"This is it - a perfect 300 point list allowing you to buy the box and play without having to worry about anything else. More than one veteran player has already commented that this box adds up to more than 300 points, but don’t worry! We have thought of everything, and together with the information found of the Third Offensive book, the Military Orders will be revised and will receive small changes to their profiles, and new options for linked teams that will make this box a perfect fit." Very promising! I look forward to seeing the new link options.
Either Order Sergeants getting something ? (at least HD linkable ?) Or some (would be nice) Wildcarts (FK?). I'm really curious to see what Third Offensive is going to bring.
Haris options for at least some knights Hacker finally in the OS link team! MSV2 spitfire finally in the OS link team?
That would be a great start (especially seeing that somehow cheaper Deva MSV2 Spitfire doesn't have problems linking with own guys or Dakinis). I wish we could link FK ML with OS ;P
Also: mind description: Only Order Sergeant with Auxbot is described as "Specialist Sergeant" (normally also the HD OS carry such name), so mayby that's a hint towards the changes. Also can someone explain the red scheme on the box ? (what it is supposed to be)
oh boy, that would be something! really any Father knight being able to link is kind of scary imo. maybe people will actually take him now! nice spot
Going by the description all Specialist Sarges get Auxbots, this implies all the other profiles (hacker/MSV2) are now normal linkable Sarges (apart from Infiltrators, as usual) FK seems like a logical choice for a Wildcard, linkable Black Friar seems possible too.
Joan in full Magister link ?xD Or Joan with every single different knight (Hosp+Santiago+Montesa+Teuton) ;P
Even bonkers than that... although, in seriousness, I imagine the shift to bikes for Montesas will mean no Fireteam at all for them.
Give them Sensor+SMG and suddenly people will field them as a DUO (for this sweet Spitfire+SensorSMG). Santiagos themselvs are ok, their problem is that on some tables your BS17 Spitfire will still suck against Q-Drone or Frontovicks/Rriot girls. (especially that >24" you are hitting on 5s and Frontovick is hitting you on 15s ;/)
I'd be really surprised If they totally over haul profiles themselves, instead of some points tweaks/ link options. maybe a new option.
They should have said 300pts Hospitaller Order Army Pack IMO. That's where this red scheme is coming. Red is the color for the Hospitaller (all their talbard are red with a white cross).