How about: Devas get Core Fireteam. No-one else allowed to join. No new profiles. Asuras get a new profile with Combi rifle, Harris option. 1 SWC Danavas AVA 5 This is what I expect from Vedic. I would suggest you don't have high hopes for Vedic either.
I'd say we'll be getting a Core Fireteam of Dakinis + a "controller trooper" (Be it Deva, Danavas or Asura). I also think Vedic as it is has enough punch to deal with most of the threats available. We will be missing smoke though, unless there's a new troop profile in wait to be released.
Problem of missing smoke is that it makes both Asura and Maruts overpriced, and what's more, they would not work with whitenoise which we have an easy and nearly mandatory access (who won't take a danava HD+ in vedic ?)
Yup. I will not. Unless she is the only way to link Dakinis (and I really really hope she is not), and even then, I will have to consider carefully if I'm willing to. That profile breaks my Aleph immersion. Nomad profiles should go to Nomads.
Devas pure fireteam: too expensive for basic link, too good for HI link (and it is in the middle wihtout being a MI link). It only has the Spitfire and the Sensor's combi available for "long" range, however... Asura Haris 1 SWC why exactly, when all Haris cost 0.5SEC and most of the time that cost is included if the troop has some nice extra? Because her Spitfire is 2SWC? If so, she would be candidate for Spitfire Haris profile paying 2SWC. Danavas AVA5 why? At 25 points apiece, that is 125pts AND 2,5SEC for 5 H+... If they got a KHD profile of around 20 points (as I asked before we got shoved the AHD) I could understand it, but currently they are, at all effects, a single profile. Having 3-4 seems more than enough to me. It is a little worst than that: the Rambo pieces currently availabe to Vedic are the Asura, the Marut, and the HI Posthumas (mk3 & mk4). ASIDE from the Asura, ALL cost 2-3 SWC, and the Asura is in Achille's cost bracket without having its performance by far, only being able to more or less get near it while under smoke (as a BS hitter), with no backup (melee) or any defense mechanism aside from the MSV3... So the enemy will be minimally smart and fire at her with non-ODD, or non-CAMO troops... or melee her to death.
Devas are not "too good for HI link". They are costed about 5 points too much per Deva. And thats why they will be our only Core link. We don't really have a proponent on the design team and we only get the most basic, vanilla stuff without any concern for Alephs feel or lore. Because they are Aleph Heavy Infantry troops. No Spitfire Harris profile, you'll have to get a special combi-rifle-only profile. It will cost 1 SWC because they HAVE MSV3, how can you not understand it is so powerful with a Combi Rifle. Because somebody things Danavas are actually interesting troops. Except they do not fit in Alephs lineup (speaking lorewise and fluffily, not gameplay), and are basically like giving PanO an irregular camo infiltrator.
& So your opinion is simply that we will get shafted. Because a Ghulam sniper can outrange her? Because the H+ profile complaining has always been about her not having a REAL gun for a HI? Because having a MSV3 warrants NO SWC cost? Simply say "they are going to mess with us, because they don't want to sell more Vedic models".
Just give devas a multi rifle profile and a pure deva fireteam would be worth I too wished for a sophotech like profile, but i like the mini, so ...
Well, yes and no at the same time. Let me explain. I expect we will see some new troop types. And I expect those new troops types to be perfectly good troops, with perfectly useable profiles, but nothing that will scream Aleph to me. Maybe some small nods on the unusable profiles. Something other factions might find perfectly good. Stuff like a decent line trooper. Or a mainline bog-standard Heavy Infantry. Which will also overshadow old stuff, because it will be more standard to the game, and less overcosted - simply because it will not come with overpriced skills like V:NWI or surplus equipment like Nanopulsers or good average stats like WIP15 on unit which has a single super-priced specialist profile. Hence, many will consider us well served (although I have 0 expectation of anything amazeballs), but in my opinion we will be shafted. <sarcasm> So what? MSV3 + NWI, how do you not understand how powerful that is?! </sarcasm> They will sell them because models will be awesome. But new troop types I expect will be same as Danavas - useable, but both uninspiring and unAleph.
Mini is a different story. It's a fine mini (although for me nothing special), so I'd probably use the mini as a spare Deva. If I had any reasons to use Devas that much anyway. Honestly, all I want for Danavas is that she drops the Combi Rifle and gets Nanopulser and NWI. Presto, ALEPH profile. I'd even pay full 25 points for the HD+ in that case.
Errr... So you mean completely different from Dasyu? I mean, different, stats, different equipment, different skills... ? EDIT: Before people point out that it's practically the same as Thamyris, yes, thank you very much. I want a Vedic Thamyris. Thamyris is an excellent example of Aleph profile. Strong stats, NWI, Nanopulser, does what it needs to, not really super optimised.
Why not allowing devabot in the deva fireteam : either 3 deva + 2 bots (and devabot count as a FT member) or 5 deva + 0 to 5 bots (and the devabot only get the FT bonuses but don't count as member) A 5 men FT made of 3 deva (incl 1 spit) and 2 devabot will cheap and quite versatile
Maybe we get another Fireteam option: Fireteam: Network It may only contain REM. Members are from 2 to 10 (but beware the templates!) They get bonuses from the number of participant: Every 2 REM you get BS+1, WiP+1 (Max+3), etc. BUT they don't share their move-orders! It is a defensive option.
Or a network link with one hacker and some bots, same as you said, except the hacker can move as a duo with any rem - for some order economy. Of course, that would put a BIG RED FLAG aka team leader + no way to reform the link without him on the hacker :p
From the latest kurage crises news bulletin ( Commence wild speculation xD
No Mimetism, lose the LGL and HMG profiles, gain Spitfire profile. Fireteam Core if you bring Danavas. Same prices (Spitfire 2 points cheaper than HMG).