Dragon Steindrage in 360° youtube. And this tonight (20:15), a Live on TTS Tag Raid on the german channel Diced (for german speaking).
It is alive https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/corvusbelli/infinity-deathmatch-tag-raid/description
Nov 2022? Doubt. Kinda disappointed they didn't think about component organisers and TAG panels as addons.
120,- € for the core game. For me, its too expensive. And the beasts - except the worm - do not trigger me so much.
yeah I'll pass on that one it seems like worse Battletech and the price is too high for a side game at least all minis in defiance were useable in infinity
FUNDED! Thank you so much for your support! We have showed the first Stretch Goals of the campaign, and I think they're pretty interesting ;) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/corvusbelli/infinity-deathmatch-tag-raid/posts/3349340 Thank you!
yep platinum pledged it XD @Koni no shipping to dawn this time? im going to have to get it routed through O-12 or yu jing space.....
Hey Koni, just out of curiosity why is there a much shorter backing window of 14 days this time instead of 4 weeks?