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TRZ Rambles about Operations games he has played

Discussion in 'ALEPH' started by TheRedZealot, Nov 6, 2018.

  1. TheRedZealot

    TheRedZealot Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Are you guys looking for hosting space? I can probably scrounge something up for you at the very least... I dont really use Facebook other than to manage my own local group so am only vaguely aware of the Bromad Academy. The basic idea is to build a repository of experience around various units, Im assuming typically the more unusual or irregularly taken units?
    Toalpaz and jherazob like this.
  2. DukeofEarl

    DukeofEarl Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    My only involvement so far was the name really. You might be able to message the creator through the site about hosting though.

    That's the rough idea of it. Tactics and Unit usage experience to compile for the greater good.
    Golem2God likes this.
  3. TheRedZealot

    TheRedZealot Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    So its been a few months since I've had the chance to game. Which is of course a combination of my slowness, the fact that I got in 2 games with Caledonian and also I was running the tourneys and not playing.

    Game 6 – 9 Dakinis
    List: 9 Dakini, 19 Orders
    Opponent: Varuna Link, Zulus, Helots

    Game was bloody. By the time I got down to our normal monday game night there was already 4-5 tables going and we didn't have the best terrain left over for the next 2. The table was scattered with some 40k Crates and lots of paper buildings. It was good over all but had some more long fire lanes than I'm used to.

    I won first turn and laid out my Dakini link on the left, with a Lamedh, the Mk1 Engineer and the Apsara. Across my center was the Arjuna, my Deva, Mk5 FO and the 4 standard dakini. On my right the remaining Lamedh, the Danavas and the Shukra huddled on the roof.

    On my opponent's side his Link as well as an extra Fusilier took up the center with 2 wide firelanes. A mess of the Camo markers crossed the midfield and his other models huddled up in the back safely. I think I'm missing some order fodder from his list?

    My first turn went alright seeing my Dakini sniper backed up by the Dancer take out the kamau in the first order. I then pushed up to try and pressure his Feurerbach Orc. I of course forgot that templates existed and took a rough LRL in the face which ended with the Sniper, and 1 Regular Dakini unconcious (I got lucky!). My engineer pushed up to try and fix the dakini to repair the link but failed over 3 orders (17, 18, 20). I reformed the link quickly and pushed into the Feurerbach with my HMG where I promptly died.

    On my right I used the Lamedh and Danavas to clear out the Zulu hacker narrowly missing a double sensor onto one of the remaining Helots.

    His turn went well pushing into the mid field and picking up the central objective. Pushing down the majority of my remaining link.

    On my turn I cobbled the link back up to 5 man and tried to pressure his link in response. I managed to deal with the Camo markers on my left (2 helots and the Remaining Zulu.) It took most of my turn to grind the team down to 3 models once more.

    In the final game turn I pushed aggressive to grab the remaining boxes with my now dwindling troops. On the left the Apsara stood in the open to try and deter attack runs against the Mk1 holding the box. While to my right the Danavas grabbed the box with 2 remaining Dakinis and my LT to cover her.

    My opponent managed to finished off the mk 1 and grabbed its crate using the Croc Man and some Fusilier support. While to my right the Danavas managed to survive a final LRL barrage. The game ended with him in control of 2 to my 1. With one classified (Test Run) accomplished on my side.

    Result: 6-2 Against me.

    Game Night Thoughts:
    Failing to use my SWC was a major issue. Even a second HMG would have been a boon in this game. The Dakinis as a whole performed excellently. I'm still not 100% sold on the Cyberdancer. The #2 rule is very useful for defensive side of the link but the Support ware makes such a huge difference in the active turn. I ended up having to kill one of the Zulu cobras twice as well as one of the Helots 3 times due to not finishing off the unconcious models.

    Its also possible planning to have gone second may have provided better results. In that by the top of 3 I wasn't in a horrible position freeing up a final objective run may have benefited me. However over all my opponent was very capable and played a very effective game while I felt quite rusty missing important LOF a few times.

    I plan on continuing to run a dakini heavy list and will likely try out something like this:

    7.5 Dakini Probably a good list

    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]10
    DAKINI Tacbot HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 21)
    DAKINI Tacbot MULTI Sniper Rifle / Electric Pulse. (1.5 | 21)
    DAKINI Tacbot Paramedic (MediKit) Combi Rifle / Electric Pulse. (0 | 15)
    DAKINI Tacbot Combi Rifle / Electric Pulse. (0 | 13)
    DAKINI Tacbot Combi Rifle / Electric Pulse. (0 | 13)
    APSARA (G: Jumper Level Z) Submachine Gun / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 22)
    DAKINI Tacbot HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 21)
    DAKINI Tacbot Combi Rifle / Electric Pulse. (0 | 13)
    GARUDA Tacbot Boarding Shotgun / Electric Pulse. (0 | 21)
    DEVA Lieutenant (Sensor) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 24)

