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What I want for my new TAG

Discussion in 'Off-Topic English' started by Space Ranger, Aug 31, 2018.

  1. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    What I thought of at first when I saw YJ Heavy infantry, Not a bad things lol. Anyone hear of the Super Sentai shows? This is Kamen Rider.

    jherazob likes this.
  2. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Good Morning to all. . .

    Want to chime saying that I will try to create a "Pan-Oceanian Rival" of the Yujingese Guijia (Artic Warfare Version; Optimized for the icy wastes of Planet Svarhalheima) based around the "Jotum" cool frame, but with a wearable pilot. . .

    I KNOW WELL that Panoceanian TAGs are SUPPOSEDLY "Remote Piloted Ones" but this is for a RPG Game based on Svarhalheima, so I DO NOT LIKE the Option of a "Rearguard Player Character" that is "Sitting in a Comfy Chair" in a warm, cozy Bunker, WHILE the other PC are gallivantly trough a blizzardstorm, plowing through snowbanks and fighting "Trollhattan Trolls" or fearsome "Linnorm Wyrm Dragonsnakes" with BARELY adequated weaponry. . .

    As we know that Pan-O discontinued the "Manned TAG" of the Reptile Serie by selling it to the Nomads, then I will use for reference the "Rough Concepts" of the Nomad Exoarmours of the "Vintage Type" (those presented in the FIRST "Infinity Artbook") but with the added bulk of Jotum styled Helmet, Armourplating and so on. . .

    SOON will put some image of My ideas. . .

    Anyone that want to suggest a Gecko Frame is better than a Szalamander, an Iguana really is far-off the track or that an Anaconda (with ROUGH squared edges is ALMOST a "Pseudo Jotum" if compared to the "Soft Curves" of almost organic-looking chassis of other Nomad Tags) is MORE THEN WELCOME to say its pieces and discuss there. . .
    Space Ranger likes this.
  3. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Put em' in a snowstorm in no-man's-land out of network reach. It stops being so warm, cosy and safe when the TAG needs to pull the Ghost cocoon on a sled and the less resilient members of the team start using their comrade's inert form as cover. It also lets you have the upside of actually using a Jotum, who can bull through snowdrifts without having to worry about the human cost of accidentally stepping on thin ice in a bipedal walker. For a manned TAG, the best existing one I can think of would be the JSA O-Yoroi, with its big feet, relatively low centre of mass and lighter weight.
  4. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Welcome to the life of a cyberpunk 2020 GM.
    Player wants to run a "netrunner". Who sits safely back on his cheeto-stained couch, punching deck while the real workers are out in the field doing actual stuff, getting shot at and bleeding all over the expensive furniture.
    We got around that by having "air-gapped" datastores that they had to hack in person.

    PanO didn't ALWAYS use remote TAGs. Someone had to operate their manned ones.
    Cubes make one more or less "immortal" - surely someone is still around, maybe in "storage" - with the skills to operate one. Bring back an older pilot (stick him in a new sleeve and give him the "situation catch-up" brief). Bingo.
  5. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    chromedog and stevenart74 like this.
  6. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @jherazob . . .

    Yes, I know! It is as the "R.I.P." event of Tony Macayana (suspiciously similar to a Late 20° Century Artist of the NOW disappeared "Kingdom Of Estalia" on Old Earth. . . . .:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: !!!!) hinted. . .

    But, as @chromedog said, it was PURELY a Roleplaying "Equal Parity" thing. . .

    If I allow "Potato Couch" Remote Pilots then I could allow as well a "Digital Persona" from the A.L.E.P.H. that is "Virtually Immortal" (Pun Intended !!) and that "Skynet-Direct" an Army of Drone Bodies. . .

    But I wanted to represent an "Appleseed In The Snow" kind of Infinity RPG Campaign, not "Predator Drone Simulator" kind of Game. . .

    @SpectralOwl . . .

    Good call on the "Oyoroy" kind of Hyperbalanced Footing on treacherous terrain, but, as Jotums and Guijias are "Umanoid Slabs of CHOBHAM-FASCES Tank Armour" that are anyway mobile the issue of a Pilot Onboard or not is quite low important. . .

    But speaking about "Snow Artic Mobility", for the typical "Arachnodrone Mini-Maghariba" kind of spider-tank do You think that JUST longer legs and maybe larger footpads could help solve the issue. . .??

