Sure, this is largely true although with provisos. Asawira is quite good even against mods. Mim-6 is sometimes a bit much for him but even there the odds aren't always terrible. Mukhtar is better against mim but quite bad against armor. I disagree that the Asawira is good in CC - the Shock CCW doesn't cut it. His CC is good defense against assassins but that's about it. Moreover, while the Asawira by himself isn't good for hunting camo, the Asawira + Rafiq is very, very good at it. In fact I prefer the duo to the Mukhtar for that role. Despite MSV the Mukhtar still has a significant chance of failing her Discover roll, whereas Sensor is on 19s and can be re-tried. Of course it gets even better if you then Spotlight and GML the camo unit through the Rafiq's repeater. In any case, my point is that the Namurr Spitfire isn't good in either of those roles. Bad against mods, bad against armor. If this is a typo for "can't," then I think it's a huge overstatement. The only true auto-include in Haqq is Zuleyka. Mukhtar isn't even close. She's a great unit, but having treated her as an auto-include for a long time and then dropped her, I can tell you I don't miss her.
No, I don't miss the mukhtar. I never stopped using zuleyka. Sorry for the ambiguous pronoun reference :-)
So does she get B4 in CC with her breaker pistols? Seems I haven't caught up to the N4 Haqq meta yet...
Last I checked, it was B3 with the pistols or B2 with the EXP CCW - she can't apply both B bonuses. I forget the reason but I think it's in the rules subforum somewhere.
I feel in same way with Zuleyka, she is pretty much my autoinclude on haquisslam list, no matter the mission or the rival. One of those profiles which probably will do "nothing relevant" because isn't so hard to kill, but when she find the right spot, she can take down pretty much anything. When I saw the new fireteams I had the hope that both sisters will make a "duo", only because it sound cool.