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What can we expect from Vedic

Discussion in 'ALEPH' started by Wyrmnax, Dec 10, 2017.

  1. Nenyx

    Nenyx Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I would sooo like a cyberninja too :)

    K1 spitfire would be overkill i think, like too good on everything. It would be less powerful than normal spitfire on unarmored troops, but still good thanks to B4, and would just murder HI and TAGs. And K1 just does not feel "Vedic".
  2. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Well, we've been speculating about Vedics getting Rakshasa, basically an Aleph's Fiday, for a few years now. I hope CB will at least use the name for a new unit, if not the entire concept.
  3. Nemo No Name

    Nemo No Name Aleph Cultural Atache

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Can we pleeaaaase drop the K1, it's pathetic excuse for ammo type and I'd be happy if all Alephs enemys get K1 everywhere.

    As for ideas, I'd like more loadouts for Dakinis and some odd combinations, like infiltrating non-Camo REM and heavy-duty Asura (double Feuerbach!).

    As for Rakshasa, I somehow doubt Aleph will get access to Impersonation. But for fun sake, having a KHD Impersonator could be very interesting. Maybe with a Viral Heavy Pistol?
    And NWI of course. Everything Aleph should either have NWI or be a REM.

    But I doubt Impersonation will happen. If it is something forward, maybe give us Superior Infiltration?

    I would also love Monofilament mines on either cheaper or simply more appropriate platform than a Naga.
  4. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Be careful with such statements, K1 Combis are actually very good weapons ;)

    I have no idea if Vedics might get Impersonation, but for me it fits their black ops theme. We shall wait and see. KHD on such platform might be too powerful, though. It could bypass most protection for enemy hackers just by deploying in the right spot.

    As for Nagas... they're awesome. I swear by Mononagas, they always worked well. Why do you think they're poor unit for the Monos?
    barakiel likes this.
  5. Nemo No Name

    Nemo No Name Aleph Cultural Atache

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Yeah, powerful definitively, but it is Aleph. I don't want a bargain/cheap troop. I want something enemy will fear!

    Well, not Nagas per se, but the profile we have. It's just neither here nor there. Theres FO and KHD options which tempt me for otherwise usefuless + specialist, and if not them, Boarding Shotgun + Minelayer always wins out. I could see me taking Monomines if they came with Boarding Shotgun though.
  6. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I have a similar problem in Acontecimento. AVA2, and too many nice options. KHD and Minelayer are my usual top of the list.
    Nemo No Name likes this.
  7. Arkhos94

    Arkhos94 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Love the idea of the infiltrated REM but why not camo or even to ? A mechanical deployment/camo REM would give a theme of adavanced robot discretly placed in advance to protect the main team

    There is already ddo, holo 2 and msv2 REM, a TO S3 REM won't be too strange
  8. Nemo No Name

    Nemo No Name Aleph Cultural Atache

    Apr 25, 2017
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    While I would also like it, I doubt they'd give us something that strong (Camo/TO Camo gives you Stealth and with that, ability to at least partially ignore Hacking zones).

    But maybe Infiltrating Holoecho REM? Could be interesting.

    And I'd love if they'd give us 2STR REMs.
    T. Rex Pushups, xagroth and Stiopa like this.
  9. barakiel

    barakiel Echo Bravo Master Sergeant

    May 5, 2017
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    Yeah, I'm with you on that one.

    I like when a unit has so many stunning profiles, it's hard to pick just one. Finding room for a Monomine Naga in Vedic shouldn't be too bad though, assuming that Nagas get an AVA increase. Maybe you have to be an Acon player to recognize just how good Nagas are... I always feel like they're underutilized by ALEPH players.
    pedrogzc and Stiopa like this.
  10. DukeofEarl

    DukeofEarl Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I've been taking a mono Naga a lot lately in vanilla. The other day he single handedly stopped a Sphynx from moving up the table and kept it where I could drop a pitcher and overlord (with a crit on the last order of the game) to win. AVA 3 Nagas is the thing I am most anticipating right now for OSS. I can't make a Bakunin list without 3 Zeros and Nagas are infinitely better.

    Actually thinking about Bakunin, I suspect OSS will have a lot of parallel weaknesses. Limited range band choices, missing one half of Smoke MSV, etc.. I think more synergy between units and intermingling of fireteams ala Druze is pretty reasonable too.
    barakiel and Stiopa like this.
  11. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Too many "great options" in vanilla Aleph, and never enough points/SWC. In Limited Insertion, however, one can control the midfield with 2 Nagas, 2 Dasyu, and use all HI troops for backup (Asuras, Mk3-4 proxy, myrm officer...). Problem is, on LI we really want to take the Marut for a stroll, since her 120pts cost and 3 SWC means you can either have her and Dakinis with a Posthuman dĂșo, or run really tight on orders.
    Abrilete likes this.
  12. Scooper396

    Scooper396 Active Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    One of the things I'd be interesting in seeing would be something that allowed devas to bring a devabot as a part of the link, maybe a special core (or enomotarchos) that let one of the members be g:synchronised with a devabot.

