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Vido Gams!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic English' started by maru, Dec 11, 2017.

  1. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    You could always play the Pathologic 2 Alpha build. its free! all you have to do is email them and they'll give you a link. If you're into that kind of thing that is.

    I know I have a very strange taste in games.
  2. sonicReducer

    sonicReducer Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Did you ever play that Cthulu game a few years back? Dark Corners of the Earth or something? It was pretty good. A bit janky, some terrible 'stealthing' but I really enjoyed it. Had some great insanity effects
    maru and Pierzasty like this.
  3. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    this game
    yes played it on premere in 2005 or 6 ... it was awful pice of bug ware . But after patches it is quite interesting horror game that starts realy good then it turns to a shooter ruining a lot of good mood
    And the chase scene in the hotel is sooo god made
    it is basicly story around "Shadow over Insmouth" you are not the main protoagonist of this story but it is this story happening
    over all i liket this game and im owner of a box version (that will not run correctly as it is not patched day one version ;p ) if you whant to play this get Gog versioin - they actualy patch this and fix it so it is ready to go from the boot and works on moders pc and displays (Steam version is a day one + official patch and you need to instal 2 unoficial patches and a mood to actualy be able to play and finis game o and this game in Steam version is Win Xp compatible other whise it bugs out )

    o and if you would like a Horror Shooter caind of that actualy works and is good
    Clive Barker Undying

    - and again grab it on gog i got this version and a old boxed one (there is no way to lunch premiere box version this day without hard modding and actualy creating your own executable ... or lunching on VR machine or in Linux in Win Xp emulation mode with your own created and customized executable )
  4. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    Yeah I did, it was okay..... I guess.

    I loved the story and themes and early gameplay, it kind of fell apart for me once they gave me a rifle and I was blastingg fish men left and right. Then it totally fell apart for me once I left innsmouth via car chase and returned with J. Edgar Hoover armed to the teeth looking for magic gold. It had some really cool ideas and visuals, but kind of fell flat for me.

    As far as Lovecraft games go Eternal Darkness was pretty good, although you've probably heard of it if you've played dark corners of the earth. "The Sinking City" looks decent too, but thats out in March.
  5. ShaeKonnit

    ShaeKonnit Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    I've only just discovered this big, salty lump of a games journalist from the days of Mario 64, being beaten senseless in a slalom competition.
    He's got the salt, he's got the bitter lemons; just needs the tequila to complete the slammer:
    leigen_zero likes this.
  6. leigen_zero

    leigen_zero Morat Pacifist

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Not sure whats worse, the guys attitude or the leather trousers/american flag bandana combo
  7. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Abrilete likes this.
  8. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Diablo Immortal on Mobiles Blizzard Go full EA .. and gets dislikes like nobody XD o and Destiny 2 for free redeme from your gifts before 18 November
    (your name - then tab your gifts in Acrivision Blizzard client )

    and good news
    Jill of the Jungle: The Complete Trilogy
    on GoG for free - no idea for how long but curently free :)
    #348 maru, Nov 2, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2018
    xagroth likes this.
  9. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    People seem to think that Blizzard and Activision are still separate companies.

    Blizzard died the day of the merger, the independent, quality obsessed devs you loved are gone. Loot box gambling in full price games and freemium wallet sucking mobile games are their future.
  10. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Well Blizz at the day of merge broke there own rules about HoTS - they stated that ther will be everything you may get from in game gold (the one you may not buy for money - you get this from games ) and only way to get skins will be in game shards - you may not buy for real money - and real money buy you a Gems - and thous you may spend on exp busters and on loot boxes (from witch you may get a shards and skins - like a normal person that would play game ) but at the day of merge they relice GEM only Skins and other things - and they say before that this would never happen ;)
    Beside from that time they put in to all ther games a new sneeke way of monetisacions
    WoW got plenty of BS and now WoW classic will be on Shard Servers - they dont get why ppl like old Warcraft ..
    Diablo 3 - in europe is a medicore game but in China it is huge micro transaction shop
    SC2 got huge hiden micro transaction on cosmeticks and added content that should be in game frome beggining
    Heartstone is awful grind fest unless you play only arena and Dungeons
    Owerwatch - if you like Skins open yor wallet or grind for tousend of H without any guarante
    SC - you can but exclusive avatars ^^
    Warcraft 3 Reforged - no idea not reliced yet

    Former Diablo creators made Torchlight and PoE
    Beside this you may get Vanhellsing , Titan Quest Aniversary (good game ) Gream Down

    But Fear not We got a promotion on GoG
    called Made in Poland :)
    so let me dig in :)