    Another idea that I offered to a prospective Player that wanted to Play an "Artic Warfare Myrmydon Specialist" with "Droid Sidekick" was to have a Cetus Frame built around the "Body Specs" of a Snow Leopard or Syberian Tiger. . . . .!!!
    SpectralOwl and chromedog like this.
  7. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    That wasn't out of any design requirement, just that a heavy mech with less ground contact is at higher risk of falling through the ice (though great at plowing snow out of the way), which means that it's much riskier to pilot around such environments. A G:RP TAG doesn't risk trapping a soldier under the ice caps if they put a foot wrong, and no Cube's getting the Pilot back from that.

    A Maggie would actually work great for the same reasons it works on the sand dunes of Bourak. Low centre of mass, lots of contact with the ground especially when compared with a biped in motion. The long slender legs are if you want to just punch through the snow the way people go through knee-high snow, Maggie-type builds would be ideal for scuttling over larger drifts or ice. Only problem is the lack of hands for climbing, in case you run into a mountain.

    As for the Robo-Lynx, as long as it had the cold tolerance of the actual animal it would work fine. Might even have an actual advantage against human targets if it resembles something local; don't want to blow your camo to shoot a cat after all.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  8. csjarrat

    csjarrat Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Why not just go old school and use tracked vehicles?
    stevenart74 likes this.
  9. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Well, about Tracked Vehicle then I believe that in the Svarhalheiman Parts of the "Outrage Manga" there are depicted some sorts of "Snowcat / Bobcat / Lynx" Artic Tracked vehicles. . .

    But this is Infinity, there are TAGS, in Svarhalhemima there is the Jotums for the Pan-Oceanian (whose frame is inspiration for MANNED "Pan-O Artic Tags") and in Yujing "Huangdi" there are what I believe are the "Blue Wolves" (?) "Mongol Cavalry" TAGS (that, lacking better equation, I consider "Snow Terrain Guijias"). . .

    The Illustrations that I wanted to create are for a Roleplaying Game, so Manned, PC-Piloted TAGs are of paramount importance. . . . .!!!
  10. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    You know, it would be pretty cool if USAriadna got a single Ninja!

    Devil_Tiger, stevenart74 and jherazob like this.
  11. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    I personally believe that "Snakeyes" is one of the COOLEST Characters from the "G.I.Joe" franchise, both in the Old Comic, Old Cartoons and the "Hasbro Movies" (in fact the SECOND Movie, subpar if compared to the First, the "Ninja Clans War" subplot is ONE of the "Saving Parts" of that Movie, that STARTS excellent and "Mellow Down" toward the end). . .

    As we are in a "TAG Dedicated" Thread (that sported anyway a excellent panoply of "Heavy Infantry Powersuits"), what about a "U.S.Ariadnan Cyberninja" that resemble the rather very interesting Characters from the "Solid Snake" antagonists in the "Metal Gear" Videogames. . .??

    Silver Fox the Cyborg Ninja, Olga Gurlukovich and her "Muscle Suit", Solidus Snake with the "Heavier Version", the "Sleeping Beauties" with their personalized style Bionic Interface Suits and OBVIOUSLY Raiden, that went from "Vapid Mindscrubbed Ex Child-Soldier" to a FEARSOME "Cyber Samurai Bionic Warmachine" (especially in the dedicated Videogame, where He face a "Metal Gear Ray", vanquishing that "Military Mecha" with a SWORD). . .

    Speaking of Ariadnan "GAP" of technology, maybe we could consider that U.S.Ariadnan "Norad Darpa" specialists acquired some OLD "Myomar-Muscles Undersuit" of Yujing (WITHOUT the exterior plating, so that will resemble "Crysys" Xenotech Reverse Engineered suits). . .

    Then they REBUILT it from the start, employing "High Teseum + Nessium" alloys for the Cybermuscles and Teseum 100% Pure platings for an exterior "Hardshell" that is BOTH extremely resistant BUT also SUPER lightweight (in the "Pseudoscience" of the Infinity Universe, "Teseum Alloy Frames" is the MOST EMPLOYED "Sci-Fi" excuse about WHY TAGs does NOT crash thin surfaces with a Bipedal Mecha). . .

    And this ONLY for a "Wearable Musclesuit" for a sort of "Stealth Based Unknown Ranger" version (such as compared "Heavy Armour Achilles" to the "Basic Version" or "Mobility Armour Joan-Of-Arc" to another of Her incarnations. . .!!) that is acting as U.S.Ariadnan "Solid-Snake-Eyes". . .

    . . . . .

    For the "Military Cyborg" Version. . . . .

    The "Primitive Colonists" of Planet Dawn have ALSO access to one of the MOST advanced Cybernetic Frames built by A.L.E.P.H.; William Wallace the "Reborn Highlander Patriot" now 100% Faithful to the Nation that was "Created To Destroy". . .

