Which faction will get the Action Pack this year?

Discussion in 'News' started by burlesford, Jan 4, 2022.


Who do you think will get all the Action Pack attention of 2022?

  1. NCA

    5 vote(s)
  2. Acontecimento

    4 vote(s)
  3. Imperial Service

    12 vote(s)
  4. Merovingian Rapide Response Force

    16 vote(s)
  5. Caledonian Highlander Army

    0 vote(s)
  6. Bakunin Jurisdictional Command

    9 vote(s)
  7. Qapu Khalqi

    6 vote(s)
  8. Steel Phalanx

    19 vote(s)
  9. Morat Aggression Force

    23 vote(s)
  10. A new O12 sectorial

    4 vote(s)
  11. Tohaa

    8 vote(s)
  12. A new NA2 sectorial

    4 vote(s)
  1. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The Spektr combi, Hellcat Spitfire, Mobile Brigada combi+lft, Grenzer sniper, Intruder sniper, or Kriza Mk12 are all possible options to go alongside Mary in the first booster.
    Brokenwolf and infyrana like this.
  2. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Now with news on some Morat being disc I'm not sure on Nomads anymore. I think they are just getting a re-package. Action Pack and maybe a Booster. I still think Aleph and Haqqislam will get something big but i'm just not sure in what way.
    Gwynbleidd, burlesford and Golem2God like this.
  3. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Here's a wild idea: Steel Phalanx gets the reboot in April, and the Operations box in August will be Haqq vs. Tohaa :P
  4. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    You know that would be interesting. I had thought ever since Tohaa first came out, and knowing Haqqislam is into super soldiers and stuff, they would want to have a little talk with some Tohaa friends about their bio science. If I was them i'd be sending guys to get samples from them as well as Antipodes on Dawn. They have saliva that changes human DNA! Of course it should be studied! Then there's Bakunin with people that just love messing with genetics. I'd think they would be purposefully injecting people with anitipode juice.
    #64 Space Ranger, Jan 13, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2022
    burlesford and Golem2God like this.
  5. holycannoli

    holycannoli Dancing to Kazak Kalinka

    Mar 22, 2018
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    "No NA2 besides JSA has their own action pack (and don't need one), and I doubt that'll change."

    Ouch. My druze are offended by this. As for the factions for code 1 discussions, aren't these usually called battle packs. I thought the action packs were single sectoral. Why I don't think it's going to be haqq or aleph. That's too prime for 2022's 2 player box.

    In that case DBS would he ripe for a battle pack. Easy to add to c1 with a few new options since they have no profiles and rules too out there. That and we are in desperate need of combi rifle druze. We have the swc box but no basic infantry! An action pack or starter box could make the faction no longer require conversions to fill out a wysiwyg list. It can also provide Arslan, one of the unique options for dbs, somewhere outside of a dire foes. And pure wish listing here, a source of a few shiny new profiles that can make the sectoral feel more complete to the degree of white banner.
  6. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Battle packs are two player starters, Action Packs are single faction boxes of miniatures. As of February there will be 4 Code One Action Packs, 3 of which will be single Sectorial boxes (Shasvastii, White Banner, Svalarheima) 2 brand new N4 Action Packs (Starmada, MO) and 3 N4 action packs that are repackaging of older Battle Packs (Vanilla Haqq, OSSSSSS, TAK)

    I don't think JSA will be the only NA2 Action Pack either, once they run out of booklets and scenery I expect Spiral to be repacked from Army Box to Action Pack, having said that I don't expect any of the "Paper Sectorials" (Druze, Ikari, StarCo, Dashat, ForCo, WhiteCo) to get an Action Pack.
    #66 colbrook, Jan 13, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
  7. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I agree about most NA2. They don't have enough common troops to sell an action pack. Most have Brawlers but each with different AVA. JSA makes sense and I also agree about Spiral.
    Golem2God likes this.
  8. RolandTHTG

    RolandTHTG Still wandering through the Night

    Aug 10, 2019
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    One of the issues with a Druze pack is that I'm not sure what can be packed in that with them to make an actual interesting action pack. Reusing the druze box + 2-3 new druze models + Arslan to provide all the possible druze sculpts, then adding Scarface & Cordelia and a brawler might get you a 10-model action pack, (I'm assuming that Arslan and Scarface & Cordelia would be new sculpts) . But I'm not sure how interesting it would be for people, especially those that already have the current box druze models.

