You mean this one? Seems I'm the slow-poke :p Ninjaed
I’d be legit excited if they made a blister containing only 4 Mad Traps. I hate that you’re forced to buy them via dire foes
There isn't a problem with resculpts, I was pointing out the context of conversation was most likely asking about new profiles given it was also referencing removed profiles.
Yeah, that's the big problem with getting resculpts. More to the point, though, resculpts take up a release slot that could have been new profiles. For anyone. Probably more early-mid next year, April 2019 or later. CB did say it was going to be a rough YEAR for vanilla Yu Jing, and that was starting from April 2018. This is the YJ forum, of course there are Ninjas here!
I don't think that they meant 365 days count down, starting from April. I think they meant that the year 2018 would be the rough year (or so I hope) .
Yeah I'm expecting/hopeful there will be teasers near the end of this year. I don't know about you peeps but its rapidly approaching for me!!
I fully understand the idea, but resculpts are essential, especially if your faction is old, some may not be attracted to it simply because the sculpts are old. They play a significant role.
I can't imagine Infinity without resculpts. If the model is old and to my eyes "ugly", I won't buy it. I would never buy the old Szalamandra but as soon as I saw the resculpt I preordered it. I believe there are plenty of others like me.
I agree. I won't buy models I don't like, so there's lots of models I own that I wouldn't if they hadn't been resculpted. However, I also like new profiles, so a balance is good.
But both are the Hacker. I want a regular guy, preferably with Madtraps. Or gee, how about the 1 SWC HMG?!
You're knowingly misrepresenting his argument. Resculpts aren't only necessary, they're great. CB's sculpts are on point 9 times out of 10. The issue is we've obviously lost a ton of variety for vanilla list building/gameplay and resculpts do nothing to replace what we've lost. They also take up slots in the release schedule that could be used for new profiles.
Understood, but from all public information next sectorial is some time ahead, nothing can be done about it. It is coming though.
She's literally the most useful sculpt. That's why she was made, pioneering data-driven prioritization. I can understand that you want models for the profiles that you use (the missile launcher I think is literally the least used profile among our 10+ points troops, or at least a strong contender, so it was a mistake), but the Celestial Guard are strongly showing their age. Compare them to the newer Red Veil Celestial Guard who all feature strong aesthetics, modern size and modern sculpting resolution - I haven't fielded my old Celestial Guard since Red Veil came out, I've been using Zhanshi SWC box exclusively as Celestial Guard. Aside from completely new units, Celestial Guard SWC is the single best possible release for Yu Jing at present. And yes, I fully claim that it's better and more important than models for units with the wrong armaments. (Personal preference, but a Zhanying HMG would probably have a better chance at being Celestial Guard Spitfire than the Zhanying HMG it's meant to be - and I usually don't field a CG Spitfire)
I'll admit some of it is the fact that I just can't afford Box sets. I can do a blister every once in a while but I'm poor so I have yet to get the new ISS box set. I had to sell all of my Nomads to get the Su-Jian. But that's my problem. I also have no problem with the old ones. Even when they come out with a box set, I guarantee you, the only one that will be used often is the Smoke-Kuang Shi controller, second, the hacker. I've used the spitfire once. Never the sniper.
I'll give you that, the Spitfire is pretty damned useless (meaning there's a plethora of better places to spend the SWC) and the Sniper is like most MSR too costly in SWC compared to the lower-tech alternatives for such measly BS skill and lack of supporting abilities. If I could customize the box, I'd get a Hacker, KSCD, Boarding Shotgun and... well... no actually, just those three. Make it cheaper to buy the two boxes I have convinced myself I need.
If anything, but a new Crane Agent with them! Edit: I take that back since I already said I don't want box sets. I want that Agent alone!