    Memory of us - u this is something if you liked a Vilant Hearts it may be for you - warning it is dark story
    Call of Juares - first one , still good
    Lords of the Fallen - e um .. a Souls like slow game with nice graphic but story is so vague .. never less is not bad game
    Mouse craft - it is puzzle game with cat mad scientist and "lemings" - mouses it is cool and relaxing (unles you sucks at logic puzzles )
    King Arthur gold - i have no idea what is this and that is from Poland ...
    Butcher .. it is like Risk of rain ... mixed with Turican and over all dificulty over the top matched only by amount of gore ..
    Two Words games ... hym ..
    Jack Orleando - this game lets you pick almost everything in enviroment and it is a point n click adventure so you may end as a hoarder XD
    Gorky 17 - damn this game was hard
    EARTH 2140/ 2150 - foking good rts games
    Varnish of ethan carter - good book you will play .. or rather let it play it selfe
    Immortal planet .- is like bastion just prepere to die ED somwhat
    Dying light - good game - just mind in that fromwhat i know ther is no cross play betwen GoG and Steam players ! so if you are for MP and all your freands got Steam Version - butthis may be subject to change - it would require a GoG forum search for the topic
    Crime Citis - you are in Hover Car
    Super Hot - a meta game in meta game in meta game
    Downfal Redux ... it is a horror game
    Cat lady - not my type of game but ye
    60 games - e um . it isa gimick
    The way - i have no idea about this game ..
    Solstice - again no idea
    Cinders - i have no idea it is from Poland it looked like Artsy French game
    Regalia - a manga like J rpg / strategy made in Poland .. ye it isa thing ..
    Alice Vr - no idea what is this
    Symetry - again game i have no ide is from poland
    Seven - strangly good game
    Kholat .. it is um a n Expirience walking symulator ??
    Inner Chains - strange shooter
    Phantom Doctrine - game ppl that made Hard West it is "X com like" but without X com shit rng
    Oh Sir - a gimick of a game good for partys
    Hard west - not X com Western super natural game strategy / adventure strange mix
    Hard Reset - Everything That Duck nucken should ber abut it was not - a modern shooter in themes on 90s
    Tower of Time - no idea what is this game
    Shadowwr 2 - if somhow you have notthet it for free when it was given - is good and full of dick jockes shooter (just don't start in hard or it may get way to difficult and yu get blue balls and rage quit - ther is plenty of elemental demage equiping thingis and best way to learn all of this is on normal )
    Shadowwarior 2013 - Goooooood game :)
    Ruiner - again good game with amazing ost
    Ronin - no idea this game is from PL .. nice game over all
    Serial Cleaner - a mix of a lot of things - just watch a gameplay
    Witcher games - ye a Witcher games
    Bulb Boy - this is so weard .. no idea
    Layers of fear - it is actualy cool walking / horror simulator or more of obsession analisys
    Observer - a rudger Hauer the game .
    My brother rabbit - hym ..
    Nightmares and Enigmes games from what i remember it is hiden object games - ther are ppl outtherthat love thous games
    Darkwood - again strange thing
    Necrovision - this could be so good but it was not - or at lest day one was not maybe now is better
    real politicks - interesting strategy game
    This War of Mine - dark survival war game
    Frostpunk - amazing time sink
    Space com - no idea
    Anomaly - a reversed tower defence games

    so my picks would be :
    Witcher games (2 and 3 )
    Shadowwarior games
    Hard reset
    Hard West
    Inner chains
    Memory of us
    Earth 2140 / 150 if yiuy are up for retro rts

    actualy ther is no game i would say do not buy it - it just may be not every one type like point n Click games or puzzle games
    but on this particular sale ther is no thrash ware (there are strange things but not trash )
  11. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    on GOG you got 42 h to redeme your free Witcher 3 and Dlc concert that took place in 2016 - Music content :)
  12. Lothlanathorian

