I'm in the camp that thinks they should because it makes them that much more distinct from a a rifle and a light shotgun. Rifles have range. Shotguns have templates and BS bonus and SMGs have damage types. since their plus 3 range is only 8" and most firefights in the game take place in the 8-24" range band I don't think they break the game. Just my opinion of course. Now an SMG in an Oniwaban or Ninja's hand, well, I support that being uber stupid all day long! I almost want UberFall kommando to have one now!
so we saw the cheerkiller this week. Very surprising, I found. How about the coming weeks with information? News about the new Hassasin or the new Nomad unit? I would like to read something like that in the forum beforehand. So cb don't let the information dry up and keep us hot for n4.
I think they've scattered done profile teases amongst the various blogs/community sites for timed release, like the cheerkillers. Bostria was on the White Noise podcast last week too, mainly talking about art direction and background. There's two more Studio Updates coming this month, the next one is on the 12th IIRC to coincide with Freak Wars in Madrid
I think they should have held off the videos for a bit longer to be closer to the release. It's way too much time in between and it really looses the marketing momentum.
I didn't quite get out of N4 week what I was hoping ya know. Peeks and a handful of new units for new armies is nice and yeah I am interested in Kosmoflot but I'm also concerned about armies I used to play and armies that already exist and I am considering playing. Other have said as much, since N4 is an entirely new edition, here's hoping CB really did the homework for all the units in the game. Not saying change everything but at least really make sure things are costed appropriately.
Since neither of them actually did happen, yes. If they had did it might have stayed on top of new peoples minds but now it's mostly those that already play that are looking forward to it. It new blood/buyers they need. I working marketing and I know that the timing between promotion and release are very important and you don't want too much time.
Release. From the time of the start of pre-order (I never deal with pre-orders in my company so i'm no expert) and videos to the release. We still have till about the end of this month correct? So it's going to be about two months? Anyone that doesn't play already may forget what they saw by then. Hopefully they follow up with more videos or something. It's a fine line for sure. It does take people that do nothing but this sort of things in the bigger businesses.
I think the timing was well chosen. But I think it's a shame that it's cooling down so now. As I have already written elsewhere, it would be so easy to keep us going. A new unit here, an exciting change there. I mean, different units with so much potential for change are almost like new.
Well, that could be the issue, then. I'd guesstimate that 75% of all sales of the book happened during the preorder. That's certainly how it worked for the N3 and HSN3 books for me as a retailer, and tallies up with discussions with other retailers and CB themselves. Also, we already know that there are more videos on the way.
There is also the question of how much you can preview a rulebook. It would be nice to see more setting info though, but I guess there's only 3 weeks left, give or take.
Biggest thing I took from that was shotguns are 4 more points than a chain rifle. So I expect a HSG to only be 5 more points on a Devil Dog