same... but we got to kill time somehow ... can only be a couple of weeks before it all kicks off now.
I expect the new dakini to look like garuda without AD, profiles are great as is and the old sculpts are probably being replaced; so same rules. As said above, the current starter is all Vedic, so needn't change other than the sculpts. A few less points would be nice, but I like the current asuras. Spitfire and MULTI for aggression. Hacker is not a killing machine and thinking of it in those terms makes it look useless. It's a objective and infowar piece. Can do a run through a lot and still get to an objective, has hacking to deal with big stuff (not many hackers want to fuck with it either), has cybermask for more durability and can't be surprised by camo. It offers a lot of utility and survivability. I like the davanas, I hear the "Nomad profile" point, but think it's in a fight fire with fire kind of way; which makes sense for the fluff. Why should ALEPH make a cyber boogy"man" combat capable? Could skip the combi rifle though. For fire teams: deva Harris (maybe optional asura), dakini + hacker core or harris and something involving a new thing sound reasonable to my mind. A heavy rebot type thing would be amazing, but also more SSS. I wish for a Marut without base extenders.
In fact, new Marut models come with the right base, no more need for base extenders. I got mine about a year and half ago, and it already came without those.
That is amazing news, I had no idea! Still holding myself to finishing my degree before getting one though.
I don't if it has already been said but I'd love if (I don't knownif this would be op or not) the replaced the Asura's spitfire with a multi Mk12. Maybe with the same ammo choices as the multi hmg because of its large caliber?
This would actually be quite good for the Asura, and it would give Aleph a weapon to be known by (like viral weapons for Tohaa or Haqq, plasma for CA, etc.)
Ayyyyyy, I did a thing :D But yeah, it would be pretty sweet having having multi Mk12s just for Aleph, mwuhahaha
Sorry, but I think multi Mk12s are more than unlikely. DAM 14 or 15 and AP are rarely given out on weapons with B of more than 3. That kind of anti-tank seems to be a balancing element of the game ao even if someone would get it, Vedic surely wouldnt be first in line. Those type of weapons would make more sense with SP and I think it is safe to assume that Hectors Plasma Rifle is te height of firepower for us. But there is still plenty of room to redesign the Asura without giving her even bigger guns. I hope for some cool link teams she can join. A core of Dakinis with an Asura could be really nice.
Allow me to be more explicit: the Yan Huo with either Multi HMG or HRMC are the only non-TAG featuring a DAM 14 or more weapon with a Burst 3 or outside of Ariadnas AP HMGs. The Yan Huo seems a clear design choice to give YJ some firepower HI, which are not similar to something PanO has as well. Ariadnas AP ammo is needed due to the lack of good hacking devices and TAGs. I'd be very surprised so see such a violent weapon in Vedic.
Multi Rifles, presumably Multi Marksman Rifles, Monomines, MSRs, Boarding Shotguns, maybe a ML or a Feuerbach somewhere. I don't think OSS will have trouble with armored targets.
Poor azra'il ... EDIT:@Stiopa Depend if we really have multi rifles/marksman rifles. I mean, if the only profile who get multi rifle is Asura ... I want to see them on cheaper troops like devas.
Why do you think we'll get any of that? :D OSS at the moment has access to: 1 MULTI Rifle 4 MULTI Sniper Rifles (Dakini, Posthuman Mk.II, Naga, Dasyu) 4 Boarding Shotguns (Garuda, Posthuman Mk.II, Naga, Dasyu) No Missile Launchers, no Feuerbachs, only BS template weapon is available on Smart Missile Launcher and the HRL on Posthuman. Only Monomine is on a Combi Rifle non-specialist profile. Would I like they give us more MULTI Rifles, Boarding Shotguns and Monomines? For sure. Do I think we'll get them? Nope. I expect more Combi Rifles and Spitfires.
That's why devas need something other than a combi rifle. The greatest problem i see now is that we are very short on good ARO weapons. Appart from the mk.4 HRL and the zayin, we have only MSR as decent ARO weapons - but they are very expensive in SWC. We don't even have many SMG, since the main SMG providers are the thorakitai (and a suppressive fire 360° thorakitai is far more frightening than some suppressive fire combi rifle). Thus, my wish list would be: _ cheap SMG deva - if it can have 360° or FO that would be great, but just SMG is nice enough _ multi rifle deva. More expensive, but with a wider utility. Better range, better ammo choice, better ARO, especially in fireteam. _ some kind of "better multi rifle" for Asura, like multi marksman rifle or light multi spitfire. _ feuerbahr profile on dakini for heavy duty and frightening ARO power _ "Scylla" like multi HFT repeater synch bot for a deva hacker profile. _ big dream: a multirifle dasyu. Would probably be too strong, but it's a dream :)
Don't forget the mk5 double sub-machine gun. B4 AP is good at dealing with armored target in short range Don't forget the Marut : a multi HMG on a 120 pts murder machine is very good at dealing with armored target.
The Marut is a special case, you can't field it on every occasion. It's too expensive not to be the core of the list. We need alternate options. As for the mk.5, it's only a very short range troop, and you don't want to take a free HFT hit. By the way, mk.5 has also E/M grenades, even if i guess that we always forgot about it. PH11 does not help throwing them :(
We can always raid the Japanese armories and grab some precision MULTI Rifles from those kempeitai to upgrade our Asura Multi, so she can give the Multi to the H+ Asura... ^^
Aside from ML or Feuerbach we have access to each of them. sure, there's not much variety, but I'm pretty sure we'll see some more with the sectorial. We won't be able to field all our toys, but enough of them. Hell, I can make a functional OSS list right now, and I don't need Posthumans to carry it (they're still fun to play, though).