They are 3d printed. The bike is from terminator salvation and I found the 3d model online and solidified and simplified it for printing. The figure is from I used the software to design the figure and then printed them (one of which is mirrored to give a slightly different pose) and they arm swapped them with Infinity figures to give them the weapons. The Hacker is exactly as it came off the printer. Sent from my PRA-LX1 using Tapatalk
Last update for a while as I'm switching to work on my next gaming table but the Grenzers are done, just waiting on the Hollowmen now and then I'm pretty much done for my Tunguska. Sent from my PRA-LX1 using Tapatalk
Finally got some more models painted after spending the last couple of months procrastinating over painting my latest table. Finished the Hollowmen on Thursday ready for the tournament yesterday. Sent from my PRA-LX1 using Tapatalk
The strawmen appear grand all finished up. I hope the tournament went swell for you and these HI served you well.
It's about time I got back to doing some painting. What better way than to set a deadline. With Northern Open 16 this Saturday I wrote a list with some unpainted models in and as of ITS Season 9 I won't play anything unpainted. So it was time to get cracking. This time it's an Ashcroft Hunting Party for my Tunguska. Unfortunately my photography sucks and I've washed out the subtle highlights on the clothes. Sent from my PRA-LX1 using Tapatalk
forum showed all the pics, so please pardon the likestorm That's right, I'd forgotten that the Nomad engineer had a high&tight with those droopy pants. Friend of mine added a 'fro to his.