it more "hype shooting out of the roof, must buy at all costs!" to "yeah... still going to back it at max backing becaus tags and dawn"
I really dislike the mining theme of the game and the industrial tags... Battling against other factions and the nature in Paradiso while trying to control an alien tech could be more appealing for me, not the Commercial Conflicts II I hope at least we could use the tags we already own... Having Catan style tiles for the map is cool PS: Get out of our planet
If we think of it in a Kickstarter way, Paradiso could be an expansion (or any jungle), and I'm assuming the current TAGs will be reinforcement packs type deals. Given that Dawn is the other half of the pre-contact events, there's plenty of alien tech to be had there and both have giant monsters, so could work either way.
I'm hoping for customisation, deeper CC and deeper damage mechanics. Shipping with multiple limbs and magnets would be cool, a man can dream.
Surely CB are watching the Obsidian Protocol products with interest.... I bet swappable pieces are possible, but magnets might be a bridge too far for CB. Would be awesome if they did it but the gain in backers would probably be marginal so I doubt they will.
I was indeed thinking of Obsidian Protocol when I made that comment, and how there hasn't been a peep for a couple of months.
Never heard of Obsidian Protocol before. Damn it looks good! Do they sell it somewhere or it was KS only?
As far as I know, KS only. That will surely change once they fulfill the KS and people see it in the wild.
All these equipment loadouts and pilots sure will give a lot of variety of builds. And control panels included! Wow. Too bad I missed it (though it was delayed too due to covid). Ah, and too bad TAGRaid will absolutely sure have none of these.
Not sure if you guys missed the massive global crisis with a complete shipping and production shitshow this last year or what: yes, practically everything relating to crowdfunding manufactured goods is delayed. I'm in the industry too, and we're minimum 6 months behind, mainly because you cannot get shipping for love or money right now, and factories are all backlogged. Add this being their first KS and it's a recipe for ugh. But it will work out: I've met these guys and they are definitely dedicated.
Back on-topic, one of the silver linings to everything KS being chaos this year is that most publishers have learned to seek redundancy for shipping and supply-chain issues. It will hopefully help tighten things up in future. I'm thinking CB will be on-time for TAG Raid, barring another uptick in the pandemic.
Hopefully. Getting Takom as a manufacturer gave me great hope, but they still don’t have finished designs for at least one faction. Going from final design to mould cutting is when I’ll be confident that it will work out.
Last kickstarter update was less than a month a go (march 30th). If they will deliver or not remains to be seen but they haven't gone dark yet at least.
Dungeons and Lasers 2 just delivered, 4 months early! But, that is a rare exception for KS in general and this timeframe especially so. I think the main issue with them, like another RPG kickstarter I'm in, is that they don't seem to have completed THEIR job of it, let alone getting it into production and shipping and stuff. Being a long time overdue for the basics does not bode well for long term survival, especially with comments that they got additional funding since everything cost more than they'd figured. But hey, here's to hoping!
I'm definitely interested in a game exploring an alternate facet of the setting - industrial equipment that's been retrofitted for a resource dispute is really interesting to me, and I'm excited to see how it ends up looking different than their standard top of the line military aesthetic.
Also, to speculate rampantly! Most TAGs in Infinity are primarily long range shooting platforms. However, the sample we've seen so far looks to be armed with a giant drill. I'm betting that they decided that they wanted the game to be based more on brawling than shooting, so something like mining and industrial equipment as the basis makes sense. It lets them refocus the game on melee combat without having to throw out all the established setting and lore.
Others have said it, but I too am really disappointed by the mining theme. I want to see war TAGS go at it and some new/alternate sculpts of the TAGs we all love.