    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]7
    LAMEDH Rebot Flash Pulse, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 8)
    LAMEDH Rebot Flash Pulse, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 8)
    DANAVAS Hacker (Hacking Device Plus. UPGRADE: Maestro) Combi Rifle + Pitcher / Breaker Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 25)
    PROXY Mk.2 Hacker (Assault Hacking Device) Boarding Shotgun, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 21)
    PROXY Mk.1 Engineer Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10)
    PROXY Mk.5 (Forward Observer) 2 Submachine Guns, Nanopulser, E/M Grenades / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10)
    NETROD . (0 | 4)
    NETROD . (0 | 4)
    ZAYIN Rebot HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26)

    5.5 SWC | 300 Points

    Open in Infinity Army
    ZlaKhon, Postmortem and Golem2God like this.
  4. TheRedZealot

    TheRedZealot Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Game 7 – 8 Dakinis Is Probably pretty good
    Engineering Deck
    List: 8 Dakinis, Post Humans and some random junk
    Opponent: [http://army.infinitythegame.com/ind...JqeirqIKGSKopy6lD+tmkKGWpWrrn5MLIxMUA==]Druze, Brawlers, Bounty Hunters and Scarface[/url]

    2 Games in 2 Weeks?! Shocking!

    I did forget to repack my Army bag so mostly I was using models I had in it from last week.

    Interesting game, It's been a while since I've played an objective room mission and this one went fairly well over all. In a few places I had some seriously bad rolls that I think didn't help my case but in others I did quite well. Over all I'd say I played it just fine but a more tailored list to the objective would have helped.

    I opted to deploy first, given then somewhat large gap on my right flank I expected my opponent to focus on the left. I deployed my Link in the center, with HMG, LGL and Sensor guarding the right flank. A lamedh provided Repeater support on this flank. On the left my second Lamedh stuck his head out to deter aggressors while the rest of my humanish guys stood around picking their noses.

    To my surprise both his haris and his core tried to set up on roof tops guarding the crossing in the right side. A camo marker started in the objective room and Scarface hung out just behind the links.

    First turn saw me revving up the solo HMG with Marksmanship and pushing into the Brawler HRL. Shock made quick work of him. On the left the Lamedh ran up and I sensored the Hunzakut out of his marker state. This left my Link to push up slowly and eliminate the competition. In all it took something like 4 orders to dislodge the Hunzakut post sensoring and this is where I started to run into trouble.

    In my haste to aggress into the building I promptly forgot that LGLs exist and that they can fire into buildings. I have noticed that in a number of my games I have quite irresponsibly walked a full link directly into a blast.

    On his turn the LGL started dropping E/M Grenades on my head. After 3 attempts, 3 of the 5 Dakini Link was Immobilized by an E/M Grenade. The Druze HMG then stood up to try and fight its way into the building but between the HMG Dakini with Marksmanship and the 2 Dakini still standing in the building I managed to take the HMG down. This left Scarface to push and he mopped up both the HMGs, leaving the Paramedic in the central building.

    Turns 2 and 3 went fairly fast with the bulk of our forces cleared out. He pushed both bounty hunters up onto the objective room. One Dakini got to push back and promptly got its little robo head blown clean off.

    The rest of the various Dakini got backed up by a pitcher from the Danavas and went to work mopping up scarface. By the end of my final turn i was in control of the central console, one of the consoles on my side and I had troops in the objective room though not many (1 Dakini still standing, 2 Immobilized ones).

    His final turn consisted of trying to mop up the remains of the dakini, and then piling into the central room and putting down the multiscanner. While my remaining troops over watched his right console to deter him from pushing the button.

    Result: 5-4 Against me.

    Game Night Thoughts:

    The game essentially came down to my stupidity in piling into the objective room. Compounded by general failure in pushing into the two bounty hunters and the hunzakut. Had I had one or two more orders on either my 1st or 2nd turn after a number of unsuccessful attempts at pressuring those units I would have had the opportunity to push my Xenotech up and at least tried to drop the scanner.

    Ah well thats the way she goes some times. I'll have to pay close attention to blast templates in future.

    Now I just need some new stupid idea for a list to try out. Im thinking maybe Andromeda and a whole lot of Nagas and Dasyu?
    Postmortem and Golem2God like this.
  5. DukeofEarl

    DukeofEarl Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Might want to have your buddy check the deployment rules for Engineering Deck. "Deploying inside or in base contact with the Objective Room or in base contact with a Console is not permitted."
    TheRedZealot likes this.
  6. TheRedZealot

    TheRedZealot Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Oh that'll happen. Im not sure how much over all it would have affected the game. I suppose I would have had more orders on the opening turn but the Hunzakut probably would have remained around ready to do some damage?

    At one point I was using the MSR Dakini to represent the LGL and I went to take a shot with the MSR instead. So we definitely both made mistakes that game :D
    DukeofEarl likes this.
  7. TheRedZealot

    TheRedZealot Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Tournament Day

    Game 8 – Warcor fight!
    List: EVO, Dakini Link, Shakti
    Opponent: 8 Bolts, Aquilla, Swiss Guard

    My opponent deployed a haris of Bolts on my left over looking two long fire lands. To my right the 5 man set up.

