of things before it can even start threatening ARO pieces. I think their point is that the list is bad. It can't play into anything with better hacking (most hacking lists), it can't shoot, and it can't really contest the midfield. It will crumble the moment a warband looks at it and god forbid someone setup some smoke shooting. Now, if you remove the KOJ and the Guarda you have room to do some stuff. But those two are both just a ton of points for what other factions achieve at much lower costs in the unit and in their listbuilding.
I think it is a list worth experimenting first and changing later, I am not sure I would discard any list before playing it first.