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Tohaa, MRRF, QK, Acon & NCA will not be in N4, stuck in N3

Discussion in 'News' started by Nuada Airgetlam, Mar 9, 2020.

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  1. bakuninunbound

    bakuninunbound Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2018
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    Couldn't agree with you less, he is incredibly personable, very funny, and he treats this hobby as what it is, a hobby. He doesn't pander to the crowds who panic, or treat the customer's like gods, he treats us like friends, and when a friend is being a bit silly, you take the piss out of them. Carlos is probably one of my favorite things about this game.
    Apollon, chaos11, bona and 15 others like this.
  2. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    But I just bought my pitchfork! Now you are trying to discontinue my pitchfork!?!

    A good "We are experiencing technical difficulties" sign with a crab bot holding up a cut cord would be great.

    I agree.
  3. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    As he is know to do... and which much of his personality is based... he’s dry and sarcastic, and it shows.
    alchahest likes this.
  4. PappaChu

    PappaChu Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2019
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    I guess I don't entirely understand the level of vitriol here, I get it sucks to lose the ability to play with an army you enjoy, but if the rumors are true (we'll find out tomorrow one way or another), retired sectorials / armies will have had between 2 and a half years to half a year of playtime (for NCA) after their retirement when N4 comes out, you've got to paint, play, and enjoy them for that time, despite their age and the game having moved on, I feel for people who just picked up any of them recently, given they would have had less time with them, but I think it's a bit short sighted to expect that what you have right now will or must last forever, or that by not being able to play them at some point in the future invalidates any enjoyment you've got from them currently or in the past

    Ultimately, I think we all want a game that grows and changes with time, N3 came out in 2014, many of those factions came in from N2, I'm sad to see them go and I feel bad for people losing their favorite forces in the new edition, but to some level it's necessary for the game to move on and advance, unless we want to the game to stagnate or continue to bloat indefinitely
  5. FlipOwl

    FlipOwl Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2019
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    I just picked up an Acon force at a sale. They were at that sale because the models are old. I like the style of the old, hand sculpted models, so I bought them. I am happy.

    On another note, consider the following: If you have a collection of any discontinued sectorial, you may need to buy a handful of models to make it work as a competitive force in its vanilla army or another sectorial. If you own a collection of a sectorial that will remain in the game, or even one of the vanilla factions, odds are that you will need to buy a handful of new models anyway, to compensate for changes in rules, points values, mission structures etc. I think very few of us will come into the new edition with our existing armies ready to play "out of the box", as it were.

    My perspective is that I have "invested" in Infinity the game, more than any of my particular armies. I want that game maintained, so that I can keep experimenting and developing my playstyle within it. Perspectives vary, but be aware that to some of us these changes are not greater than those wrought by the change of ITS seasons.
    Golem2God and PappaChu like this.
  6. Kilroy

    Kilroy Active Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Creating communities takes time and you often have dropouts that would like to get back in the game with the miniatures they have bought and usually they decide to give the game another go in the wake of the new edition. Presenting them the fact that the army they have is no longer legal and is frozen for an indefinite time is discouraging, they will hardly get back to the game at all. Not a good start if you ask me.
    ChoTimberwolf, Cloud, Hecaton and 2 others like this.
  7. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    CB should let me do bostria 's job for a week. Even his most ardent detractors would want him back by Tuesday afternoon...
    Teleute, Foxep, chaos11 and 6 others like this.
  8. Furiat

    Furiat Mandarin

    Jan 14, 2018
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    Well... From my point of view polish community does play for fun. At least I do and know bunch of people who also do it. Even participating in ITS events doesn't mean that you have to be competetive. It's not like you can make fortune by participating in them. You do it to enjoy the experiance. And there is clear difference between trying your best to win while making your opponent also enjoy the game and powergaming no matter the cost. It was just to clear that out not diving into main topic. I'll leave it to veterans ;)
    Torres and Padre like this.
  9. gregmurdock

    gregmurdock Extremely Beloved Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Don't co-opt this language for toys soldiers, thanks.
  10. Magonus

    Magonus Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Reminds me of that Microsoft "If you don't like that the Xbox One is always-online and won't play your old games, sorry, well, you know, the Xbox 360 can, that's our product for you" gaffe.

    gg no re, Corvus Belli
    Abrilete and Devil_Tiger like this.
  11. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2019
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    We need to remember that 'community' does not mean 'tournament players'. Most players are of the casual, non-tournament kind and this is where most of CB's revenue comes from. Events are of course very helpful in animating the fanbase but saying that any large community is competitive is an assumption based on a non-representative sample.
  12. Big Nest

    Big Nest Member

    Mar 9, 2020
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    Please do your great things without my money for now, CB.
    Cloud and Nuada Airgetlam like this.
  13. Magonus

    Magonus Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2017
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    What Corvus Belli should have done—a long time ago—was unmerge their narrative from their competitive decisions. Who knows why they're axing so many factions; Tohaa at least has many active players, and NCA had tons in my day, but I expect part of the reason may be narrative changes with Acheron Falls to the worlds of the human sphere. I don't know. But this wasn't the first narrative change that maddened players (JSA, Ko Dali, etc).

