In french we make a difference between : - végétariens : they don't eat "dead meat", but still eat eggs, fish and drink milk - végétaliens : no food from animal (including milk, eggs...), but i think some still eat honey - vegans : no animal products neither food nor clothing (leather, wool...). But never heard of any of them still eating chicken
Nah it's known. There are also apparently freegans (eating only "free" unproccessed food) and some people who apparently thinks eating only fruits is a good (and sustainable) idea.
There are all sorts of variations, but the rule of thumb, at least here, is that vegetarians don't eat meat of any kind. Animal products like eggs and milk sure but not meat.
"Fish are too dumb to be animals" actual quote from my dad's wife. She was a very shrewd and intelligent woman, but was of the opinion that just because someone else had decided that fish were animals didn't mean she'd have to exclude them from her diet when she didn't want to eat cute and potentially intelligent creatures. Also feeding the cats dead animals was mandatory because they are predators and need meat and feeding her child meat was also part of a good upbringing because she wasn't going to force her own convictions on the kid. Oh, and most vegetarian or vegan food at restaurants has broth made partly from dead animal parts as spice. P.s. I love the News threads on this forum.
To @Section9 's point, the early Christian church was attempting to split and fissure well before the Nicene Creed. The last several books of the Bible include letters from the apostles to various early churches, usually warning them or scolding them about the various errors they'd wandered into. As for individual members of the church not being Christian, it would bear repeating in any time period: "The Lord knows those who are his." Getting back on point! That YJ banner doesn't mesh very well with the other images we've had leak. Too clear cut, not enough 'noise' or static.
Ah, I'd missed that. I should make sure I specify that (belief in the tenets) the next time I have to deploy that particular line of argument. Hey, I'm game for that. Roos are awfully lean meat, though, tough to cook to a tasty standard. There are several who use it as their .sig file. Comes from an old Buddhist dietary restriction.
So she didn't teach her children any language, vaccinate them, or teach that killing or hurting others is bad ? What an amazing progressive approach ^^
Just be carefull not to use to many parethesis, I've heard that it might summon deamons on this forum ^^ ad rem: Well they already are changing their name so I guess you could use the "old one" ? Also: probably half of the protestants do have similar problems, had they had actually looked upon themselves.
Yu JIng doesn't do "static". Yu Jing communicates clearly :P Seriously, though - I see it as a homage to agitprop posters of the USSR, PRC, DPRK, and so on.
Colors checks out. Which brings yet another questions to this forums: are we allowed to post all kinds of symbols here ^^
I think the only one that might be problematic is an actual Nazi swastika. Dunno what laws there are in Spain, but the laws are pretty severe in France and Germany about showing the "National Socialist Asshole." I heard that the Catholic Church owned many of the docks in England (and not many of the sheep flocks) way back in the day, and in order to make money they made a rule about no 'meat' on Fridays. But since fish was explicitly OK, that gave one day a week for the fishmongers to make a lot of money off of the devout Catholics. Even though Vatican II removed that requirement back in 1964, the US military still serves fish as one of the meats on Fridays.