    If there's going to be a NA2 release, I could see a "Heroes of Star-Co" box along the lines of the Soldiers of Fortune one, with Emily, Knauf, Uhahu, and Raoul or Avicenna. But generally I agree with colbrook that there isn't likely to be a NA2 action pack.
  9. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    A Druze Action pack could be possible. It's good for Druze, QK, and Ikari. Common troops with all of them: Druze, Scarface, Bash Bazouk (all 3), Armand (2), Brawlers (2). They would need to make a few changes to have a few more common troops. Saito/Ninja, Hunzakut/Hawwa, MBH/Desperado.
    Golem2God and RolandTHTG like this.
  10. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    So, I though about this a bit more. If you accept that CB is keeping to a few rules they have followed so far when it comes to Action Packs, releases, taking things in and out of production etc., I propose the following:

    Rule #1: Every Action Pack features 3 Line Troops of the sectorial or faction.
    Rule #2: If a new Action Pack is released for a sectorial or faction, there are a few updates to old miniatures. If these are still in the store, they are taken oop at the same time (cf. the KoftHS, Magister Knights for MO last year).
    Rule #3: CB said at one point that they aim at keeping 3 sectorials per faction in a current rotation. If this is true, no faction will have more than three active sectorials (meaning in production) at the same time, and if one is added, another is taken out (cf. CHA when KF came out, Neoterra when SWF came out, etc.)

    Bonus Rule: NA2 sectorials only get action packs when they de facto form their own faction (JSA, Spiral Corps for Tohaa).

    With these rules, the factions look like this:

    PanO (NCA; Acon): No
    Rule #1: They could release new Acon Regulars.
    Rule #2: NCA or Acon already are oop, so the fact that nothing else is marked for being taken oop doesn't mean they couldn't bring out something new.

    Rule #3: PanO has three active sectorials, and no troops are marked for being taken oop, so they won't add a fourth one.

    Yu Jing (IS): No
    Rule #1: They could release new Celestial Guards.
    Rule #2: Some existing stuff (MR Imperial Agent, current starter pack, etc.) would have to be taken oop, but nothing is marked for that in April.
    Rule #3: Yu Jing only has three sectorials, so this rule wouldn't come into effect.

    Ariadna (MRRF, CHA): No
    Rule #1: They could release new Volunteers or Metros.
    Rule #2: MRRF and CHA already are oop, so the fact that nothing else is marked for being taken oop doesn't mean they couldn't bring out something new.

    Rule #3: Ariadna has three active sectorials, so they won't add a fourth one.

    Haqqislam (HB): No (under the assumption that QK will get their relaunch in August when they are added to Code One)
    Rule #1: They would have to release another set of new Ghulams or Daylami, but they could.

    Rule #2: Some existing stuff (Farzans, Lasiqs, Barid, old Fiday, etc.) would have to be taken oop, but nothing is marked for that in April.
    Rule #3: Haqq only has three sectorials, so this rule wouldn't come into effect.

    Haqqislam (Qapu Khalqi): Possible, but unlikely
    Rule #1: They could release new Ghulams.
    Rule #2: Qapu Khalqi is already oop, so the fact that nothing else is marked for being taken oop doesn't mean they couldn't bring out something new.
    Rule #3: Haqq only has three sectorials, so this rule wouldn't come into effect.

    Note: QK would only work if they release QK now and use HB to add Haqq to C1 as the second part of the Operations Oack in August this year

    Nomads (Bakunin): No
    Rule #1: They could release new Moderators.

