It’s worth mentioning for the earlier conversation that if a camo token is part of a coordinated order and a model chooses to hold, the reactive player has chosen to react only to the camo token and cannot then choose to shoot another model. It can still dodge though to make it a face to face roll against everyone.
Teucer MSV 2 Feurbach +Dactyl Doctor 1.Dactyl throws nimbus in front of Teucer. 2. Teucer activates Marksmanship X firing at Kamau sniper from cover in good range. Teucer is 1 dice AP+DA dmg 14 on a 20 versus 1 dice DA on 13 from the kamau sniper. Most likely outcome is Teucer floors the kamau, follow up shot as necessary. If Teucer loses the face to face dactyl is on hand to heal as needed with his NWI Edit: Missed this was discussed earlier in the thread but this is my favorite way if you're forced to brute force it free.
sorry for late entry into this thread but @Savant wouldn't the linked Kamau sniper fire back with 2 dice - if linked? Or does the nimbus remove one dice?
Second one :) Note that not only the kamau is reduced to burst 1 (while Teucer is already burst 1 because of marksmanship LX), he also has a -3 mod to hit that cannot be negated by his MSV-2 nor by the fireteam (since it's not a surprise shot modifier nor a zero visibility zone). Nimbus is essentially negating the whole 5-men fireteam bonus.
Now i think about it, i'll just add a thing to nimbus, it's about their availability. Nimbus are rather good for outshooting everything that has bonus burst on ARO, so mainly fireteams, but that can be useful on other things (suppressive fire ...). The idea is: burst 3 vs burst 1 is a better deal than burst 4 vs burst 2. The main problem I have with nimbus in Aleph is that the only troops who have it are dactyls doctors and Acmon. Dactyl doctors are rather expensive "combat medic" with a so-so WIP 13 and average combat stats in a faction where Machaon is king. Acmon is yet another expensive miniature with average combat stat (good BS, but low armor and no vis mods). He is an engineer, but SP does not really need it, and vanilla has the ever useful sophotech for only 4 pts more than Acmon, or the ultra cheap yet better Mk.1 posthuman. The worst is, their weapons are more fit for ARO duty, but you don't want to use them for ARO since they are expensive specialists with no visual mod nor survivability.