One more thing to consider is amount of antiarmour tools she brings to dakini link. And they only have combis in 0-16 range, combined with boarding shotgun on csu it makes tbem much more versatile on shorter distances.
Agreed, but do you really need breaker ammo in a dakini link ? Dam 15 + B4 + mimetism vs Dam 13 breaker + B3, you need to have something very sturdy (basically TAGs) AND that thing need to be under 40 cm for Trisha to have better odds than a HMG dakini. If something get close, a breaker combi will probably not perform that much better than a regular combi since it's most probably a disposable warband with direct template.
I was thinking about dakinis advancing up the board and using it as offensive link more than before. She changes the dynamic of that link for few reasons: 1. 6-2 move rarely slows them down as they move-shoot most of the time 2. Engineer in a link, so no problem with fixing them far from deployment zone 3. E-mauler for defending in close quarters 4. D-charges for blowing up AC2 or sabotage 5. Can tank a mine and keep moving to objective/target