Are they still a thing? I'd happily swap them out for a one use deployable symbiobug. But really I'd swap them for anything cool, they are just such a waste at the moment. They don't really do anything and they feel so out of place.
it's a toy, you can use it or not (Like Nullifier, Nimbus Greanades... etc) but for me, is better have it than not. I already use it in 2 lists and I enjoyed it ^^ it provide you more crowd control tricks, one again, it depends on the player of course, but definetly they are no Waste, specially on Sukeul i used to: Hack a TAG and HI's (perform the ARO to prevent "move+shoot", i prefere they do "move+reset" before shoot, or move another unit to destroy the repeater, more orders wasted from the enemy pool) i used it to: Spotlight units and it benefit a lot the Tohaa ARO time, you know, we don't have core, so a +3 is good, good to shoot, good to pheroware So... more troop profiles with Repeater if it depends on me :D (Also I am agree that Hacking is not the Tohaa Playstyle, but, if you can benefit from it... why not? :D, another toy to use, try or ignore!)
Glad your getting use from it, it does seem like a low investment way to make some annoying spotlight zones. Because the hacker is a cheap throwaway unit and the repeaters are on units we might take otherwise, its a force multiplier for the hacker and if the repeaters are compromised, you lose a cheap shit hacker and nothing else. Its not bad tool, just not the direction I like Tohaa to be going in when its replacing a decidedly more tohaa-esk piece of gear and there are a ton of factions I can do the repeater thing in already.