    Wallace himself would have been capable of Self-Repairing and "Technorganics Rebuilding" as befitting a "Vanguard Pseudomyrmydon" operating FAR "Behind Enemy Lines" without A.L.E.P.H. Support of an "Yudbot Garage" or EVEN a "Sophotect Field Medic". . .

    Could LOGICALLY have explained the EXTREME intricacies of His "Inner Workings" to "Interested Parties":

    1°) First the Nomads "Bakunin Praxitech Rebuilder" that reprogrammed a "Terrorist Infiltrator" into a "Patriotic True Believer". . .

    2°) Then Haqqislamite Scientists, the MOST expert of the "Silk-Derivative" biomechanical integrations necessary to a so advanced "Cyberframe Recreation". . .

    3°) Finally "Ariadnan Teseum Smiths" that, while lacking the "Advanced Hitech" bases of their first two "Allied Powers" have ANYWAY expertise in smelting at BEST their precious "Hypermetal" (if ANTIPODES that are Bronze-Age "Savage Barbarian" at best, are ABLE to smelt ENOUGH Teseum to lace their weapons AND Talons, WHAT could be done with AT LEAST 1950-2005 levels of "Siderurgical Industrial Kombinats" from MATR and U.S.Ariadna). . .

    . . . . .

    You need ONLY a "True U.S.Ariadnan Hero" extremely wounded (mauled by Antipode savaging bites? corroded by an insidious "Hyperpower Viral Weaponry" or "Weaponized Nanotech" ?? Plasma-Ed to ALMOST Death serving on Paradiso Frontlines???), "Teseum Cover Plate" some Nomads-Made Cyberarms and Cyberlegs. . .

    And then. . . . .

    You have the "Raiden Version" of an Ariadnan "Heavy Suit" (no MORE costly than Your typical "Teseum Full Suits" such as Caledonian Mormaers or Veteran Kazaks). . .

    . . . . .

    I think that I will CREATE some Conceptual Art Work about "U.S.Ariadnan Ninjasuits" and "Cyberninjas from Planet Dawn" as PERFECT OPPONENTS for My "Yujing + Panoceanian + Myrmydons" joint-operation "Svarhalheima Border Patrols" TAG-based RPG Campaign!!!!
  12. csjarrat

    csjarrat Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    That's fine but extremely heavy things with small points of contact with the surface like bipedal mechs are deeply unsuited to unstable terrain like on sval. Either lean into it and make the world believable with appropriate gear or disregard it and play whatever the hell you want to play cos its your game, in which case you don't need any advice from us
    chromedog likes this.
  13. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Well, Jotums and "Blue-Woles Mongol-Cavalry" specialized Gujia exist in the Infinity Game Universe and operates on Svarhalheima. . .

    Or are You saying that in an hypothethical "Miniature Wargame Session" of the new Sectorials the TAGS could NOT be employed because unsuitable for "Reality Suspension of Disbeliefs"???

    . . . . .

    Anyway I am inspired by the "Lost Planet" Video-Game Franchise, where far HEAVIER Mechas are waltzing around in snowbanks or EVEN skating on thin ice. . .

    I believe were either Bostria or Interruptor that chimed-in an old discussion about TAGs and interjected "Teseum Alloys Make Bipedal Exoarmours" possible. . .

    If it is in the Wargame, THEN exists in the Roleplaying Game (and MORESO)!!!
  14. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @csjarrat . . .

    Maybe My phrasing could sound as Condescending or Haughty (was typing quickly from the Smarthpone, on the road, while doing a Food-Run). . .

    It is not the case, I assure You. . .

    It is just that I beleive Infinity is based on "Manga Phisycs / Superhero Comics Reality" rather than "Hard Sci-Fi"; so that I citated what I believed the "Pseudoscience Explanations" by Bostria and Interruptor. . .

    The "Magic Materials" such as Teseum, Nessium and Silk make "Possible The Impossible" (bending the Laws of Phyisics with their weird properties) as I believe was written. . .
    Space Ranger and csjarrat like this.
  15. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    By the same guy that did the previous post.

    jherazob and Golem2God like this.
  16. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Just thought it looked pretty nifty.

    csjarrat, Golem2God and jherazob like this.
  17. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    You know what they say ... 'If you're skating on thin ice, you may as well tap-dance ...'
    Golem2God likes this.
  18. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    How about some cool remotes!

  19. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Cool future JSA swords.

    Ashtaroth and jherazob like this.
  20. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Totally look Bakunin but I want them for JSA!

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