    Or some better way of wording it than that.
  13. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I highly doubt that. It'd create unnecessary exception from mostly cleared rules.
    Wyrmnax and xagroth like this.
  14. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I would include Dakinis and/or S3-4 bots in a link and be happy with it, leaving the mess of create exceptions. Considering how almost ALL Aleph units have a nanopulser, maybe a flamer-toting deva/dakini exclusive to Vedic (or a frigging double heavy flamethrower linked bot with a repeater! Also exclusive to Vedic. Probably) would be more than enough.
  15. Vicious_blazian

    Vicious_blazian New Member

    Dec 30, 2017
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    I've said it before and I'll say it again more g:sync options. HRL devabot Devas, Dakinis sync to other units(with more dakini options), and Asuras that can sync with 2 Dakinis but the sync where all 3 can move and shoot like the Uberfalkommandos.

    We also need a CC option heard mention of cyberninjas I'm assuming like MGS raiden. Maybe superior infiltration + ODD?
  16. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I've found one of the Rakshasa ideas from the old forums, this one's mine:


    Rakshasas, Asset Termination Squad

    Regular, Frenzy, Cube 2.0

    MOV 6-2 | CC 21 | BS 12 | PH 14 | WIP 14 | ARM 2 | BTS 3 | W 1 | S 2 | AVA 1/3 (OSS)

    Basic Impersonation, Berserk, V:Dogged, Martial Arts L2, Explode L2 (as L1, but explodes on Dead, not only unconscious)

    SMG, Nanopulser, Eclipse Grenades, Breaker Pistol, EXP CCW
    Boarding Shotgun, Grenades, Eclipse Grenades, Assault Pistol, EXP CCW

    Actually I think I've just made Infinity's version of Eversor Assassin...
    T. Rex Pushups, Mikes and xagroth like this.
  17. Nenyx

    Nenyx Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I would like that, but i find it really overloaded. I mean, dogged as an assassin is already a great thing, since it allows you to have a second chance at killing your target, something that many assassins, even the expensive ones (oni and kitsune) would be glad to have.
    But eclipse grenade is too much. The others have smoke, which can be bypassed by MSV-2. And then you have berserk.
    The combination of those 3 makes him far too reliable compared to the others. Ho, and there is explode L2 ...

    An assassin should be unreliable. If it works, well, great. But you know you have a fair risk that your mini will be killed before doing anything (very true with oniwabans and Kitsune who can even miss the infiltration roll, a bit less true with IMP, but still, one wound and they are down). Your concept have too many securities and redundancy that it can not really fail. You can even trade wounds with berserk and still explode on death.

    I would stick to Martial arts, or maybe I-Kohl (a sort of mesmerizing cyborg). Why not dogged, since it's Aleph, but then it would need some kind of drawback to compensate for having that second chance at the opponent. Maybe by making it hackable. I would give him an SMG (seems more "Aleph" than a boarding shotgun) and nanopulser. Every IMP have some kind of smoke, the question here is: should Vedic have standard smoke ? If yes, then the cyberninja could have it. If no, i would rather give him nimbus than eclipse.
    Abrilete likes this.
  18. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'd give it Martial Arts N1, ODD and I-khol N1 for a stable -6 to the enemy, CC 21 and a good melee weapon with a knife and a pistol. Add the customary nanopulser, a combi (or maybe SMG) loadout and a boarding shotgun loadout, and maybe deployable repeaters. For marker states... HoloN2 would be a good idea. And of course the hability to deploy on the enemy's side (maybe Infiltration Plus).

    Depending on the rest of the skills, Dogged or NWI, depending on how optimized it is on those parts. I mean, effectively speaking for a Fiday/speculo-like troop Dogged and NWI are the same think (specially for a non-camo/impersonator troop) since you will burn the troop in a single turn (or rarely will it survive to the next turn). Maybe the one thing it shouldn't have is regeneration, or Automedikit. But it could have Structure.
  19. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Dogged isn't necessary, but if it would stay I'd give that unit a really hefty price. It's still only a 1W model.
    xagroth likes this.
  20. Arkhos94

    Arkhos94 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I like this profile but I would prefer a more tech CCW, maybe a breaker or DT CCW ?

    Berserk + Impersonnation + Explode is too overkill. If you start, it garanty that anything in the opponent DZ will take at least 2 hits (one CC, one explode) and your opponent won't be able to do anything to stop you :
    - Order 1 : move/move => you are detected and go to impersonnation 1
    - Order 2 : if your target is 15 cm away from you : move + CC, if 20 cm away : assault. You hit your opponent (very likely with surprise attack, MA and your CC stat) and then explode
    It's a near garanty of lieutenant kill turn 1
    T. Rex Pushups likes this.
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