As far as I remember, they mentioned that 100% of units will be playable in Infinity (except Megabeasts ofc).
It seems like the human factions are all using mining TAGs converted for combat, but the Morats are using a combat TAG converted for mining. Which is pretty fitting.
They did mention that the rules for the dragon will be in the box, but the mini will be an add-on. Maybe Megalodron will get a similar treatment with the rules being in the box even if the mini isn't.
Index last video: Infos recap: - There will be a platinum bundle with all the expansions, like for the KS Defiance. - The dragon will be sold separately but its accessories, cards, profile and missions (2 for now but there will be more) related to Steindrage will be in the Core Box. - The dragon will be playable on iced tiles - The dragon shown is a prototype, not the final version and has no LED. - The Combined Army (Morat) will be released in Expansion: Search & Capture. Steindrage Gallery Spoiler: Steindrage arts Art Vurgok Link for KS Tag Raid: Post:
I hope they do something with Van Zant around Steindrage, it would be a shame not to do anything. ^^ Spoiler: Van Zant, dragon slayer
IRL size comparison photos for Steindrage. Sources:
Tag Raid TTS is coming Lien Steam: Post:,O*F
New blog. A bit shallow but does explain the purpose of rems and prospectors.
Gravitypool recorded a video of his first impressions of Tag Raid (in Spanish but there are auto subtitles):
KS Tag Raid : 11/03/2021
According to the latest The Weekender show this weekend, Bostria went to OnTableTop in the UK to make videos, so there will be a series of Tag Raid animations on that channel, at the start of the KS. Spoiler: Show