Mwahahahaha! The EI has kept the human fools fixated on the Acheron gate all the while putting it's real plan into motion. Dance puppets, dance!
The art on the book and army box looks somewhere between the-80s-take-on-the-future-style to terrible
So I guess my colour scheme is now official... Edit: Before anyone asks: The symbionts look more greenish irl than on the photo. It fits so good I'm flattered
Blue-haa time so of note this confirms 1 of the 3, 4chan leaks (other being QK becoming Dashat company (makes sense QK is in an odd place and is basically an na2 merc faction, mixes haq and yu jing instead, and the foreign company that mixes some aristeia soldeirs of fortune characters with some funky links)
Wild speculation: The events to come were promised to be more crazy than Uprising so the new NA2 Tohaa will replace the regular Tohaa army. My indications for this are: - Tohaa seem to be at a design dead end. Many good units don’t get taken (10 pts HFT & baggage anyone?) and tournament builds seem to have very low variability, at least for the high standards of infinity - The box art says a Hatail specops is included in the preorder. This could mean that Kamaels are the line infantry for Spiral, which would make it quite easy for existing tohaa players to switch to Spiral (and not be as salty about this as Yu Jing Players were with Uprising) I‘m not too convinced by this theory myself, but it would definitely be interesting..
CJC was my first real army and it has a very special place in my heart. I hope the update does them justice.