Yes. Draal exchanged stratuscloud for Mimetism -6, and Clipsos was a TO camo unit which translates into N4 as camo, hidden deployment and mimetism -6. Igao having it was a bug, which we knew, because they told us.
All this days I was in some kind of frustration. Friends are already playing N4... and I am still waiting for November. Dark thoughts and fears were sneaking in my mind. This year tohaa would be in new edition, but what about the future? Would all the promises be done? Will I see my favorite army? (I am a little nervous person, as you can see... Sorry. Working to fix it.) And other questions, but less apocalyptic. One of them, what about Gorgos. I am going to take it from the post tomorrow. I hope, it would be ok to play.
Between the general buff to tags, price drops and lack of "Burnt" status and Fire ammo, the main issues with Gorgos might be gone.
I just manually realized that all of the healing Pheroware tactics are gone. The poor Kauuri with First Aid is now just a Paramedic.
That's wrong. Even with three medikits hitting the target, he will recover one wound, and one wound only, as long as at least one of the PH rolls is successful.
In two games my unlinked Kaauri paramedic did more work than probably a years worth of playing Haqqislam*. Being able to snipe your teammates back to life has been awesome. *incidentally the same changes happened to the Hakims and makes him a lot more interesting now.
Hi guys!I am new to the game(joined two weeks before N4).I was looking for one paint and did not intent to buy something else(can not afford to spend much on hobby nowadays)But I fall in love with Tohaa Diplomatic Delegate mini.Local guys offered me to play the game and it was so fun I left the shop determined to return with my own army.As I had Diplomatic Delegate already,choosing side was not a question.I have had hard times collecting army,traveled in different cities to get some minis,some bought clearly overpriced but collected almost everything.With N4 I was really disappointed that Tohaa not in the game.Yes there is SC and I can proxy units but I do want to play Vanila with more profiles and option to choose.I have spent money I collected for operation on my knee so can not start collecting new army.So guess will Tohaa return?
First and foremost - welcome to the game! :) Second - sorry to hear about your knee issues, hope you manage to sort them out. I know too well how bad it can get. Third - good news! Tohaa and other armies that are not currently distributed (sold) as new and refreshed minis are coming back in a "by the end of November" update. There could be delays to this due to the current pandemic situation, however in general we're not far off from getting access to those armies back in Army 7.
I am new in game too. It was really hard to find them all, but it worth it. Rare army. Rare alien army. I can't find Sukeul Commandos... And Gao-Tarsos. Today I was late for 10 minutes to buy them! What a pain... New miniatures isn't what we could expect, but yes. End of november as were mentioned. Wish you good games soon)