    On my left my Dakini, Post Humans, Shukra and Apsara set up around an Objective room set on the edge of my deployment. in the middle my Dakini link set up with HMGs peeking out. On the right my EVO and Shakti-Rudras duo hung out for fun.

    First turn saw my opponent run down the right side of the board. Set up his line of objectives and then settle just ahead of my right flank. In the middle the Swiss guard appeared and pushed into the edge of the Objective room to fight my MK5.

    My turn saw me bring the garuda in on the flank and take a nice set of BSG shots into 3 bolts from the main link. He ended up having to stray into the long fire lane of the bolt haris. 1 ended up dropping before the Garuda went down. I fed meat into the grinder and by the end of my first the 4 Bolts up front and 1 wound on the aquila were gone. In exchange the Rudras, 3 Dakini from the link and the Shukra had bit the dust.

    Turn two for me was largely ineffective. By the top of my 3 I was in loss of lieutenant and retreat and ultimately could not recover. Up until the end of my Opponents' third I felt like the game was close. In large part because I made an absurd number of armour saves.

    Result: 10-0 Against

    Game 9 – Damn Snipers
    Power Pack
    List: Yadu, Shakti
    Opponent: 1 Triad lots of snipers

    On my left the Nikoul dug in on a roof top with a mate. Below it the Taquel took the other mate and the Clipsos settled in. In the middle armand lay on a crate just above the Control console and to the right the Taagma hung out next to a Kaarui and the Servant pretending to be a sukeul ML. Behind it the Sakiel, Paramedic, kaeltar and Makaul hung out. kiuutan stood around right by my Console.

    On my left the MK2 HDed on a roof. with the MK5 standing just behind the left console to hide. On my right the Yadu set up ready to fight the Kaauri and the Sukeul. The Shukra got ready to push into the kiiutan. The Daleth set in LOS of Armand as a last resort.

    Turn 1 saw me push into the Taagma and finish it with the HMG. The Servant and Kaarui then promptly died to a fiiery missile. The Yadu link then pushed into Armand and ultimately wasted most of my orders to accomplish just about nothing.

    On the left the MK5 hit the button and then provoked the Mate off of the Nikoul. On his turn he pushed with the clipsos on the left who the MK5 guts away from. On the right the makaul got a good fire blast off on about 3 guys but ended up only doing a wound. The Sakiel then got started and despite a number of uncontested AROs ended up grinding through 3 Yadu.

    On my turn It took a good deal of time to finally finish the Sakiel. The MK5 knocked the Clipsos down. The mk2 revealed in another attempt on the two snipers but lost. The HMG tried once more to try and do some damage to armand unsuccessfully.

    My final turn I was mostly out of orders, I pushed past Armand to hit a button. Finally the the Shukra tried to finish off the Kiiutan. And promptly missed 3/6 shots and died.

    What a rough game.

    Result: 8-2 Against? Dont remember the exact scoring on this one.

    Game 10 –
    Mission: Biotechvore
    Yadu, Shakti
    Opponent: Open in Infinity Army

    To my left the Hollow man and Kriza set up ahead of the Interventor. In the middle his camo troops set up ready to run down the center of the board. On the right his link set up in a little nest of cover.

    On my left the MK2 hid on a crate top mid board just ahead of the Shukra. In the center I set up the yadu and Shakti, to the right my Two bots and the mk5.

    The game started off pretty good. Everyone passed their confused deployment roll on my side. While my opponents 2 infiltrators failed theirs. Once more my Shukra went 1/2 on BS 18 shots and promptly died. Apart from that Yadu successfully skirmished the Kriza and the Hollowman to my left. In the center they ground down the two camo troopers.

    Finally I got a little greedy pushing Shakti out of a reinforced link and the rest of the members off to try and stop the Securitate on my right. Shakti promptly fought an interventor at ~16" range...and died. The rest of my third turn was spent scrambling to achieve the objectives she had been on her way to achieve. The game thankfully fairly quickly and my opponent was about 2-3 orders from potentially tieing it up/pulling ahead.

    Result: 6-4 For me.

    Tourney Day Thoughts:

    I hate to blame dice but this marks the 5 or 6th game where my dice have felt 'wierd' I may record some test rolls to see if I notice anything skewed about them.

    In general the first game was quite close/well fought. I may have faired better with some more SWC spent but I'm not sure it would have directly changed anything. I dearly missed the arjuna with its jerkbots this game. It would have been extremely valuable against my Opponent's HI (Ultimately the 2 units that won him the game).

    In my second game It felt like nothing could go right. I honestly dont know what else to say.

    In my final game I got greedy at a key moment and nearly lost myself the game. Im not sure if it was directly the wrong choice or if I had made the right choice and it just happened to play out bad.

    As a whole the Yadu link felt pretty good it was grindy and fighty at all the key moments.

    I really dislike Shakti. I keep trying to tell myself shes good. She has everything she needs to be effective but In and out of the link it just doesn't feel like she does much.

    The Apsara continues to feel like its nothing special but not bad.
    Golem2God likes this.
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