I've been on a TAG Binge Recently (The Dancer got an Awesome kill against a Gorgos last game, and she's been racking TAG kills like a boss) So this is very related: "Jotums hold the frontline, you're guided by the cover fire I've provided. Dragon has your back, Seraphs fly in! If you're on foot, zipline and hide quick!"
I like a lot of different music, but I always feel less inclined to punch someone in the nose when this comes on my Pandora station...
Oh I like this, a lot! thanks for sharing @Icchan good call on the background music for a game :) I'll add this to the mix:
Thanks to the Japanese Shenangians Army, I decided to make up a playlist of music that I felt fit their shenanigans, but wasn't from the Anime and Mangoes, because I'm ironically not a big fan of it. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnMRF0rFJqG5Zr217OaN3d6cJG_2c3QEE
https://soundcloud.com/alexanderjlewis/off-guard https://soundcloud.com/brasstracks/favorite-feat-vanjess