    Rule #2: Some existing stuff (Prowlers, Custodiers, Spitfire Riot Grrl, etc.) would have to be taken oop, but nothing is marked for that in April.
    Rule #3: Yu Jing only has three sectorials, so this rule wouldn't come into effect.

    Combined Army (Morats or new sectorial): Possible

    Rule #1: They could release new Vanguard Infantry.
    Rule #2: Morats are marked for being taken oop in April.
    Rule #3: Combined Army only has three sectorials, so this rule wouldn't come into effect.

    Aleph (Steel Phalanx): Possible
    Rule #1: They could release either new Myrmidons or Thorakitai (see also RolandTHTG's post for why they could get both an Action Pack and be a part ot the Operations Pack in August).
    Rule #2: Steel Phalanx is already and CHA already are oop, so the fact that nothing else is marked for being taken oop doesn't mean they couldn't bring out something new.
    Rule #3: Aleph only has two sectorials, so this rule wouldn't come into effect.
    Tohaa: Possible for obvious reasons, unlikely for similarly obvious reasons

    O12: No, because they would need to get a new sectorial, and this is allegedly about a revamp, not about adding something new.

    NA2: No, because of the bonus rule

    So, with the exception of the will-they-won't-they of the Tohaa, I kinda only see CA and Aleph as logical contenders for the Action Pack this year.

    Prove me wrong ;)
    #70 burlesford, Jan 17, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2022
  11. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Thank you for detailed analysis, @burlesford :)

    So, this would indicate Morats as the most likely Action Pack - in my estimation.
    Because Haqqislam and Aleph need to appear in C1 (they are two of the basic factions not yet present. Third would be Tohaa, and I believe Tohaa to be completely unsuitable for C1, unless they get really, really seriously reworked), and thus they are the most likely contents of this year's Operation: Something-something battlepack.

    What exactly is going to be the C1 content for Aleph and Haqq, remains to be seen. I'd guesstimate Steel Phalanx and QK-themed sets.
    • Steel Phalanx can be based around 3 Myrmidons or 3 Thorakitai. All the existing Myrmidons (and non-SWC Thorakitai) models are N2 Human Sphere / Paradiso-era.
    • Qapu Khalqi can have another set of Ghulams, although the Red Veil ones are up-to-date technologically. However, if we take into account QK theme, the QK starter-that-was contained 3 Hafza models. While the Hafza don't make much sense as QK basic infantry (at least in their current incarnation and fluff!), it was done in the past. And, moreover, the Hafza models are as dated as the Myrmidons. We could also see the re-release of Halqa motor rifles who disappeared from Infinity in N4 (there were two models, of late N1 vintage if memory serves me). While they are likely to be reserved for the future Gabqar sectroial release, it is not impossible for them to show up in Operation box, I guess.

    Theoretically, it would be possible to see Aleph both in Action Pack and in Operation box, but I consider it to be unlikely to the highest degree.
  12. Abrilete

    Abrilete Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I still remember the days when the Morat lineup was re-released, it was used of an example of a product refresh that proved very succesfull. It wasn't that long ago.
    How are they again in need of a refresh?
    chaos11 and burlesford like this.
  13. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Power Creep...
  14. Abrilete

    Abrilete Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Even if they were so behind the power level, that could be fixed with just a few point adjustments in the Army or with the new (yet to be released) Fireteam rules.
    I don't think they'll be re-re-releasing Morats so soon, I find it more credible that we are getting a new CA Sectorial.
  15. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    but what CA sectorial? EI aspects? Sygma? The comeback of the exrah? (correct me if im wrong, but the extermination order was for the Concordat and now the EI is working with the Comisariat, right?)

