What is your Haqqislam inspiration?

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by theGricks, Oct 26, 2018.

  1. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Was it ever published in English?
    Palomides likes this.
  2. eciu

    eciu Easter worshiper

    Nov 23, 2017
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    No idea, would guess that not (it wasn't groundbreaking title).
    Palomides likes this.
  3. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Member

    Nov 1, 2018
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    I wanted my HB to have a cold weather/urban area look, So I painted mine in Vallejo Somber grey and whites and browns. I put in a bit of cammo green and khaki accents here and there.
    Palomides and theGricks like this.
  4. MrMorphine482

    MrMorphine482 Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    Haqq was the first faction I got invested in after PanO (sorry, love my knights), as the philosophy and composition of the army (having a lot of medical personnel/training) along with a minimal amount of Tactical Heels on female troopers reminded me a lot of the sword school I dedicated a number of years to. I painted them up in school colors - black, rich green/hunter green trim, silver accents. I still don't play much, but I love painting up new figs.
    Palomides, theGricks and Xeurian like this.
  5. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I paint my Haqq in blues and blue-greens, because I think it gives them a more high-tech feel. They are as advanced as the other powers after all!
  6. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Before the Infinity R.P.G. from Modiphius came out, there were people claiming that "Coriolis" Role-Playing Game (a sort of crossbreed between "Serenity / Firefly" and "Dune" of Frank Herbert & Sons) was a good inspiration. . .

    It still presented an Humanistic "Arabian-Nights-In-Space" (very "Low Key" for Religion, with Islamic Doctrine replaced by Islamic CULTURE embodied by "New Prophets" that had to continue, in the far galaxy, what the Great Prophet Mohammed had accomplished in Space). . .

    It had ALSO some "Possible Interpretations" of "Supernatural In Space" with the Seven Prophets embodying the Seven Virtues, and their "Archetypal Counterparts" embodying the Seven Deadly Sins; it was left to the Gamemaster to flesh out if Supernatural existed or not as "Evil Djinns" could be weird non-sentient Alien Cosmical Phenomenons, crafty Xeno Predators masquerading as "Star Spectres" or ACTUAL "Bad Spirits" serving the Cosmical Concept of Entropy. . .

    It was so goodly received here in Italy that a Translation was soon created, and I know a Player of Milan (that is a Son of Bedouin Immigrates, very Western Accultured, but STILL a Faithful Muslim of very Moderate Leanings) that is taking some hints from that "Coriolis" R.P.G. for crafting an interesting Campaign based on the rather EXCELLENT Rules of the Silk Trader Merchants from the Haqqislamite R.P.G. Sourcebook. . .

    I presented Him the idea to have the "Seven Deadly Sins" as ACTUAL Speculo Killers Infiltrator Elites (on the level of Corax Veterans) that tries to ruin the tenets of Haqqislam from within; and He found the idea POTENTIALLY interesting. . .!!
  7. sololobo

    sololobo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2018
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    Well, to me, they were the only faction that had a resounding synergy between soldier and tech look while other factions went all soldier i.e. Ariadna or all tech i.e. Aleph. And, I've always like desert landscapes so there is that. Plus, I deployed to Iraq and visited Kuwait, so I have some cultural interactive elements to fall back on. :)

    As for the color? Well, I'm still buying! lol I plan on building three main lists, so I have not painted them yet. But, when I do, I plan to keep them earth toned i.e. creams and browns with yellow or orange accents.
  8. Palomides

    Palomides Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    What a delightful thread! Thanks for sharing everybody.

    I got into Haqqislam because of the old Khawarij model. Some friends were starting a sci-fi D&D campaign (that ended up not starting) and I wanted a mini for my character. He was supposed to be a disillusioned veteran and the GM told me that he was deployed to a desert world where we supposed to start. The model was perfect.

    I had no interest in playing Infinity, but I enjoyed painting the mini and decided the get back into the hobby. Infinity was a natural starting point and I kind of kept up with Haqqislam by default. It was easier than looking through all of the models and I like the trench coat and turban aesthetic. I am also a big Dune fan and teach humanist texts at the university, so the fluff was a natural fit. I think I was reading Averroes when I first started collecting.