    It's probably too late for any suggestions to affect the next edition, but designers could have made the Army builder present two options to the user, when clicked open:

    All units and profiles current to the story of Infinity the Game are available for you to build your ideal army in official Corvus Belli campaigns. Not compatible with ITS play.

    Balanced profiles and all legacy armies and units are available for competitive play and ITS-legal lists. Not compatible with online campaigns.

    This way, customers and designers could both have their cake and eat it, with sweeping changes and interesting twists made in the Campaign options, and existing models persisting, ad infinitum, in the Tournament options.

    The two-sided Infinity Army builder would also allow Corvus Belli to have the emergent ability to playtest balance changes by placing them in Campaign options, first, and collecting Army Builder data and meaningful forum feedback to inform what changes—if any—should be made to Tournament options. Players, after all, are not a good resource to suggest fixes to your game, but players are your best resource for finding out what's wrong.
  14. Devil_Tiger

    Devil_Tiger Your Friendly Neighborhood Asura

    May 3, 2018
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    I wish i could give more than one Like to this, segmenting game modes like in 40k (even if, let's be honest, almost everyone only plays matched in 40k anyway) except there is a more centralized community to share notes.

    Hell even the reverse and a system of "legends" like in 40k where old profiles/units are still playable everywhere except tournament is fine by me (Though that's personal opinion)
    Golem2God likes this.
  15. Mann1ng89

    Mann1ng89 Member

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Hey, I'm fairly new to the forum. Where does usually CB release its official statements? The forum or on its Youtube channel?

    Interested to hear the official line when it comes.
    Nuada Airgetlam likes this.
  16. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    @Mann1ng89 usually they post it on their yt, fb, and to Warcors. Don't worry, it'll be everywhere as soon as it gets released ;)
    Mann1ng89 and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  17. Wizardlizard

    Wizardlizard Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    This isn't narrative vs competitive. This is under selling lines vs need for capacity and to relaunch the game to recruit new players.
    The narrative was decided because they wanted/needed to remove the tohaa. The other ones are under played and they have the numbers much more than any other game company.
    I do think they will publish pdfs for the dead armies...but those armies are dead and they are dead because a company cannot continue to spend good resources after bad. Sometimes the game just needs to be shaken up and the ones that just don't fit anymore removed.
    I feel for those that are impacted. I have been a hobby gamer for 35 years. You put a lot of time, money and sweat into your army. Some let it define who they are and their entire view of the game.
    CB is not perfect and is definitely having a year of stumbles...but this really isn't one. The armies are going away because they don't sell, the community of players is too small and the design team wants to move on. I am ready for the tohaa rage...that is a passionate lot of players that I think a really interesting study could be done about. (Did tohaa create the shout at the wind attitude or did those with that attitude find the tohaa)
    I have 300 red space marines that I cannot bring myself to sell and will likely never see the battlefield again...I get the pain. Save the anger and outrage...its a game. In a lot of ways it would be like me filling kellogs forum with hatred and comparisons to the worst of man because the discontinued honey nut crunch. Its a product and if we want cb to be around in 5 years let alone 10 years..sometimes there isn't enough room on the door and you have to let them go.
  18. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    What does "they have the numbers much more than..." mean? You're not making too much sense here.

    Were the armies underrepresented due to a lack of support by CB? Because it seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy at that point. It doesn't help that certain segments of the community are irrationally supportive/bootlicking of CB (like WGC Infinity), so if CB is paying attention to those parts of the community they're probably getting high on their own supply, so to speak.

  19. Devil_Tiger

    Devil_Tiger Your Friendly Neighborhood Asura

    May 3, 2018
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    Okay, there's something i really don't understand.

    Since when do we have to defend the peoples to who we quite generously give our money in exchange for toys soldiers?

    I get that some reactions are... Let's just say "disproportionate" but CB don't need any whiteknighting, it's not going to earn anybody any free loot (if it do, i want in plz)

    Sure some criticism is unfair/exagerated/etc but twisting oneself into a pretzel to justify what's potentially a really stupid and destructive decision is only making one look like a boot licker.

    CB is not entitled to our money or our time or our praises, it is quite the contrary in fact, we give them money in return for goods and entertainment, and if they fail to provide that adequately then they shall not get any more money.

    Consumer trust is priceless and this kind of situations erodes it quite significantly, GW went there, and you can tell they're a lot more cautious with that now (though they're still good old boomer corporate trash, just wearing a "cool kid mask" now)
  20. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    There's a segment of the community that has an elevated social position within it due to being WarCors, TOs, admins on social media groups, whatever, and part of how they maintain that status is by defending CB even when they cock it up.
    Cloud and Nuada Airgetlam like this.
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