PanO technology, ladies and gents. Special fluttering tools for troop morale, but somehow our miniaturized shoulder-mounted Panzerfausts were too high tech and we reverted to using noob tubes.
You can see CB's priorities here. Thank Heaven's we have Joan, otherwise they wouldn't gave 2 cents about any PanO's sculpts....
Is there a pronunciation guide for YJ and JSA names around or will I just be fine calling them "Leu Zing" since every time I deploy the bloody things I'll get them killed anyway in spite of the armour? Wondered what you meant there but the Gata mini isn't one of the six INFINITY releases now, is it?
No idea about pronunciation (I think the x is pronounced like the s in treasure, that zh sound) , but if you can't keep an HI unit alive long enough to engage in some smash-mouth diplomacy... Maybe take up checkers?
All Joans are in a Pyre... so hers is of floating red cloth. Or maybe its the transition of her flag...
From what Belen allowed Bostria to say it is a little different, I think another classified or two has been swapped out like last season, but old decks are still just about usable.
It was included with the September releases on Facebook so probably the same time as everything else.
Pretty much spot on. The "Liu" is actually harder to get right. It isn't "lee-you," but rather more like "lee-oo." And there shouldn't be too much emphasis on the "ee" part, more on the "oo." Mandarin is a fun language.