I'm very interested to see to what extent the new vanguard team pushes out existing star performers (hungry core, old model suryat pain train which still mostly exists, etc). It seems reliable and versatile enough to be a solid base for a list, but it's also juuust expensive enough (mostly thanks to the cost of the morat rule and the points you pay for good-but-costly extra capabilities on models like Anyat at the Raktorak) that maybe the full gold-plated version won't fit in every list. That said I'm excited to finally put my Anyat model on the table. Never got around to it before, definitely will now :)
Thanks, I can't keep up with all of them and was not aware of that. That being said, I don't put as much weight on unprepared responses from Q&A sessions, as there are a lot of ways to make accidental mistakes in what you say at one of those.
Eh... If he's the face of the company and makes promises, its on them to deliver or face the repercussions... Not on the fan base to construct a panel to verify the likelihood of promises being delivered :P
Anyat is solid. She's a real toolbox... and her E/M grenades and K1 Combi give HI and TAGs reason to pause. Regarding Raktoraks, I'll be really surprised if they haven't *increased* in price with the addition of Wildcard and NCO. Also unsure if I expect all profiles to get NCO.
Agree on both fronts. Wildcard is typically a free ability, but NCO seems like it must be costed somehow. Will see tomorrow.
reading the book some, I found a couple of Shas tidbits hinting at the future. one is in the fluff section, about Speculo Agents, quote “Lacking the improved combat skills of the Speculo Killers, but possessing the same infiltration and impersonation abilities.” second thing was in the new rules, under Decoy. There's a long paragraph explaining how Decoy works for a unit with airborne deployment, and the example was a Cadmus troop, where it dropped in, dispersed after failing the PH rule, and then placed two decoys in coherency with the one that dropped - and any one of them could be the real model. That one kinda excites me.
Oh that is interesting. An airborne landing with functionally an 8" grace area seems extremely consistent (even if you were to lose a decoy or two to enemy ARO fire on the botched landing).
If they get the ability to hatch from seed embryo as a short skill (its currently still an N2 rule), that would make them massively better even with no profile changes - hatch and surprise shot from Decoy with an assault pistol? hell yes please.
I doubt it but the only thing acceptable is a specialist and also acceptable for no change cause they're awesome
New weapon okay? Multimarksman Rifle or SMG? Vulkan Shotgun? Or new skill? NCO would be very excite. Free Agent?
You are correct apologies, bad memory Mobat is the female morat, so Ze is Silent, now I remember why I am confused, their name should be Zebat, unless Morats use "Rat" as neutral and masculine. Human Sphere book It is an interesting idea, discussed.
That's pretty much what Games Workshop is doing this days, and so far it seems to work pretty well for them. I'd love to see dev diaries and the like for Infinity!
Because there may not be anything good to bring? I mean, one perspective is they are doing some trimming to free up shas design space, or something.....yeah, I got nothin'
Which would beg the question of why they're reworking :P They don't need to adjust Morats to make space for Shas - they have loads of SKUs of their own to supercede with new models. And they already freed up all the Exrah ones ;)
Hence my admission that "I got nothin'" :D I do hope the monkeys get some love, as we have had some local players ask me about that sectorial, and I cannot lie when asked an honest question like that