    Lothlanathorian Not a custom title

    Nov 24, 2017
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    So Fallout76 is out and I may have started that on the Xbone. I happen to live around where Fallout 3 takes place and my friend is from the region of WV that FO76 is set, so it's neat for us.
  13. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    I got like nothing to play right now. I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel with Cosmic Star Heroine, a little JRPG with a semi-infinity feel.
    Abrilete likes this.
  14. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    we got Black friday sales :)
    so let me look at them :
    Warframe - is for free is free game go play it ;)
    from GoG
    Mafia games 50% off (good ones are 1 and 2 )
    Transistor and other games from same company (Pyre , Bastion) 60 to 70 % off - always worthy to get
    Homeworld Desert of Kharak - best dune game that is not Dune .. 75% off
    Divinity :Dragon commander 90% off - like all Dininity games worthy to get
    Shadowrun Hongkong / Dragon fall - 50% off or more - all time worthy to buy Rpg game
    Battletech Aka - cat em all Mechamon :) - from 20 % to 30% off - good game or even 40% off for delux ed
    Heart of iron 3 - you like board games ??
    Giants Citizen Kaboto 70% off - this game is .. hard to say i wil lsey what is not - is not boring and is not unfunny ;)
    Marvelous Miss take : an interesting indi stealth game that gone under the radar .. it is stealthy little game 75% of
    Torment Tides of Nomenara - 50% off this time in this price definithy worthy (especialy series of patches fix this game a lot from the time of premere edicion )
    Anahronox - old , good 75% off
    Divinity orginal sin 1 and 2 - good Rpg games aznd on discount
    Dead space (first one ) is worthy a buy
    Lary love for sails 75% off ach classy AllLove ;)
    Star wars Frog unleshed - so good compared to new Star wars moves and 65% off
    Little nightmares - 70% off - this is one of the loud games of last year
    Kotor 1 and 2 (play with restoration mods )
    Jade empire a game from actient time when bio ware made good games 75% off
    Falout tactic - i still think isa good strategy game bashed for not becoming a Fallout 3 ..
    Alpha Centaury - best Sid Mayer game to this day and 75% off
    and Quick look at Steam
    Ori and Blind Forest Definitive Ed 50% off .. - ye this is most important info
    Nioh 50% off a no Souls game in japan :P
    Nier Bugomata 50% off no idea is this game is fixed and work correct on pc
    Ruiner 60% off
    The Messenger 30% off e .. it is ninja gaiden inspired game but compared to NG is good
    any way look at Devolver Digital games - if you like one buy it they are good including Red string Club
    Crossing Souls 75% off
    Dungeons 3 - 75% off - is like Dungeon master 3 we never get :)
    Hollow Knight 35% off - a Castlevania master peace (and Bloodstain Ritual of the night not yet out ;) )
    oxen free 75% off point and click mystery adventure game :)
    Wadjet Eye Games - some are (most ) 75% off if you like point and click adventure games - ye they make thous
    Hellblade Senua Sacryfice 50% off
    the new way to brows steam contend do not help at all ..
    Dishonored 1 and 2 nice discounted about 65% off
    Fire watch 75% off
    South part fractured but whole 75% off
    Dangan Rompa games 50% off this is something and im not gona spoil ..
    Westbro 90% of it is a fallout indi game but not exacly
    Seven - 50% off
    Satelite reign 85% off (you need a hell lot of time to play this and get idea what going on ) - already write aboutthis game
    The incredible adventures of Van hellsing 75%off (a Diablo clone but good )
    Alien isolation 75% off
    there is plenty more but hard to navigate new Steam outlay ..
    Darkest Dungeon
    Dust an elisian tale - platformer Furry 75% off
    and usual Vampire Masquarade Blood lines (already wrote a lot about it just search in this topic )
    Pierzasty likes this.
  15. Abrilete

    Abrilete Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Nope, Square Enix will never fix the game. Why bother when there is already a mod in the workshop that makes wonders fixing (and improving) the game?
    Yet, this game is AWESOME (althought you have to play it from beginig to it's five main endings to really understand it), my favourite game by far.
    maru likes this.
  16. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    And the mod is called FAG or something like that .. but sole fact that Squirt Enix is not fixing there own game and just sits happy on mod that fix game is pathetic
    Any Way Nier: Wankomata is consider good game
    o And Final Falieto X / X-2 HD rearmaster is 50% off to so if som one got way to much time is a worth a buy is a good FF game
    and FF XII is on sale to - the one you may romance a bunny girl ;) - o and this is strange as Squitr Enix actualy patch this game and even recently ... and you can buy 2 FF games (a 10 an 12 ) in a price of one Nier: Maidomata ...
    this sell seams to me at start like "im gona skip it" but now im thinking about 2 Final Falieto games (as thous are actual PC versions not Shity ports - a correct ports + Hd Remasters ) ... and maybe Nioh ... if it actualy work on PC XD
    Belgrim likes this.
  17. Abrilete

    Abrilete Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    The mod is called FAR (Fix Automata Resolution), and yes, it sucks that Square just washed their hands and left the game like that.
  18. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Well FAG Sounds well to (Fixing Automata Game ) but i wonder how good fix it is as ppl still report that on some configs this game just don't budge
    but i would like to point out that

    75% off is a good offer for this game :)
    Abrilete likes this.
  19. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Mac is doing a job for me in terms of Green man Gaming :)
    and i will add a clouser look at worthy indi games like i pointed out towards Crossin souls (there is a bit more amazing indis on sales - just need to glue all Ariadna .. :P)
  20. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    #360 maru, Nov 23, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2018
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