    Now, of course, I have far too many models and not enough time to play or even just paint them all. :-) I more or less use studio colors, focusing on tans, browns, and dark greens. My models are supposed to look gritty and used, with the exception of the Khawarij with their brilliant red coats and turbans.
  9. KwarkyMats

    KwarkyMats Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2017
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    I was looking for a skirmish game to play with one of my friends a few years ago.
    As a big fan of Cyberpunk and Sci-F (Homeworld!), Infinity spoke to me. I couldn't really decide between PanO and Yu Jing at first until I saw the new Azra'il and Maghariba Guard. I was immediately sold.
    I also like how the female troops aren't as fan-servicy compared to the other factions. The Missile Launcher Janissaire (she hella tall) and the Govad HMG are some of my favourite sculpts because of that.
    Another big aspect was the positive portrayal of Haqqislam in the fluff, which is rare compared to other pieces of media portraying the middle-east.
    Gameplay-wise I couldn't really get into Haqqislam at first, prefering big guns shooting, but now I've grown really fond of the bag of tricks you can bring to the table. Whenever I play any other faction I feel like I'm missing versatility and tools.

    As for colour schemes. At first I stuck to reds for Qapu Khalqi, but now I'm staying closer to the official studio schemes for the rest of my forces. Although I tend to deviate by using more tans and browns. It makes my troops look a bit more realistic compared to the other factions I own.
    WarHound, theGricks, sololobo and 2 others like this.
  10. Wylde83

    Wylde83 The Cyberpunk Guy

    Jan 6, 2019
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    A few of my Haqqislam Models...
    I paint them dark and dirty, because i like it and the desert is rough ;)
    i am using a Dark Gray + a Khaki/Oliv mix and a dirty red .. Specials are golden because they are Orientals ;)

    I love Haqqislam for the flexiability in this Army and the dirty play style ;) ... i got a PanO Army too but they are totaly boring agains my Haqq´s in my opinion .. but i like it to paint the PanOs they got great models.

    a few of my fav sculpts are :

    The Janissaire... ill hope they resculp the HMG and AP Rifle soon

    Hassassin Muyibs + Leila, they are solid cool models

    And the Hassassin Ayyar.. master of badassnes ;) i love this sculp

    the image doesnt work well ;)
  11. Ultramega

    Ultramega Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    13EFBE97-3F19-420B-9D02-BE6BCC361DCE.jpeg Dune.

    Forever, Dune.
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  12. Manfred_VR

    Manfred_VR Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Dune forever man ;).

    I like your Fiday, and the army of Wylde 83 is amazing!!

    This is an interesting topic, I chose Haqqislam 'cause I like Hassassin Bahram, its miniatures and playstyle, when I thought about this wonderful army I've Dune in mind, so, in the next future, my army's colour scheme will be conditioned by this film.
    Wylde83 and theGricks like this.
  13. tehmik

    tehmik New Member

    Feb 6, 2018
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    This, basically. Once Tallarn Desert Raiders were basically impossible to come by, I needed something else to realize my dream of having a Fremen army.
    TheEmptyRoad, theGricks and oldGregg like this.
  14. Nenyx

    Nenyx Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Aleph player here, i started a QK army some months ago. Never played them till now, through i intended to do it but OSS came.

    I choose QK because of some nice miniatures with historical references inside:
    _ janissaries, the legendary elite ottoman soldiers
    _ the cute yet lethal odalisks
    _ the irregular bashi bazouks

    There is something appealing in that bunch of professionnal soldiers and hired mercenaries, with middle eastern thematic.
    Plus, it feels quite different from Aleph, so for me it has a fresh tone in it :)

    My minis are being painted right now (not by me, i hired a painter), i choose a rather flashy red/gold theme inspired by ceremonial dresses rather than practical desert camo, as we can see in the images here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janissaries
    Palomides, theGricks and KwarkyMats like this.
  15. Palomides

    Palomides Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I look forward to seeing those flashy minis, @Nenyx. Please share some pictures when you have them!
  16. wayton

    wayton Active Member

    Dec 2, 2017
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    Started the game as PanO, back technically in the first edition. When my gaming group decided to get back into it with 3rd I was originally going PanO(I actually still have them as my second faction), but I just really really liked the Haqqislam minis. So when I was suppose to be building a PanO army I kept buying Haqqislam minis...and just caved to the inevitable. A decision I have definitely not regretted.

    Of course I stick around because I like their fluff. I mean you have a faction of enigmatic perception altering assassins, supersoldiers who are peerless scholar-warriors, Jannissaries in power armor, bodyguards who are as much known for their beauty as their skill, a scorpion mecha-tank, biker Mongols/Steppe Nomads, Fremen with thermal optic camo, common soldiers who may lack for fancy toys but make up for it with sheer will, and Saladin. Also I have Asawira I call Fehydman Kassad. It sometimes confuses Combined Army players when I bring him and refer to their Avatar as 'The Shrike'.

    Color scheme wise I use mostly earth tones, khaki and brows, with a dark purple for most of their armor.
    theGricks, stevenart74 and oldGregg like this.
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