    BTW, i was expecting an existing sectorial revamp for adepticon, and not a new arrival
  16. TenNoBushi

    TenNoBushi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2017
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    Right, the Commisariat took the place of the Concordat but limited itself to the logistic side of the mission without any troop on the ground.
  17. Abrilete

    Abrilete Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    What I voted for is Qapu Khalqi, but if we are talking about CA Sectorials maybe it is finally time for the Ur Sectorial (with EI aspects). After all, now the CA has deeply penetrated into the Human Sphere space, so instead of the Onyx Expeditionary Force or the Shasvastii infiltrators it is time of delivering the heavy blows of the Main Force. Or somethiing like that, who knows.

    A Sygmaa Sectorial would be nice, as it could have some crossover units with the Tohaa (or, at least, Spiral Corps).
  18. Dragonstriker

    Dragonstriker That wizard came from the moon.

    Dec 3, 2017
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    And Achilles v1.
    burlesford likes this.
  19. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Yup. Then again, it was back in the days of N2 to N3 change, IIRC.

    RL reason being (as CB said) the Exrach models (of which there were what, 3 or 4? Vector Operator, Void Operator and Caskuda?) not selling that well, and being relatively more expensive to produce than the rest of the range (due to their design they were said to generate increased mold wear, and thus forcing more frequent mold replacement).
    Then again, it was with techniques and know-how of CB as of at least 15 years ago. Much has changed in the miniature design of Infintiy models since that time. It is a safe bet IMO to assume that today, CB could design the models in a way that wouldn't cause this particular problem of mold wear (absolute proof: they have a lot of various models in their catalog, and don't mention any problems with mold wear anymore :P). Whether they would look like the Exrach of old, remains an open question.

    The most important question, however, is: would they sell well enough?
    If yes, I guess CB would introduce them.
    If no, there is no reason to do so.

    From what I've heard, there are two trends on the general market: "aliens that sell" need to be either very human-like, or very inhman in appearance. At this moment we have a number of alien species in Infinity:
    • Tohaa - "artichoke Space Elves" / "Dark Elves" (Sygmaa)
    • Morats - "warlike red space apes & orks"
    • Umbra - "mysterious demons out of hell"
    • Shasvasti - "insidous frogmen"
    • Ur / EI constructs - "evil biomachines"
    • Oom / Helots - "represed, freedom-fighting fishmen"
    • Antipodes - "genetic frweak composite wolfpack"
    Of the above, Antipodes and Helots don't really have the potential of becoming their own sectorials. Sygmaa, well, could. If there was the space in game, and industrial capacity in CB.

    I'd like to point out that the N1/N2 Exrach had a couple of unique rules. They'd have to be pretty much redesigned for N4, as they were pretty likely omitted during the N2 to N3 redesign. And if they were a sectorial, the entire sectorial would have to be made from ground up...

    So, while it would be defintiely an interesting sight - to see what is out there for the Space Bugs - I don't really expect to see them come back anytime soon...

    Is there "market space" space for Exrach "space bugs"? I dunno.

    Although I wouldn't be too surprised if CB decided to test the waters by releasing some mercenary Exrach (unit or character, available to Human Sphere armies - most likely, to some of the NA2, who, fluff-wise, aren't too picky about whom they work with), labelling them as renegades (like they did with Krakot) and / or Concordat survivors (EI extermination order likely didn't got exery single Concordat bug out there!)...
    TenNoBushi, Brokenwolf and Abrilete like this.
  20. Sharrankar

    Sharrankar Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Wild speculation here: CB usually avoids giving models rules that are not represented on the model, aka models with visors will have these visors sculpted etc. Morat line, while fresh in design, follows old unit design - Yaogats as the MSV2 MI, Kurgats as the engineer+offense type of troops etc (I was therefore actually quite surprised to see that the HRL Suryat picked up MSV1).

    Now, if a Morat revamp is true, and CB wanted to completely update the rules, they would have to resculpt some models because of their internal limitations - it is an extreme measure, but I think it's mildly possible that this might be the case. It would explain why some models went OOP despite having new sculpts. And, to be honest, I think Morats need a complete revamp with an updated design philosophy, not one reflecting 2013 design lol
    Errhile likes this.
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