Alien is my favourite horror movie along side Exorcist. I rate Alien over second one cause it made a bigger impact on me. Aliens is just different. The first movie from 1979 is a timeless classic, a masterpiece, a work of genius. I was so excited when I found out that Ridley will have a second chance to make another Alien movie, but for all that is holly what a complete piece of worthless trash is Prometheus. It's really hard to grasp that the same person did Alien... But it's quite simple, Hollywood is very different today than Hollywood of old. Nothing but souless manure comes out of Hollywood for quite some time now. Flat one dimensional Hero god.....
Just pointing out, that as a general rule, we don't actually bbq shrimp here. BBQ is reserved for slabs of herbivore, generally - or those mystery skinny bags of "meatlike" (snags). Primarily because they are "king prawns" and not "shrimp" and secondarily because it dries them out too much if you bbq them. They are generally eaten cooked (boiled for a few minutes), with the heads, tails, carapace, legs and digestive tract removed. Also generally eaten as an xmas thing. I'm told we eat our collective weight in them over xmas-new year (I can't have them. Food issues).
Much like George Lucas, often times the Director gets WAY too much credit for the success or failure of a movie. While they can often make or break a good or bad film, truly great films are made by teams of people. countless hours and many minds put together create some of the pop culture we know and love, not just one dude. it's kind of sad to see one guy get so much love or hate for a movie. so much goes into making them.
Huh. I enjoyed the LotR movies so went into the Hobbit hoping for something good. I disliked the first one so much I never even bothered seeing the next two.
its good you stayed away, the first one was probably the only passable movie in my eyes.... haha... haha.... now im sad.
Much better with beer in your system. Oh, and the TV series is pretty entertaining, too. Also much better with beer in your system, but incredibly mindlessly entertaining. OK, that's a fair point. I usually consider a sequel to remain within the same genre, which is why I don't consider Aliens to be a sequel of Alien. Gah, the only good thing in that movie was watching Tom Cruise die a lot. I read the English translation of the original book (All you need is Kill was a Japanese light novel) about 10 years ago. We're trying to stay out of that particular obvious trap, thanks.
I think I need to adopt this standard, so I can take comfort in knowing that there are NO sequels to Aliens. Because I'm not sure what those other movies were trying to do.
3rd was trying to remake the 1st one, while 4th was trying to remake the 2nd. And 4th wasn't actually bad. 3rd should be staked and buried under the busiest crossroad in town. Which is a fair point as well. I wonder if we could make a list of series that changed genres between different installments. Predator immediately comes to mind.
Technically true. The third and fourth movies were ALIEN: whatever, not ALIENS: sequel after all Alien 3 was an ALIEN movie by committee. Too many different disparate elements trying to be force welded together into one whole.
I got a shipping notice for my 3rd Offensive book yesterday from Goblin Gaming. Anyone else got/getting their books shortly?
Yes. Local retailer is packing them on the weekend and will ship Monday (so I should get mine on Tuesday or Wednesday... or sometime in the new year depending on the proclivities of Aus Post). First 'its arrived' post has already appeared on FB.
Just got my shipping confirmation from Lvlup games *happy dance* I ordered it to my parents' address so they can bring it in mid December and I don't have to pay shipping or customs *less happy dance*
National treasure? That was a boat iirc. or are you talking about Con Air? I remember watching national treasure when I was a kid with my dad and even back then I was like "Dad, this movie isn't very good..... it doesn't make a lot of sense." Con Air is great though, they throw Dave Chapelle out of a plane and he turns into a dummy. its great. alos I should say my favorite is "Adaptation". Nick Cage plays two twin brothers. really really great movie, and I mean that genuinely
The last few pages of this thread are a clear sign that CB need to learn how to drive the hype train a bit better.
Favorite movie: The Rock. Favorite non popcorn muncher: Lord of War Favorite distillment of Nick Cage: Kickass - it was like the spirit of Raul Julia's M Bison had possessed Big Daddy in his final moments.